Chapter One: Transport

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I looked up, hearing the door open. Evie and I were being moved from the original lab we were in, to one in South America. I didn't know why. I just went with it. So, here we were, locked up in a containment cell, in a giant tanker ship. Allen, he was the director of our program, had just walked into our room, to give us our treatments. See, Evie wasn't like me. If she didn't get certain injections, she didn't behave like a normal girl. So I was told anyway. She never seemed any different to me. Alan came over to me first.

"Okay, Ella, you know the drill." He said. I nodded. He came in our cell and handed me two pills and a glass of water. I took them, then took a drink of the water. Once that was done, I handed the glass back to him. See, I didn't get the injections. I only got the pills that kept me from aging rapidly. I never fully understood why I didn't need the injections, but I suspected that it had something to do with what the scientists always called my 'defects'. They said I was too kind, too empathetic, not ruthless enough. If Evie was all that, I never saw it. She always seemed kind and sweet to me. But, maybe that was the injections doing their job. Allan then moved over to Evie. "Okay, your turn Evie." Just as he was going to give her the injection, she moved fast. Before I even saw what happened, Allan was on the ground, and Evie was running out of our cell and into the ship!! I jumped up. 

"Allan? What happened? What did Evie do?!" I asked.  He struggled to get up, so I offered my hand to him. He took my hand, and I pulled him up. He began coughing, like he was in pain! What did Evilyn do to him?! "Come on, let's get you back to your room!" I said. He nodded, and I helped him back to his and Mia's room. Mia was our caretaker. She was really nice to us. Once we got to his room, I helped him sit down. Then, I headed for the door.

"Ella, where are you going?" He asked. I looked back at him.

"To find Evie! I'm going to stop this before it starts!" I said. 

"Wait!" He called. I stopped and turned back to him.

"Yeah?" I asked, and walked back over to him. He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a syringe and needle! 

"They gave me give to you or Evie...once we got to the allows age won't have to take the pills anymore..." He said. Then, he grabbed my arm and injected me with it! I was shocked.

"You chose me?" I asked. He nodded, coughing again.

" too dangerous. You deserve...the chance at a normal life...I don't're're a child...who deserves more." He said. I was crying now, and I hugged him.

"Thank you, Allan. That means so much to me!" I said. He returned the hug, then groaned.

"Now, go find your may be the only one...who can save us..." He said. I nodded, and ran out the door. I knew what Evie was capable of. She was really powerful with her mold. That's what they called it, the thing they engineered into us from the moment we were born. Mold. Evie and I could secrete it from our bodies at will. We could control people if we wanted to. Evie had no problem doing that. I didn't want anything to do with that part of my power. I refused to use it. I shook the thought from my head, and I looked around for any sign of mold, but so far, I found nothing!

"Evie! Sister, where did you go?!" I called. I couldn't find her anywhere! I came to the elevator, and saw her run in. "Evie, wait!!" I yelled, but I was too late. I saw our caretaker, Mia, coming towards the elevator too.

"Ella! Thank goodness I found you! What are you doing out?" She asked. 

"I'm trying to catch Evie. Whatever she's about to do, I don't want her to do it!" I said. I saw the machine gun in her hand, and I paled. "Are...are you going to use that on Evie?" I asked quietly. She looked down at it, then shook her head.

"No honey, I'm just using it to get rid of the Molded that she's sending our way." She said, but I didn't believe her. I was hoping that I could talk Evie down before Mia had to use it. Once the elevator came up to us, we went in, after Mia took out a Molded, and headed for the basement. Once we got down there, Mia took out more Molded, and we came to a locked door. She called Allan on her watch. "Allan, we think she's behind this door. But it's locked, and we don't have a key!" She said. I looked up at her.

"Hang on!" I said. I then placed my hand on the lock, and let the mold go from my hand and into the lock. It didn't take long for the lock to break. "There. We can get in now." I said. Mia smiled.

"Thanks Ellanor. Let's go get Evie." She said. I nodded and opened the door. We walked into the room, looking around. 

"Are you mad at me, Mommy?" Evie asked, though we didn't see her. Mommy? Did she think Mia was our Mom?

"No Evie, I'm not mad...wait...what did you just call me?" Mia asked. 

"I don't want to live at the lab anymore, I want a house! And I want you to be mine and Ella's Mommy!" She said. I frowned. I know she wants a family, I do too. But this isn't the way to go about it! 

"Evie, if you come out, we can-" I started, but Mia cut me off.

"Okay Evie, I'll be your Mommy, just come out now, okay?" We didn't get an answer, only her laughter. "Where are you, Evie?!" Mia asked, frantically. Evie disappeared behind the door we came in from, and then alarms started blaring. I looked up at Mia.

"You really shouldn't have told her that." I said. Mia groaned, and we ran back out and to the elevator. However, the elevator stopped at floor 2, with a shake. We climbed out, and quickly climbed the stairs to the third floor. Once we got up there, Allan was up there too, in far worse shape than when I had left him! Mia and I ran over to him.

"How did you get here?!" She asked. Allan looked up at us.

"Where's Evie?" He asked.

"She's out of control! Without her treatments, she's deteriorating!" Mia said.

"Then it's a good thing I'm already dying!" Allan said.

"Don't say that"! He looked up at Mia then.

"She trusts you. That little *****, she never-" He cut himself off, standing. "Evie, no, Evie wait, I didn't mean to call you that!" 

"Evelin stop it! Right now!" Mia screamed, grabbing Allan's shoulders. He pushed her down.

"Don't touch me!" He said. I stared in horror as Allan screamed in pain, vomited the mold, then fell to the ground...dead. I couldn't believe it, I'd never seen Evie do anything like this! Then, she covered Mia in mold, holding her in place, before running off again! I couldn't move Evie's mold, that's the one downside to the it. Mine can't affect hers, and vice versa. I began pulling at it, trying to get her out. Once I finally got her out, I helped her up.

"Mia, I'm sorry! I didn't know Evie was capable of something like this!" I said. She shook her head.

"It's not your fault, Sweetie. Come on, we need to move." She said. I helped her, as she was limping now, and we stopped at a laptop. She sent a video to someone named Ethan. The name wasn't familiar to me, but I gave her privacy to film it. Once she came back over to me, we went through a door, and as we walked, Evelin's mold spread across the walls. Once we came to a hall covered in windows, a ship worker ran screaming at us before he...he...well, suffice it to say, Evie completely destroyed him. We looked up, and Evie stood in front of us.

"We'll be together...forever!" She said, then she blew out the windows, sending us flying into the ocean! I popped my head up above water just in time to see all three ships exploding in flames, before the waves of the storm pulled me back under. I tried to fight my way back to the surface, but the waves were too rough, and I felt my lungs begin to burn from the lack of air. My eyes became heavy, and I couldn't keep them open anymore. I then fell into darkness.

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