Ex-Girlfriend Alert

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(Hi all! Wow, I actually posted on time for once! This one shot is based on a prompt I recieved a while back where Amelia is jealous, I tried my best and I really hope you enjoy!)

(Link's POV)

"I'm just saying I should be godmother!" Jo protested, she'd been arguing with me for weeks on reasons as to why she should be Scouts godmother.

"Jo, you gotta stop. Amelia chose Maggie, that's that but you're still gonna be a super fun aunt" I said trying to sway her

She made a face "uhh, alright I give in"

I laughed and looked down at my tablet. All of sudden I could hear Jo's urgent whispers "oh no, oh no"

"what?" I asked looking up at her

"ex-girlfriend alert, ex-girlfriend alert?" she whispered squeezing my arm

I repeated my question, this time with wide eyes. Before I could even comprehend what Jo was telling me I heard a familiar voice.


I turned round fast "Bronwyn?!" I exclaimed trying to hide my confusion and slight annoyance that my ex-girlfriend was in town.

"Do you work here?" she asked hugging me

"I do" I smiled pulling away from her embrace

"So, what brings you here?" I questioned

"You remember my brother?"

I nodded, her brother Sam and I were good friends back in the day that was until Bronwyn dumped me. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my ex's whiny voice

"Well, his wife's having a kidney transplant today and he's the donor"

Before I could respond to her Jo said something "wait, I'm on a kidney transplant case today with Dr Grey"

"Brooke!" Bronwyn asked with wide eyes "You work here too!" she squealed with excitement rushing over to Jo to embrace her in a hug, she must've obviously forgotten how much she hates Jo, I thought to myself.

"So are you two still just friends" she asked using quotation marks around the "just friends" part of the question.

Jo and I just nodded in response and smiled "just friends" before we could continue to discuss mine and Jo's friendship Amelia appeared carrying our son.

"Okay, here's daddy!" she looked at Scout using her baby voice. She lightly passed him to me before dumping the diaper bag on my feet and telling me some more information "I just picked him up from daycare, milks in the bag and so are the diapers, you got him?" she asked talking extremely fast.

"Are you okay?" I asked watching her tap her foot anxiously

"there's a case, like a really big case. Apple sized hematoma on the frontal lobe just like my tumor except this isn't my tumor so I can remove it but Koracicks racing me, whoever gets to the OR first wins, have you seen him? " she gasped, she hadn't taken a single breath the entire sentence

Just as I began to answer the question Tom ran past "oh, hi insta family, you may think you're better than me shepherd but you're certainly not faster" he mocked before rushing off

Amelia's face changed from smiling to sudden anger "TOM! TOM!" she yelled before running off to chase him.

"be careful!" I shouted hoping she'd hear me, she didn't though.

"Hey buddy!" I smiled looking at my son, Jo came over and stroked his hair "ahhh, my godson's so gorgeous" she smiled cheekily looking up at me

I sighed "Jo, for the last time Maggie's his godmother"

Amelia and Link one shots Where stories live. Discover now