The Wedding Pt 2

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(I'm so sorry for this late update! I had really bad writers block and this past week has been chaotic but thank you for being patient with me. I feel like this chapter was the correct way to end The Wedding series but if you want a Pt 3 let me know and I'll give it a shot. Anyway, enjoy reading!!)

It had been hours, fourteen hours to be exact. It was nearing on 11:00pm and both Amelia and Link were just finishing their shift.

"Hey" Amelia smiled as she walked towards her fiance who was standing alone in the hospital lobby.

"hey" he smiled in return whilst wrapping his arm around his fiancé's shoulder. "do you want to go back to Meredith's?"

"yeah, we might as well" Amelia replied taking a deep breath and resting her head into the crook of links shoulder.

The two walked out of the hospital hand in hand, reminiscing about the earlier hours of the day before chaos had imploded.

"Hey!" Jo greeted as she opened the door to see her best friend and his fiancé standing in front of her

"Hey? What are you doing here?" Link asked as he walked into his sister in laws house. Amelia smiled at the interaction before walking into the kitchen to see her sisters.

"Meredith asked me to come, we're ordering pizza, you want some?" Jo told her best friend

"uhhhh, yeah put me down for a meat feast"

Amelia entered the kitchen to see her nieces and nephew colouring at the kitchen table. Meredith and Maggie were engrossed in the takeout menu and didn't even notice their sisters arrival.

Zola was the first to say something "sorry about the wedding Auntie Amelia"

Amelia smiled at her niece and lightly ruffled her hair "thanks Zozo"

Maggie looked up and engulfed her sister in a hug "oh, I'm so sorry Amelia, is there anything we can do?"

Amelia sighed "No, I'm okay, we're okay."

"Are you sure?" Meredith pushed

Amelia nodded and grabbed a beer out of the fridge for Link and a bottle of water for herself, before leaving the kitchen she turned back to sisters.

"If you're ordering pizza, I'll have hawaiin and Link will have a meat feast" she told the.

"Got it!" Mer shouted

When Amelia returned to living the room Link was sitting alone on the couch "here" she said passing him the beer

"oh thanks" he smiled and took a sip. He rested his arm around Amelia's shoulder and pulled her into his body "I'm sorry we couldn't get married today, babe"

Amelia sighed and paused for moment. She didn't say anything instead she shot up from her seat "that's not entirely true" she said looking at her sisters standing in the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Link asked staring at his future wife

"Meredith?" Amelia called.

"yeah" Meredith responded walking towards her sister

"Are you still ordained from Alex and Jo's wedding?"

Meredith paused for a moment and a grinned wide answering Amelias question.

"Do you still wanna get married today?" Amelia turned to Link, who had already risen from his seat

"Yeah, I really do" he smiled and lightly pressed his lips against Amelia's.

"Are we really doing this?" Maggie interrupted them, again.

The couple nodded and Maggie began pacing back and forth taking charge of the moment "Okay, so we've got the dresses all here but your suit it's at Jo's!" Maggie exclaimed starting to panic

"Its okay, Jo and I will go back to her house and get ready, I'll meet you at the altar in 20?"

"Sounds good to me" Amelia smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss her man goodbye

"Oh wait! Our parents and Charlotte and Addison, what about them?" Amelia asked suddenly remembering the other important people in their life they had invited.

Link pondered for a second but Maggie interrupted his thoughts "the hotel is at least 30 minutes away so you don't have time to pick them up and get here in time, not if you want to get married today"

Link turned towards Amelia "Maggie's right it's twenty past eleven I'll never pick them up and get here in time so why don't we get married here tonight and then tomorrow we can celebrate with them all - we're supposed to be off anyway", he suggested

Amelia nodded and smiled wide "Okay, we'll do that"

"Alright, you go! Maggie said pointing towards Link, he held his hands up in defense and he and Jo left the Grey household. Once the pair left Maggie turned her attention to Amelia. "You upstairs! We've got a wedding to plan!"

It was currently 11:40 and everyone but Amelia and Maggie were downstairs. Meredith was wearing a floor-length red dress, matching with Jo. Zola and Ellis were wearing black dresses with red roses printed on the front and both Scout and Bailey were in matching tuxedo's.

Meredith took her position standing under the arch that divided the kitchen and living area. Link positioned himself in front of Mer with Jo standing behind carrying his son in her arms.

Maggie stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her sister, after a few minutes Amelia appeared wearing a ball-gown off-the-shoulder tea-length tulle wedding dress with lace sleeves.

"You look beautiful Amelia" Maggie breathed whilst wiping a tear away

Amelia engulfed her sister in a hug "thank you, I love you"

"I love you too" Maggie smiled "Are you ready?" she asked taking her sisters hand

"ready as I'll ever be"

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for everyone who is reading these stories/liking and commenting it really does mean alot to me so thanks :))

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