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"I need you to push, Amelia"

I lay back onto the bed "No! I can't, I really can't."

Link was holding onto my hand I turned to him and he gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Can you do this instead? " I asked.

He laughed " I wish I could but this is all you.

He must have seen the panic on my face because he rubbed his hand along my arm and continued to speak.

" Hey, just think in a matter of minutes we'll have a baby boy okay and there'll be no more pain...just happiness"

I looked at him and smiled "you always know the right thing to say"

Carina chuckled to herself and looked up to us both before saying "You ready to push?"

I turned to Link and he just smiled, I nodded and whispered "I'm ready."



"Amelia, one big push and then he'll be here"

"You can do this! You can totally do this!"


The next set of screams weren't my own they were his. Carina smiled "Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy!"

I held onto Links hand and sighed "he's okay?"

Carina nodded "he's okay"

I sighed a huge sigh of relief and whispered to myself "he's okay".

Link turned towards me and pressed his lips onto mine "You're a superhero" he smiled. After a minute, he walked over to our brand new baby boy he looked down at him before picking him up in his arms.

"He's perfect" he whispered.

He walked towards me and sat down on my bed, he gently passed our son over to me and I began to cry tears of happiness.

"He's beautiful " I smiled with tears forming in my eyes.

"You both are" Link lightly pressed his lips onto my temple and wrapped his arms around mine.

In that moment, time had stood still. Everything was perfect, this was it, our little family.

(This was just a little idea I had if Link had been with Amelia when she gave birth. I hope you enjoyed!)

Amelia and Link one shots Where stories live. Discover now