Do You Want To Move In With Me?

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"You paged? " I ask walking into the attendings lounge to find Link pacing back and forth.

"Yeah, I need help on this case" he tells me

"Oooo, what we got?" I ask enthusiastically

"I want to ask Amelia to move in with me but I don't know how to do it" he states

"Oh" I state plainly

"Is it bad? Do you think she doesn't want to move in with me? I just think it's a little too cramped living at Meredith's that's all but I guess she's wi"

I cut him off before he could finish

"Nothings wrong, it's just I thought I'd be opening up a heart"

"Oh, sorry" he sighed

"It's okay. Answering your question, I'm sure Amelia would love to move in with you!"

"Do you reckon?" he asks

"Oh 100%" I say confidently knowing that's all she had been thinking about for the last few weeks.

*2 weeks ago*

"ahhhh" Amelia yelled whilst resting her head on the kitchen table

"I'm guessing you need coffee?" I ask laughing

"No, I'm okay. This isn't tiredness, its just me" she says lifting her head up

I pour myself a cup do coffee and walk back over towards the table "what's wrong?"

"It's just." she paused for a moment "Do you think Link is ever going to ask me to move in with him?" she asks

"Ooo boy trouble" I say taking a sip of coffee

"Not boy trouble as such" she says whilst widening her arms around her head to stretch "its more like is my boyfriend gonna ask me to move in with him or not"

I gave her look and put my cup down on the table "sounds like boy trouble to me, besides aren't you guys living together already? He's been staying here for months, when does he ever go to his place? "

"He doesn't" she replied whilst standing up and walking towards the kitchen sink to get herself a glass of water "he only goes to his place to get more clothes"

"then why hasn't he asked you to move in?" I ask

"Seriously?" she gives me a look "this whole conversation is about why hasn't he asked me yet"

"Right. Sorry. You don't know he might be thinking of asking or he already thinks you live together. Cause from an outsiders point of view it looks like you do"

"I love you. I love Meredith. I love the kids. I don't mind DeLuca but it's too crowded in here especially for a family of 3." she points out.

"Well you don't know he might be coming up with a really nice way to ask you" I say

"If he's taking this long then he must be writing that song for me" she says whilst taking a sip of water.

I looked at her confused

"Don't ask" she laughed

"I just really want him to ask me" she sighed

*Present Day*

"I just don't know how to ask her" Link says sounding frustrated he walks over to the couch and sits down.

"Why do you need me, again?" I ask whilst pouring us both some coffee

"She's your sister. You know her better than anyone" he points out

I hand him his coffee and he gives me a weak smile." I know my sister Amelia you know your girlfriend Amelia. You know what she'd like"

"What if I don't and I ask her all wrong?" he asked looking up to me.

I sat down infront of him and looked him in the eye "I'm going to ask you a question, okay"

"Okay" he nodded

"Would you ask Amelia to move in with you with a flashmob and 50 plus dancers singing to her in the hospital lobby?" I asked

Almost instantly Link replied "No, definitely not. She'd hate that" he said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"You see, you do know her and you know exactly how to ask. You're just scared she's gonna say no" I point out

"What if she does say no?" he asks looking at me

I stand up and head towards the door but before I open it I turn round to look at Link who's staring at me waiting for me to answer to his question.

I smiled "She won't. Trust me." I opened the door and walked through it leaving Link to sit their with his thoughts.

*Later on that night*

Amelia and I are lying in bed sitting in silence. Not awkward silence though, comfortable silence. After a few moments though I decide to pluck up the courage and just ask to move in but as I go to open my mouth to ask she opens her mouth too and starts to speak

"When are you going to ask me to move in with you?"
"Do you want to move in with me?" we both say at the same time

She pulls back and sits up "wait you want me to move in with you?" she asks smiling.

"Yeah. Do you want to move in with me?" I ask

"hell yes!" was her reply, she pulled me close and pressed her lips onto mine.

"I was so nervous to ask you" I say whilst pulling away

"I was nervous waiting for you to ask me" she laughs, I start laughing too.

We lay back down and I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder

"I was thinking that you could move into my place just for a little while and then maybe we could buy a place together cause my apartment is only a one bed so that means the baby will be in our room and I think when he gets older he'd want his own space and so will we. Also, my apartment is really cramped and it's not great for a family. I mean I did buy it just for me but if we bought our own place then it would be ours and it would be our home" I say

Amelia turns round to look at me "you've really thought this through" she says smiling

"I have. So what do you think?" I ask hesitantly

"I'd love to move in with you and I'd love to buy a house with you and I want to raise a family with you" she replied

We both smiled and I leant in to kiss her when I pulled away I looked into her beautiful eyes.

"I love you Amelia Shepherd"

"I love you Atticus Lincoln"

Amelia and Link one shots Where stories live. Discover now