recovery (7)

547 22 3

3rd pov

(Y/n) had been moved to a hospital quickly. She got emergency medical attention. A blood transfusion and the doctors had to cut open her jaw and then stitch it shut wrapping it after. The surgery was successful and she was unconscious. She had 23 stitches in total. Her friends had finally found her and were sleeping at her bedside.

Amy was curled up in Dylan's side and may had fallen asleep in a chair. Dylan was laying in a hospital bed like (Y/n). He was rubbing Amy's back trying to keep her from bursting out in tears. Dylan had been moved into the same room as (Y/n) to keep her calm when she wakes up. It was also to keep them both safe from the kingsmen.

Dylan had followed (Y/n)s instructions and made it back to Los Santos as quickly as possible. He explained everything to the girls and told them how terrified he was. He also explained how brave and collected ( Y/n) was. She had acted like a hero and it saved him. She was hooked up to multiple machines and was breathing slowly. Her chest rose slowly and she let out a small whine of pain with every exhale.

She had a broken jaw and dislocated her shoulder. She was covered in bruises and cuts. Most of her body was wrapped with bandages and plasters. Blood had dried in her hair and covered her pillow. the doctors said it might be a few days until she wakes up. the bbs and gbg agreed to keep an eye on the girl and her friends and question her once she's dismissed from the hospital.moo would enter the hospital dressed as a doctor to try and get some information from the girl and her friends before she left the hospital.

~time skip~

it had been 5 weeks before the girl could open her mouth fully and talk. she had left the hospital and her friends had a big group hug with her in the middle of the hug. she had a scar going from behind her ear down to the base of her neck. it was a nasty scar but, she'll survive. her friends and her were walking the pier looking at shops.

(Y/n)s pov 

Amy and Dylan were holding hands walking in front of us. may and I were following after them.may had spotted an ice cream store and wanted to go check it out." hey (Y/n), go tell the lovebirds that well be at the ice cream shop and leave them behind if they don't come now." may really loved her twin but she could be clingy at times, especially with Dylan." ok May, ill go tell them . also you don't need to be so bossy." I walked over to the couple and told them the news " hey! lovebirds may said ' go tell the lovebirds that well be at the ice cream shop and leave them behind if they don't come now'" I said it with a goofy voice that got their attention and made them laugh." alright goes on ahead, we'll catch up." Amy had pulled Dylan off to a store that had jackets and stuffed animals. I was now on my own walking towards the ice cream shop where may was waiting. as I was walking I noticed a group of men staring at me and I just stared back. I saw pretty birds fly by and focused on them instead of the group of men. 

I kept walking towards the ice cream shop when I noticed some of the men from the group had gotten up and were now walking towards me. I kept my pace and entered the shop before they got to me. may had gotten me ice cream and was about to ask me a question when I glanced at the men with a nervous, yet confident glare. may noticed and sat at the seat closer to the door. when I had first been released from the hospital we came up with different codes and motions to explain things without others realizing. I checked my phone and sent Dylan a mix of numbers to tell him what was happening. "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"( hey Dylan, be careful. someone was following me and a group of men were outside. be careful and don't leave Amy's side. get to the ice cream shop as fast as possible. the group of men has like 10 people together. they don't seem armed but id still be careful. may and I are sitting near the back in a booth.)

I then deleted the text so only Dylan could see it.

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