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i hate it here! but anyways ur cute so give me a kith. muah


Mattia's pov.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Polibio." The officer spoke, causing my eyes to widen.

But it was the truth. And I wasn't going to give Kairi that satisfaction of me being surprised. I knew he told them, but hey. snitches get stitches.

I stuck my hands out for him to handcuff me. The smaller boy shot me a disgruntled look, with a frown and dark eyes. I was dragged out of my house and shoved into a police car. I didn't say anything, just kept looking forwards.

"sorry mattia, but you just can't get rid of me. never thought i'd say this but i've taken liking to someone who's not a criminal." He sighed, and laid his head on his seat. "you're not surprised?" Kairi nudged me.

"not really."

"why." It sounded more like a demand than a question.

"because?" I shrugged. "it seems like someone got a little bit mad that i did the right thing." I leaned back.

"stop acting like you're better than me. at least i didn't kill my mo-" He cut himself off and kept silent.

"hm? oh shit!" I started laughing. "you killed your mom too! i'd give you a high five but these handcuffs are kinda restraining me."

He stared at me.

Kairi's pov.

When did this motherfucker become more crazy than me?

"yeah but you killed yours for a solid, good reason. I killed mine for funnsies" I fired back, mocking him almost.

"oh yeah? ok mr. my mom was never around so seeing her around made me angry. whatever you say." He said, his words crawling under my skin. I knew that he was aware that my mom was gone, which angered me.

"also for funnsies! you know i am." I laughed wickedly, squirming in my seat. I slid my hands under my ass, bringing them over my legs. I inspected the metal, seeing that the keyhole was rather small. too bad that i stole the keys.

with my mfing stealthiness.

I weakly pulled the keys out of my pocket, shoving the key in the hole. I twisted as far as i could, the cuff unlocking.

"what?" I looked at mattia.

"i knew you were smart but how the actual fuck did you get the keys?"

"and how the actual fuck did you NOT get the keys? they were on the officers belt."I uncuffed myself, then worked on mattia.

He rubbed his wrists, wincing in pain when i tugged on them.

"stop bruh." I pulled away from him. "alrighty hun, are you ready?" i asked him.

"for wh-" I cut him off by pushing my elbow to the window. It cracked slowly but surely, the glass breaking away.

I reached out the window, and opened the door from outside. The door flung open, almost breaking off. We were on a empty road, so this would be easy.

The officer didn't even notice, probably listening to country music or something.

I smiled at mattia, "jump out after me" I spoke, and he hesitantly nodded. I took his hand, "i'll jump first, then you'll wait 3 seconds. jump out right after me. if it hurts too badly after, i'll take care of you." I smiled, and jumped out of the car.

My body collided with the asphalt, causing me to groan in pain. I rolled for quite a while, hearing another thud. Mattias groan was way louder than mine.

I laid for a second, before standing up and running up to him.

"you okay?" I mumbled against his ear.

"yeah." He breathed out and got up.

I grabbed his hands and walked to the nearest neighborhood.

"that's not your first time doing isn't it?" He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"nah. and it won't be the last." I squeezed back, guiding him through the neighborhood. "alright so next we have to hide out."

"we don't have anything?"

"you ever heard of breaking in?"

(i promise i'm not a criminal i just looked shit up because the way things work in the dr is WAY different LMAO)

He stopped walking, almost making me walk forwards. "i'm not breaking in someone's house."

"okay" i shyly smiled. "you can wait outside."

He nodded, and just followed me until i found a suitable house. I found a nice, well kept 2 story. The driveway was empty, so there was probably nobody there.

But if there was, i had to be smart about this. "mattia, get your ass over here." I pointed to the ground. He sauntered over, looking at his feet. "calm down, they won't find us. and if they do, we have something called my friends."

He sighed, reassurance filling his face. "okay what are we doing?"

"go up to the front door, see if anyone answers, if not then come back out and this should be a one man job."

Mattia seemed unsure about this whole thing, messing with his shirt and not making eye contact. So, i grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my height.

"stop acting like this. you're being sus." I whispered, my warm breath on his neck. He shuddered, trying to step away from me. "do you want to go to jail...?" I suggested.

"no! I just feel guilty."

"okay you've got to stop doing that."


"acting psycho, then feeling emotions. the mood swings are getting annoying." I let go of his shirt, crossing my arms.

He didn't move. Except i noticed his eyes flicker. They were now darker, and more hooded.

and i had the realization that mattia has something far worse than just mood swings.

I pointed to the front door, and he obliged. He walked up there, standing in front of the door.

The door swung open, and an old lady smiling at him. Mattia began chatting with her, and once she turned away, he kicked out her knees.

He waved me over and grabbed my hand. "she's home alone, and now she's on the ground." He smiled, and stared at the lady.

"i'll take care of her, and you go upstairs." He said, dragging her to the kitchen.

I immediately went upstairs and went through all the shit. Very classy. It was too classy to ruin.

I ran back down the stairs to see mattia with a bloody knife in his hands. "oh, hi!" He grinned.

"hi! i think we should stay here for a few days. it's very nice and it's a comfortable place." i spoke softly. He continued to smile at me, and dropped the knife.

"let me see." He went upstairs, inspecting the clean rooms. "very very nice, kai..."

A wave of anxiety filled my body as i saw him act like this. I had never seen it.

He put a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. "if you want to stay we totally can."

I hesitantly laid down, feeling the bed dip next to me.

"wanna have sex?" He asked.

"yes actually." I started taking off my clothes, and sitting on his lap. He had a hungry look on his face, as his rough hands moved up and down my body.

i was in for one hell of a ride.

// 1214

ok this time i promise there will be smut haha i just wasnt comfortable writing it last time.

also how we feeling about psycho mattia? personally i like him.

~akemi :)

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