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It had been three days. Three days since Amelia and Link had brought their son, Scout, home. It had been three days since he'd been at the hospital, safe with doctors surrounding him. It had been three days since Amelia had gotten any sleep at all.

"You're okay, you're okay" the surgeon whispered watching over her son.

She felt movement beside her, Link sat up and stroked the neurosurgeons arm.

"Amelia, you need to go to sleep." he whispered in her ear softly

"I will. I promise." She told her boyfriend, without taking her eyes of their son.

Link shook his head "You said that last time and the time before that and the time before that." he paused for a moment to look at her fully "I will, I promise is all you've been saying since we brought hime home. That was three days ago amelia."

Amelia nodded, not taking her eyes off their son "I know, I know. Its just I need to make sure he's okay."

"He is okay." Link told her

"We don't know that."

Link stroked his girlfriends arm, "We do. He's here, he's okay. You need to rest." He told her firmly

The neurosurgeons voice began to break "I can't do it. I can't leave him. I just can't."

"Okay, but you're not leaving him, you're just shutting your eyes. He'll be here when we wake up, I promise."

"You don't know that." She replied coldly

"Amelia, I hate to say this and I really don't want to hurt you but Scout isn't Christopher."

Amelia inhaled sharply.

"He isn't. I understand why you're anxious and why you don't want to leave him I understand that, I do, just like I understood why you wouldn't let me hold him for the first 45 minutes of his life. I understand it Amelia, I'm trying to understand your pain. I know its difficult but I think you need to understand that Scout isn't Christopher, okay?"

Amelia turned to look at her boyfriend who was staring at her with tears in his eyes" "Christopher is dead, Link. I know Scout isn't Christopher but that won't stop him from getting sick or even worse." she said starting to cry

Link placed his hands on Amelias shoulders to ground her "Okay stop. Nothing is going to happen."

"How do you know?" she asked wiping her tears away

"Because I just do. I have faith, he's going to be okay. "

Link took a deep breath and rubbed circles on his girlfriends back "can i ask you a question?"

"I guess" Amelia shrugged

"When we were at the hospital you slept. You didn't stay awake checking on him, why are you doing this now? I just want to know" he justified, his question.

Amelia sighed "at the hospital, we were surrounded by doctors. He was surrounded by doctors. I guess I knew he was safe"

Link nodded slowly and wrapped his arms around Amelias body and pulled her close to him

"Okay, but Amelia we live in a house filled with doctors. I'm a doctor. You're a doctor. Maggie's a doctor. Meredith's a doctor. All of our friends and family are doctors. This child has got the best people around him who'll help him no matter what."

Amelia turned her head slightly to look at link, she gave him a soft smile.

He pressed his lips against her forehead." if I'm honest, that's how I know he'll be okay. He's got us, a family who loves him. That's all that matters, right"

"yeah, I suppose" Amelia paused for a moment "I'm just scared"

"I know, but I just wish you'd talk to me. I could've helped sooner, you know?"

"I know and I'm sorry, it's just I didn't want you to coddle me or get annoyed"

Link interrupted her "I'll never be annoyed with you Amelia for wanting to protect our son and you don't ever have to apologise. You've been through so much, you're allowed to be scared but you're also allowed to let people in." he told her firmly hoping she'd understand

"Youre right. I promise I'll talk to you next time"

Link smiled and kissed his girlfriend's cheek "thank you"

He looked at her and slowly moved a piece of hair falling in front of her face to behind her ear "so you want to get some rest now? I'll stay up and watch him, if you want"

Amelia chuckled quietly "no that's okay, I need you to cuddle with so I can fall asleep."

Link laughed "haha, okay" before resting his body back on the comfy bed.

Amelia pulled herself in to Links embrace and wrapped her arms around his torso "He's going to be okay, Amelia" Link told her one last time to ease her anxiousness.

Amelia took a deep breath "He's going to be okay."

(Hi Guys! I'm back!!! This was an idea I had after watching last week's episode, as much as I love amelia being happy and loving motherhood I was slightly dissapointed that we didn't get to see her reactions to being a mother again. In private practice she went though so much with Christopher that I kinda hoped they'd reference it so I decided to create my own little story on what I had wanted to see. Hope you enjoyed it! Also, who else is excited for tonights episode, I certainly am! Please feel free to send me prompts too if you like! Thank you!!)

Amelia and Link one shots Where stories live. Discover now