overprotective pt. 2(ot6☁️)

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a few days had gone by
and you hadnt left the house
not even once

wait no-
let me rephrase that

you were grounded
you weren't allowed out

life had gotten pretty boring
no phone
no friends
and no boyfriend either

most of the time
you stayed in your room
you mostly read
and sketched
occasionally, Mingrui would come in
he'd check on you
maybe stay and talk for a bit
the other boys hadnt said a word

today was no different
you sat in your room
reading one of your favorite books
when you heard a knock your door

assuming it was Mingrui
you told them to come in
but you were surprised
when you were met with Hanyu
your eldest brother

"I came to apologize"
he stepped in
asking if he could sit down
having been told he could
he sat next to you
his head down
"I'm sorry
I'm sorry for blocking your boyfriend
and I'm sorry for overreacting
I know it was stupid
but I care about you so much
we all do
we just want to protect you
that's all we want"
he looked up
his eyes soft
but with a slight glint of anger
"and we dont want some dumb guy
breaking our little sisters heart"
he chuckled
"we love you"

"I love you all too"

just then the other guys came in
"we heard your conversation"
shuyang said
"and we're sorry too"

Zihao smirked slightly
"all of us are
even if some of us wont admit it"
he nudged Zeyu slightly
"come on
man up bro
dont let your ego get in the way"
he laughed

"I do NOT have an ego!"
Zeyu denied Zihao's accusation
but Zihao wouldnt quit
"if you dont then prove it"

I'll say it.."
he sighed heavily
"I'm sorry too
just like Hanyu said
we all love you"
he smiled
but it turned to a grimace
as he looked up to Zihao
"happy now?"

"I love you guys too
but I have to agree you Hanyu
you guys overreacted ALOT"
you said
causing everyone to laugh

Xinlong looked around the room
to Hanyu
and then back to you
"I think she's learned her lesson
dont you?"

Hanyu stood up
"yup! here's your phone back"
he handed it to you
"I still dont want you talking to
that 'Zhang' guy though, okay?"
he finger quoting Zhang's name

you chuckled
"yeah, yeah, alright"

sorry this took so long Lostsongofmusic but I've finally finished the pt2 you requested

hope you like it ^ㅅ^

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