scenarios #1

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how each of them would react if you two were the last people on earth and the world were to end tomorrow (i know its a shit idea just go with it please😳okay lets start😌)

would call you
• "babe? what if i told you the world was ending? what would you do?"
• "I'd come to your house and spend as much time with you as i could before that happens. what would you do?"
• he hangs up
• you hear the doorbell ring
• "i love you"
• you two cuddle and watch movies all night

• leaves you a voicemail of him singing if the world was ending(song at top)
• you would call him but he doesnt pick up
• you leave him a voice message "Zihao is everything okay? please call me when you can"
• he facetimes you "y/n we're the only two left"
• he's crying
• everyone else is gone
• you stay up all night comforting him
• "it's gonna be okay"

he would feel it in his old man bones and call you right away
• "y/n? wanna go somewhere? have fun?"
• "Xinlong its the middle of the night"
• he would explain the feelings he got(in his old man kneecaps)
• you wouldnt believe him at first but then you knock on your neighbors door and surely enough theyre gone
• you two spend all night at an amusement park
• looking up at the stars he turns to you and says "you'll love me even when we're dead, right? I'll still love you"

pretty short.
I'll be doing the didi line in a pt2

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