The Wedding Pt 3

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(Hi all I'm so sorry this took so long to update! I've been away and I've been struggling with some writers block so the ending to this story is a little rushed but I wanted to upload ASAP so sorry if there's any mistakes or it just isn't very good. Strangely enough I have been able to write a few more one shots so I should be back to normal uploading on a Monday for the next few weeks :) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this final part to the wedding series!)

"Are you ready?" Maggie asked Amelia whilst taking her hand

Amelia smiled wide "ready as I'll ever be"

As the two sisters entered the living space soft music started to play in the background and Link's smile grew wide once he saw his future wife, their eyes locked and their smiles brightened as Amelia walked closer to Link.

Link reached his hand out and Amelia took it letting go of Maggie and kissing her sisters cheek

"thank you for everything" Amelia whispered into her sisters ear. Maggie didn't reply instead she just nodded and took her place beside Meredith.

"Okay, we are gathered here today to join Atticus Lincoln and Amelia Shepherd in holy matrimony" Meredith looked towards her sister "You know, Amelia's my sister and I have seen her be rash and immediately fall in love with a guy and marry him"

"Hey!" Amelia protested, lightly slapping her sisters arm

"I've seen her hide out here to escape, I've seen her cry over guys but I've never seen her one millionth as happy since she met you" Meredith focused her attention on Link "You and I didn't really hit it off when we met, I thought you were a little annoying too be honest" this remark caused both Amelia and Link to laugh, Meredith ignored their giggles and continued "but I knew you were a good guy and you really are a good guy Link because you love Amelia, you love her no matter what, you see past everything she's been through and just see her for her, now. You don't see anything else and we all know her past has been something she struggles with but you don't hold her against it, you just love her for her and that's why you're one of the best people I know"

Meredith paused for a moment and really looked at the couple standing before her, they were both holding each others hands tight and they hadn't lost eye contact once, they were both smiling bright and Meredith laughed. "You two are just so in love and everyone can see it, I mean it would be impossible not to, you have brought a beautiful child into this world who I know you both love more than anything, and having a child can be tough, it is tough. It can be hard sometimes for you to be the people you fell in love with but you two seem to get by okay and that's because you're love has never wavered and it never will" Meredith smiled, and turned to face Amelia "time for the vows"

Amelia nodded in response, and just stayed focused on Link "Before you, I thought I'd been in love. I thought I'd experienced happiness at the largest degree. I thought I knew what it felt to be loved but I was wrong because the love I have experienced with you is like nothing of the sort I've experienced before and that's because I am in love with you Link, truly." Amelia paused and took a breath in before beginning to speak.  "I remember being so scared about having Scout but you took all that fear away by saying one simple thing 'I don't want anything to hurt you" and since that moment you have protected me from any pain and you've encouraged me to be a better person, to be a better mom. Before you said those things, I was so scared, I was terrified but you changed that. You gave me the best thing that has ever happened to me, you gave me another son, you gave me happiness. You changed me Link, you make be brave and I'm so grateful for that and I promise to love you and our little boy until the end of time" the woman breathed loud and smiled when her husband wiped her tears away with his hand.

"I love you" he breathed whilst kissing his wife's lips, before the kiss could deepen Meredith interrupted the happy couple

"Hey! No kissing until I say so! Okay, Link your vows please"

"Amelia, I love you. I never thought I wanted this, I've told you before that I preferred casual, I preferred no strings attached but then I met you and everything changed for me. I was in love. I remember you telling me we should take it slow and then a few weeks later you told me you were pregnant"

As soon as Link said that, everyone in the room chuckled and Link did too "Like yourself, I was scared too but then you told me everything you had survived and then I realised that having a child wasn't so scary anymore it was the best possible thing and I'm so thankful that you gave me him. I'm so thankful that you chose me, I'm so thankful that we met. I love you so much and that will never change. I can't wait to spend my forever with you and our son" Link smiled and Amelia took his hand in hers

"Amelia, do you take Atticus Lincoln to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"Atticus Lincoln, do you take Amelia Frances Shepherd to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you can kiss the bride"

The entire room erupted in cheers as Link took amelia in his arms and kissed her hard, her hands wrapped around his neck and for a moment it felt like they were the only people in the room that was until Maggie pulled Amelia away to engulf her in a hug

"I'm so happy for you Amelia!" she squealed

"Thanks Maggie, I love you so much" Amelia cried whilst pullimg away from her sisters embrace

"I love you too" Maggie told her truthfully

Meredith walked over to her sisters and hugged her sister in law from behind "I'm really proud of you Amelia, the person you've become"

Amelia smiled and turned to face her sister, "thank you Mer, do you think he'd be proud" she didn't need to specify who "he" was Meredith knew. She nodded as she hugged her sister "He'd be so proud of you Amelia, he'd be so proud of the way you've handled everything and he's just want you to be happy"

"I am happy" Amelia confirmed

"I know" Mer smiled and the two sisters shared a short yet meaningful hug before Maggie wrapped her arms around the two so she could share the love they were all feeling.

Jo placed Scout in his father's arms before hugging Link tight "I'm so happy for you Link"

"Thanks Jo!" Link replied pulling away, he took his best friends hand and focused his attention on her "Are you okay? I feel bad doing this after everything that happened with Alex" he admitted feeling slightly guilty

Jo sighed "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me anymore I can handle it. You shouldn't feel bad about being happy Link, you and Amelia were made for one another and you should celebrate that"

Link smiled and heard what Jo had told him before he could respond Amelia appeared by his side "there's my boy" she cooed at their son, kissing his forehead she looked up at Link and rested her hand on his cheek "and there's my other boy!" she exclaimed kissing Link on the lips

"How's my wife?" Link asked with a smirk

Amelia smiled wide "She's in love. How's her husband?"

"He's in love too" He smiled pressing his lips against hers.

the end.

(So this is the end of my The Wedding series, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry if that ending was a bit rubbish! I should be back next week with another one shot so stay tuned!)

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