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its been years
eight to be exact
since I've seen him
we were only in kindergarten
but i swear on my life
we had something

maybe im delusional
but im so sure
i thought when we were older
maybe we could be something

but then we moved
i was so sure I'd never see him again
one day i went back to my birth place
only for a few days
to visit my grandmother
but while we were there
i saw him
i wasnt sure it was him at first
he had looked so different
but then i saw his smile
and heard his voice

i knew
that was the Zihao i had left behind

we exchanged numbers and he left
i called him when i got home
we were on the phone for hours

but then
a few years went by
we stopped talking
and i forgot him
i forgot id ever met him
i forgot what he looked like
i forgot what he sounded like
i forgot he existed.

i hadnt thought of him once
until last year
i thought of him
and it hurt
i had lost his number
and had no way of contacting him

but then he called
as if he knew i missed him
i had missed the call though
after hearing his message
i called him
"hello? Zihao?"
i could hear him smile
"y/n! im so glad i can talk to you"

i laughed
"whats up?"
i asked
but i could feel the mood drop
he sighed quietly
"my parents have been fighting"
my heart hurt
"oh.. do you wanna tal-"

dont worry
im fine"
he cut me off

he hung up

thats the last conversation we had
sometimes i wonder
does he ever think of me?
probably not
but maybe i cross his mind?
i hope so
but i doubt it
all i can hope for is that hes alright
maybe we'll meet again soon?

so i got the idea for this from my own experience
ita not completely the same
but the inspiration is from it
i hope this doesnt suck
i really did try😓
oh well lol
i probably should have done somth else
i have like 4 drafts yet i did this instead
im dumb somtimes lol

sewer rat over and out✌

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