The Perfect House

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I was standing at the nurses station looking at my schedule for the day. I didn't have much planned just a DBS and a craniatomy, nothing I couldn't handle. I was looking at the tablet when I felt Links arms wrap around my waist.
"hey" he whispered into my ear
"hey" I breathed.
"So guess what?" He said smiling whilst twirling me around so I was facing him.
I looked at him with raised brows "what?"
"i found us a house" he squealed, I could see his eyes widening - he looked so happy.
"You did?" I asked excited
"Yep. It's just right. Now I've only seen pictures but my god Amelia it's perfect. It's nice and big so there's plenty of room for when guests stay and it has all of this land around it which is great for when I'm playing baseball with the little peanut" Link exclaimed
I chuckled to myself "that's great babe, can we see it?"
He nodded "yeah, that's what I came to talk to you about, do you want to check it out tonight?"
"Yeah, sure" I said smiling
"Great! I'll call the realtor"
Link kissed my forehead and walked away, I followed him with my eyes and I could feel a smile growing on my face - god I love that man.
I'd just finished my craniatomy and I was feeling exhausted. I was walking down the corridor when Meredith appeared beside me.
"Are you going to be home tonight?" she asked but before I could answer she continued to speak "cause Andrew asked me out to dinner and I want to make sure someone will be home with the kids"
"Will Maggie not be home?" I asked confused.
"No, she's got a date with that Winston fella"
"When are we gonna meet that guy?"
"Who knows? Anyway, will you be home?"
I grimaced "No sorry, Link and I are looking at houses" I paused "Well, a house" I corrected myself.
Meredith sighed "uhhh, I'll just reschedule dinner then"
"sorry" I sighed
"It's okay. Talking about houses my old realtor called and told me that the old house is up for sale"
I looked at her suprised "the house Derek built?"
"Yeah" she nodded
"Why would your realtor be telling you that?" I asked dumbfounded
"Well, I still own all the land surrounding the house and when I sold it I asked her to contact me if it ever went up for sale again" she replied casually
"Why?" I asked, still confused.
"because.. I don't know, I guess I thought one day I'd be able to go back there but I've moved on now and I think moving into a house that my dead husband built me will not be moving forward it'd be taking one hundred steps back" she laughed "Anyway, I gotta go, good luck house hunting" she placed her arm on my shoulder and walked away.
Link had been going on about how perfect this house was the entire car ride, "it's so spacious babe", "it's all open plan too" he was so enthusiastic that I was beginning to feel nervous, what if I didn't like it? As we pulled into the driveway my heart stopped.
"Here it is! Home sweet home" Link grinned
I didn't move, I couldn't speak I just sat there. Link rested his hand on top of my knee "everything okay?"

His words pulled me from my trance "uhhh, this was Derek's house" I breathed

Links eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed "I thought Derek lived in a trailer before moving into Meredith's" he said

I nodded "he did but then he built her this house. Her dream house. This is where they lived. This is where I lived until he died." I sighed.

"oh my god, babe I'm so sorry, If I had known I would have never"

Before he could finish rambling I shook my head rapidly and interrupted him "No! It's okay, you didn't know. I loved this house, I always loved this house. You're right it is perfect and if Meredith's okay with it then I think we should make it ours" I smiled

Link smiled too "are you sure?" he asked looking concerned

I nodded "I'm sure but I need Meredith's blessing first."



"okay" he nodded

"I love you, you know that" I chuckled

Link chuckled too "I did know that cause I love you too"

(This is so bad, I'm sorry! I've had assignments due this week so my schedule has been very hectic hence why I am so late updating so I do apologise. I can't promise an update next week cause I have an essay due but fear not as I will be updating as soon as I sort everything out with college but you may just have to wait a little longer, hope that's okay. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and voting on my stories it really means alot 😊)

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