pond boy(mingrui👫/☁️)

435 25 14

she was only five
as of today
it was her birthday
so she went out to play
she ran to the pond
swift as her tiny legs would take her
but when she got there
someone was already
sitting with the frogs
as they hopped across the pond

he was very pretty
she thought this to herself
as she sat down
right next to him
he didnt even notice
he just sat
and stared at his reflection
and his reflection stared back

maybe he was a statue?
one she hasn't noticed before
standing still and tall
but he looked so real

so she decided
that she would tap him
right on his left shoulder
she whispered a tiny hello
almost inaudible
but he heard it
he heard it loud and clear
he looked up slowly
and met her eyes

"are you talking to me?"
he seemed surprised
"no one ever does that"
he said with a sigh

the girl tilts her head
slightly to the right
"why dont they talk to you?"
she asks ever so curiously

"they dont like me"

"well I like you. let's be friends!"

"okay! how old are you?"

she held up five fingers
"it's my birthday today!"

suddenly he gets up
and walks towards a frog
sitting peacefully in the pond
he scoops it up in his hands
and walks back to the girl
"it's a birthday present for you!"
he said with a smile

he placed it in her hands
she giggles and pets his head
"I'll name him joe!"

they sit back down next to the pond
"thanks! what's your name?"


"are you five too?"

"no! I'm six!"


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