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kairi's pov.

I put our lips close together and blew the drug into his mouth. He slightly scooted back as the smoke filled his mouth and throat. He started to cough violently, and all i could do was laugh hysterically.

this was gonna be more fun than i originally thought.

"what the hell was that?! I'm not gay!"

"ok?." I laughed, still out of breath. He still had a disgusted facial expression with no chill.

"relax, our lips didn't even touch."


I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter, studying the male in front of me. His hair was poofy and almost looked like a mushroom. (almost) He was significantly taller than me, and he had a good body build.

His lips were slightly chapped and his skin was extremely clear. He had darkly colored eyes, hooded and gloomy.

Man, i could read this kid like a book. He definitely preferred to be around people, going out and partying with people he didn't know. He liked to feel euphoric and like he was on a high without partaking in drugs or alcohol. Most people find safety within his friendship, and they rely on him to tell them whats what.

But he's not that honest when it comes to what he really wants for himself, and the total opposite of what i am.

"why are you staring?" He asked, leaning on the island.

I shrugged, "attractive people are easy to read, like books." I paused, breathing deeply "just giving credit where its due." I hopped off the counter and went back into the living room. He followed me like a lost puppy, almost like he was waiting for something to happen.

"you don't have to follow me around you know." My words coming out irritated and arrogant.

"well then stop being boring."

"i am far from boring. we just don't find the same things interesting." I admitted, and stretched in the chair.

"then tell me what you do find interesting.." He practically stood over me.

"you'd be dead if i showed you."

"Stop it with the empty threats." He crossed his arms. "now show me."

it's funny how he thinks these threats are empty. they are far from empty.

I sighed deeply before getting up and taking him to my car. I quickly cleaned it up, and let him sit in the passenger.

"where ar-"

"oh my god! do you ever stop asking questions? Let me show you, without being investigated. you're just as bad as the cops." I chuckled to myself, and began driving to the beach. A more secluded area, with more privacy.

He kept his hands in his lap, looking out the window to see the dark sky.

To say he was attractive was an understatement. His jawline was sharp, and his cheeks slim. My heart sort of fluttered at the thought of us being together, whether it be romantically or just as friends.

Made me feel like someone was there for me. Even though I am basically keeping him hostage.

no. No. NO.

kairi, you don't feel things. I thought to myself, shaking my head and driving onto a dirt road.

I parked the car a little bit away so we could walk through the 'forest' thing that connected to the little ocean area.

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