My Big, Calm Mountain

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She was sitting in the hospital waiting room feeling scared, frightened, alone. Her knee was bouncing up and down - it was something she did when she was anxious. She was just sitting there staring at the door in front of her.

Suddenly a voice pulled her out of her gaze, "Amelia?" she looked up towards the familiar voice, her eyes didn't change. She'd been hoping for someone else, she'd been praying that someone else's voice would ask her if she was okay but instead it was Owen.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked worriedly whilst taking the sit beside her.

She returned her gaze to the door, her leg bouncing again, Owen gently rested his hand above it to stop its fast motion. She looked towards him, and glanced to her leg "Scout's in surgery" she said, her voice beginning to break. She couldn't cry, she thought, she couldn't cause if she did she wouldn't be able to stop.

"What? Why?" Owen questioned, wanting to get more answers from Amelia. She looked at him for a moment and then returned to look at the door.

"Appendicitis" she sighed, resting her head in her hands

"Okay, hey he'll be okay" he told her reassuringly, stroking her back. He could see that this act of kindness was not helping her calm down so instead he asked something that he didn't want to ask cause it pained him inside but he knew Amelia needed someone and it wasn't him.

"Where's Link?" Owen asked, genuinely confused at where Amelia's boyfriend was.

"He's in surgery" she rested her head back in the chair "Jo's, there waiting for him to be done"

Owen looked at her confused, Amelia noticed and explained in more depth why Link wasn't with her right now, calming her. "we can't tell him cause of hospital policy, you'd know?" she didn't need to add the last part but she did for affect, she knew it would remind Owen of the time he didn't tell her Derek was dead until she'd come out of surgery.

He seemed taken aback by her response, it reminded him of Derek too, he looked at her for a moment with sadness in his eyes before he looked away - ashamed of his past behaviour.

Suddenly, Amelia stood up beside him "Oh, thank god" she breathed. He looked at her confused before following her gaze to see Link rushing through the double doors and heading towards his panicked girlfriend.

As soon as he reached her, Link wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, she rested her head against his shoulder and for a moment everything was perfect. Everything was okay, the moment faded when Link pulled her out of his embrace.

"What happened?" he asked full of concern, resting his hands on her shoulders

"He was fine all morning but daycare paged, noticed something was off and now he's in surgery" she was starting to panic whilst retelling the story and Link could see that so he pushed her into his chest and returned to wrapping his arms around her, he nooked his head into his girlfriend's neck and gently whispered "its okay, everything is okay."

Amelia jerked out of her boyfriend's embrace, "No! It's not okay! We weren't there, we weren't with him, he's scared and we weren't there, it's not okay"

Link's eyes met Amelia's, he noticed they were glazed over, like she was about to open the flood gates. He wanted to stop her pain but he knew that wasn't entirely possible so instead he lightly placed his hand on her cheek and stepped forward towards her, so he could be closer.

"We're here now. When he comes out of surgery, we'll be the first people he will see. Amelia, don't worry about the past. Yeah we weren't there and that sucks but we can't focus on that cause we can't change the past but we can focus what happens now and once Hayes tells us he's okay, we'll be there with him, alright?"

Amelia smiled and leaned her head against Link's hand, he smirked and gently stroked her face.

" I love you" she sighed whilst walking back into Links embrace, he smiled and engulfed her with his arms "I love you, too" he replied whilst pressing his lips against her forehead.

All of sudden, a loud cough pulled the couple out of their thoughts Amelia stepped back and turned her head to see the person whose cough had just ruined their moment, when she did turn round she saw Owen and immediately felt embarrassed. She had completely forgotten he was there.

"I'm gonna go" Owen sighed whilst rising from his chair "I hope Scouts okay"

Amelia nodded, and smiled at her ex, he smiled too and then looked towards Link. He looked at the man and smiled "thanks for staying with her, man" Link told him casually, truly grateful that Amelia has someone with her whilst he was in surgery.

"It was no problem" Owen smiled and simply walked away leaving the two parents alone so they could take in what had happened.

Link reached for Amelia's hand and the pair sat down together ensuring that their hands stayed intertwined.

Amelia, rested her head against Links shoulder and pulled his arm around her and began stroking her side. She felt calmed, soothed.

She began to laugh, confusing Link "What?" he asked looking at his girlfriend who was giggling beside him

"It's just, you really are my big, calm mountain" she told him, still resting her head on his shoulder.

"What?" he chuckled still confused at his girlfriend's remark

"Ages ago, I told Maggie you were my big, calm mountain cause you're always able to calm me down when I'm spinning out"

"Oh" Link chuckled recognising why his girlfriend was laughing, he looked down towards Amelia and smiled "Well, I guess I am your big, calm mountain"

"Mmm, I guess you are." Amelia sighed

Link could tell that his girlfriend was still tense "he's okay Amelia" he told her reassuringly

She looked up at him, "He's okay" he told her again

Her thoughts changed, she was really starting to think the worst "what if-"

Link cut her off "He's okay" he smiled "the more you say it, the more it'll be true" he smirked

Amelia smirked too, and laughed slightly she just couldn't believe that Link had this calming affect on her even when their son was in surgery, she lightly pressed her lips against Link's cheek and slid down his chest returning to the comfortable position of relaxing her head against his body so she could hear his heart beat. She took a deep breath and sighed,

"He's okay."

And everything was, okay.

(Hope you enjoyed this! Thank you to everyone who is voting/commenting in my posts it really means alot, should have another story ready next week, thanks for reading!!)

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