The Proposal Pt 2

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Amelia had been sitting in the hospital lobby for the last ten minutes waiting for Link to show up so they could go on their date. She assumed the surgery he was in had ran long, if not then he'd ditched her but she didn't want to think about that just yet.
All of sudden she saw her boyfriend running towards her

"why do you always run everywhere" Amelia asked rising from her chair

"cause I know that if I left you here any longer you'd get antsy and be in a mood the rest of the evening" Link teased

Amelia sighed and lightly pushed her body weight into her boyfriend's side, he chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder
"ready to go?" he asked looking at his girlfriend.

"yeah" Amelia nodded.

The car ride to the restaurant was silent but the pair sat in comfortable silence. Link was going over everything in his head, he wanted to ensure that everything about the night was perfect cause let's be honest they were going to be thinking of this night for the rest of their lives. Amelia on the other hand couldn't get the words Jo said out of her head, she felt uneasy and scared about her future with Link so she had decided that tonight would be the night to ask him about marriage and what it meant to him.

They'd just finished eating their main when Link took Amelia's hand in his, she looked up at him and smiled curiously "are you okay?" she asked

He nodded "yeah, I'm okay everything's okay... Its just, I'm uh it's just whatever happens I love you okay?"

Amelia looked at her boyfriend with an anxious expression "I love you too but what's happening?" she asked growing concerned and then she watched as her boyfriend got down on one knee beside her and suddenly all the anxiousness that was built inside her body vanished and she was only focused on the man infront of her.

"Amelia, I love you." Link paused for a moment and looked at the woman before him - she was smiling wide and he could see that her eyes were glazed over, he smiled at her expression and continued with what he was saying "since we met there's been this connection and I know for sure that I started to fall in love with you at the conference in San Diego and the way you stood up to your family in New York only made me love you more. You took over my life in the best way possible and I'm so happy that you chose to be with me" Link chuckled and looked down at his hands "I love you and you gave me the greatest gift of all with Scout and I know we're a family but I'd really love it if you were my wife" he smiled and put is hand in his jacket pocket and took out a small black box, Amelia was laughing with tears streaming down her face when Link asked "will you marry me?"

"Yes, silly I'll marry you!" Amelia exclaimed and the restaurant erupted in applause for the couple. Link lent forward and placed the ring on his fiancé's finger and she put her hands on his face and kissed him hard.

"I love you" she blubbered through tears

"I love you too" Link smiled with tears glazing up his eyes.

Meredith and Maggie had been waiting for their sister to arrive back from date night, they were hoping everything had run smoothly so they opened a bottle of wine ready to celebrate with the happy couple. Maggie had just set the glasses out when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Ahhh, Mer their here!" she yelled whilst running to the door

"I'm coming" Meredith exclaimed following her sister

The sisters opened the door grinning wide only to be greeted with Jo holding their baby nephew.

"I'm sorry, is this the creepy residence? Why are you both smiling like that?" Jo laughed letting herself into the house.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had him for the night?" Meredith questioned pointing at her baby nephew

Jo nodded as she put the child's bag down "I did have him but Link texted me and said to come here"

Meredith and Maggie both shared a glance "what?" Jo asked noticing the sisters' expressions

"He's proposing to Amelia tonight!" Maggie exclaimed

"What?!" Jo's eyes widened

"Yeah, he was telling us that he was thinking of asking and next thing you know Amelia's getting ready for date night" Maggie explained

"Oh no" Jo whispered handing Scout over to his Aunt Meredith

"What?" Meredith asked taking her nephew. She could tell something was up due to the worried look Jo had on her face.

"I said oh no" Jo repeated

"Why, oh no?" Maggie questioned

"It's just Amelia spoke to me today about Link wanting to get married and I may have told her that Link isn't the marriage type and freaked her out"

"WHAT" Maggie yelled frustrated

"I'm sorry! I was being honest I didn't know he was gonna propose! " Jo defended

"Maggie, it's okay" Meredith tried to calm her sister "if he's proposed she's said yes, let's just wait till they get back"

"yeah okay, you're right she said yes, she had to have said yes, right?" Maggie asked whilst pacing back and forth

"Maggie chill!" Jo exclaimed

Jo and Meredith were both trying to calm Maggie down when the door opened and an excited Amelia and Link walked through the door holding hands. Amelia turned to see the women standing before her and hopped forward showing off her ring "I'm gonna be Mrs Lincoln" she squealed

The three woman jumped up and ran and over to the happy couple, Amelia's two sisters engulfed her in a group hug and Jo rushed over to Link who lifted her up in his arms.

"I didn't know you had it in you" Jo laughed gently punching her best friends shoulder

"Neither did I" Link sighed, he shifted his focus to Amelia who was laughing and smiling with her sisters "but she's the one Jo"

Jo looked at her friend and smiled "I'm really happy for you Link"

He gently placed his arm around his best friend and pulled her into his side "thanks" he smiled.

"Oh, I can't believe this!" Maggie cried whilst hugging her sister

"Those better be happy tears" Amelia laughed

"Of course they are!" Maggie exclaimed wiping her tears away "I'm really happy for you Amelia" she added whilst engulfing her sister in another hug

Meredith watched as her two sisters embraced one another and she rested her hand on top of Amelia's shoulder.

"Are you happy?" Meredith asked her younger sister, desperately wanting to know

Amelia shifted her eyes to her hand so she could look at the ring and then she turned to look at her fiance who was playing with their son. She took it all in for a moment and looked back at her sisters.

"I'm the happiest I've ever been"

(This was terrible, I'm so sorry! This was a rushed job cause I wanted it to be up in time so I'm sorry for it being so messy. I'm hoping to continue with this short story arc and write two chapters on the wedding so they should be up next. Thanks so much for reading!)

Amelia and Link one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें