The Dream

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Lucy POV: We all sat at a table where we get to cook our own meat. "You know i've never eaten at a place like this before, we didn't have any of these in my town that I know of" The waitress came and refilled our drinks as we enjoyed our meal. "So Lucy, why did you come to Fairy Tail?" Natsu looked at me with a pork slice hanging out of his mouth that was actually still on fire. He does know that's on fire right? I sighed knowing I had to tell him. I wanted to keep it quiet incase untrusting ears were around but I felt at that moment it was safe, so I told him everything. From my mom dying, not being allowed to use magic, my father's death because the dark guilds were after me to open the portal to Hell, and how I would up in Magnolia. "Wow Lushie, that's so sad, but it's okay now because you met me and Natsu, we're pretty strong. You can come with us on adventures and eat fishies with us whenever you want!" Happy exclaimed with a fish in his mouth. Jeez do they ever eat with their mouths closed? Natsu just kind of stared at me with a concerned look on his face. "Lucy, as long as you're here, the guild and I won't ever let anything happen to you. I promise." I could feel myself getting red in the face as his tone was so serious, but then it began to soften. "And if they do, well i'll just have to beat 'em all then! So don't worry about anything okay?" He smiled with his toothy grin. His reassuring smile put me at ease. I nodded my head as natsu picked up a flame from the grill and ate it. "Baka! What are you doing?!" This guy is crazy he really just ate fire. "I'm eating fire. Ya know us dragon slayers also eat our magic type, and ya know I gotta keep a fire in my belly! Since we're on the topic though, you know that guy you talked about. The salamander guy I mean. He is apart of our guild and everything you've said about him is true." He winked at me with a smirk on his face. Wait a second, it's like it hit me like a rock. "YOU?! Your Salamander?! You know I thought you'd be a bit taller to be honest." He shrugged at me. I giggled, "You know Salamander you were in my town last year and set a boat on fire. My dad had an ear full of complaints about the Fairy Tail guild, but honestly it just made the guild sound so much more exciting to me." "Yup sounds like Natshu!" Happy chimed in. "Well guys i'm getting pretty tired and this was fun but I really need to get some sleep. Thinking tonight I get to sleep in a bed again i'm so excited! All this traveling has really put a strain on me." I paid our bill and we left the restaurant. We walked back to my apartment in silence mostly with Happy rambling on about how good the fish was and how he was going to bring someone named Carla here to enjoy it with him someday. It was a nice feeling having company around after being by myself to scared to trust anyone for awhile, but with Natsu I felt at ease like I could breathe again. When we reached my apartment I turned to say goodbye. "Hey Natsu, I just want to say thank you for everything. It's been hard lately and as soon as I met you it's like everything is starting to fall into place. It's like fate is finally on my side today." I bowed my head and headed toward the door. "No problem Luce, I'll always be there if you ever fall." He winked at me and waved as they began to walk away. Man I'll never live that one down. I went into my room and changed into a cute pink nightgown and laid on my bed. Today was the first day i've truly felt happy in awhile. I can definitely get used to this.

Natsu POV: "Hey Natsu, I really like Lucy. I think she should be on our team even if she is a bit clumsy." "Yeah Happy, well maybe tomorrow I'll ask her if she wants too be because I think so too." I can't help but wonder why I feel so drawn to her. It's like the moment I saw her my whole body was electrified. Knowing someone out there wants to track her down and use her to open some portal to Hell. I'm not going to let that happen. I'll do anything to protect her. I drifted off into sleep thinking of her. **Natsu's dream** I'm sitting in front of a mirror and there's a person staring back at me, but it wasn't me? Was it me? It looks like me, but my eyes are blood red, horns coming from my forehead and my fangs were much longer and sharper than normal. A man appeared behind me wearing a black robe with black hair. "I'll see you soon Natsu, my dear little brother." **Dream Ended** I woke up in a sweat and ran straight to the bathroom. Thank Mavis there's no horns on my head and my eyes were the same onyx color they usually were. It's morning already?

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