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we all make mistakes
but some mistakes
are worse than others
some mistakes
are harder to forgive
like cheating

this was her mistake
this was the bigger mistake

his mistake was not as bad
his was simply saying
"I forgive you"

when in reality
zihao had not forgiven
he wished he had
he wished he could
but it seemed impossible
not after what she'd done

you see,
she cheated on zihao
with his bestfriend, hanyu

I know this sounds terrible
and it really is
but zihao forgave both of them
for a reason that I still
have yet to find out

but lately
zihao has been feeling down
regret and guilt
bubbling up inside him
he knew he shouldn't have lied
but he didnt want her to cry
he didnt want her to be upset
so he lied
and told her
"everything will be alright"

but now hes laying down in bed
crying himself to sleep
because of the guilt
that comes with lies

and she,
she is doing the same
crying herself to sleep
feeling guilty
even though he said he forgave her
she could tell he hadnt really
he seemed off lately
never been the same
since the day he found out
it really is a shame
he's not very good at lying

she feels so guilty
that she decides to text him
apologizing for the second time
but before she can grab her phone
it vibrates
a new message pops up on the screen

from zihao

it says
'we need to talk. can you come over?'


she shuts off her phone
and gets the keys off the couch
she runs out the door
right over to his house

she knocks on the door
and she opens it to see
his swollen eyes
staring right back into hers

"I'm sorry"
they say at the same time
"I'm sorry for everything"
and they hug

they end up falling asleep together
after a long discussion
about how they wont ever lie
never again
no more secrets

nothing but cuddles and kisses
for the rest of their lives

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