The Proposal Pt 1

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Link had been pacing back and forth in the attendings lounge for the last hour waiting for his girlfriends sisters to turn up - he really needed to speak with them.

It had been just over an hour and they still hadn't arrived, so Link continued to pace back and forth until he heard the door open, he turned around smiling only to be slightly dissapointed to see his girlfriend's face.

"Hey" she smiled walking towards her boyfriend

"Hey" he replied softly trying to hide his dissapointment

Amelia clocked Links face and looked down at his hands - he was rubbing them together anxiously. She grabbed hold of them to calm him and looked at her boyfriend

"What's wrong?" she asked

"What?!" Link's voice went an octave higher when replying to Amelia a further indication that something was wrong "Nothings wrong" he said casually noticing how high his voice had gone to his first response to her question.

Amelia's face changed and she looked at her boyfriend questionably "Seriously, what's wrong?" she asked again hoping to get the truth from him this time.

Link sighed "I'm waiting for Meredith, I need her help with a patient of mine"

He lied.

Amelias mouth changed to an "oh" shape "I'm sorry, I can't help you" she told him softly

Link looked at his girlfriend and lightly stroked a piece of her hair behind her ear "You are helping, you've calmed me down" he chuckled.

Amelia laughed in "Actually I came in here looking for Jo, you haven't seen her have you?"

Link's brows furrowed, Amelia never spoke to Jo one-on-one, actually the only time she ever would speak to Jo was when Mer and Link were around so her question shocked him a little.

"Jo?" he asked confused."why do you need Jo?"

"I've got surgery in 10 mins and I need someone from general to monitor the patient"

She lied.

"Oh" Link replied "I saw her about an hour ago in the lab" he smiled

"Great! Okay, I'm gonna go find her" Amelia said urgently

She lightly pressed her lips against her boyfriends, once she pulled away she looked at him and smiled "I love you, you know"

Link looked down at his girlfriend "I love you, too" he smiled

Amelia slowly pulled her hands out of Link's and headed towards the door. Once she had gone Link took a deep breath and returned to pacing back and forth. Another half hour had gone by before Meredith and Maggie arrived.

"Sorry!" Maggie apologised when walking in "Our surgery ran long" she explained, Link nodded and watched as she lay herself down on the couch

"Everything okay?" Meredith asked, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, no everything's fine" Link responded "it's just, this is about Amelia"

Meredith and Maggie both shared a look "what's happened?" Meredith asked taking a seat next to her sister on the couch

"Nothings happened" Link replied fast "it's just, um, it's just uh" he was beginning to stutter, he couldn't get his words out.

"Link, what is it?" Maggie pressed, wanting to know

"Okay, um, do you know how Amelia would feel about getting married again?" he sputtered out

"WHAT?" Maggie asked, immediately rising from her laying down position so she could be seated on the couch "You're proposing?" she asked eagerly

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