Are You Jelous?

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Hey! What are you doing today" Link asks me whilst passing me a coffee we turn round the corner and begin walking towards the lobby.

"Well Tom has set this meeting up with a colleague of his who wants to train under me. Be my fellow, I guess."

"That's exciting." he paused for a second and looked at my face - it did not look happy.'Why do I get the feeling that you're not looking forward to this at all"

"For one this meeting means I have no surgeries booked unless a head trauma comes in and also it's just, I don't care for the teaching aspect you know. I have interns that I teach that's enough for me I don't need someone else, you know what I mean?

He paused and looked at me confused "You do realise this is a teaching hospital right?"

I teasingly leaned into him and laughed "shut up!"

He laughed too and placed his arm around my lower back. I smiled.

"Okay, I've gotta go. Thanks for the coffee"

He smiled "You're welcome. Now go kick some ass"

I looked at him before pressing my lips against his "you've never said that before in your life have you?"

Before my lips met his he laughed and replied with a simple "No."

Our lips touched just for a second as I pulled away i saw him smile "I love you"

"I love you too" I quickly pressed my lips against his "alright I've really gotta go"

He looked at me "alright, you go. I'm not stopping you" he kissed me again and I sighed as I pulled away "Stop, I really do have to go" I said.

He laughed and removed his arm from around by back "Okay, go"

I laughed and turned away. I was dying to look back but I knew he'd be watching me.

I walked into the conference room and I was introduced to Tom's colleague. He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome.

"Hi" he smiled as I entered the room. I gave him a small smile back before holding my hand out. He grabbed it and gave it a strong shake "I'm Dr Sam Hudson, its a pleasure to meet you Dr shepherd"

"Likewise, also you can call me Amelia. " I replied whilst pulling out a chair to sit in.

We spent 40 mins in the conference room discussing Dr Hudson's plan for if he became my fellow. I didn't want to admit it but the plan sounded really good. It meant I could teach and have someone who could cover for me when necessary which was great considering I wanted to spend more time with Link and the baby.

I showed Sam around Grey Sloan before heading to the cafeteria for lunch where we bumped into Link.

"Hey! " I said as I approached him at the table he was sitting at by himself.

" Hey!" He jumped and looked up at me. A smile instantly grew on his face his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the man standing behind me.
"Who's this?" he asked.

" Oh, this is Dr Hudson, he's considering joining Grey Sloan to be my fellow. I turned to Dr Hudson and introduced him to Link. "This is Dr Atticus Lincoln he's our Head of Ortho" I told him.

Link stood up and held his arm out "you can just call me Link"
Sam acknowledged his hand and shook it "you can call me Sam". They both chuckled to themselves

Once he had finished shaking Sam's hand Link put his arm around me. Making me smile instantly.

He then turned towards me "Do you want to join me for lunch?"

Amelia and Link one shots Where stories live. Discover now