Taking Peanut Home

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24 hours had past from the best moment of my entire life. The moment my son was born. Carina had decided to keep me and the little peanut in over night for monitoring. Link didn't want to leave me again so he decided to stay the night too and so he slept on the chair beside my bed. I felt bad for him, he'd been in a five hour surgery and instead of lying in a nice cosy bed he was stuck on a little chair. My guilt didn't last long because I remjnded myself that I had pushed a human being out of me therefore I deserved the bed. I looked towards him and smiled I just couldn't believe that we were now parents.

Today, we were able to take peanut home we were able to leave the hospital as a family. Link carried peanut in his carrier and we walked together hand in hand through the hospital corridors until we reached our car.

The entire car ride was a hell ish experience everything was going too fast.

"Link you need to slow down!" I yelled

Link replied with his voice soft "Amelia im driving at 10 miles an hour. Everything is going to be okay."

"You don't know that! This is what I was talking about, anything could happen now we are taking care of an actual human being we have to protect him and you are driving too fast!" I was starting to feel really anxious and I was getting mad and the man I loved.

Link sighed." Listen, I know you are scared I am terrified but we'll get through this together and peanut will be okay I'll make sure of it but if it will calm you down I drive at 5 miles an hour, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

I took a deep breath and stared at my son sitting beside me. He looked so beautiful, from the moment I laid eyes on him it was love at first sight. He was just perfect and I knew deep in my heart that I would do anything to protect him.

(I know this is bad but I had an idea and decided to roll with it. Thanks for reading!)

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