best friends

310 17 20

y/ns pov


this is 10% luck

 20% skill 

15% concentrated power of will

5% pleasure

50% pain

and 100% reason to remember the name.

I had sat in my living room humming songs and thinking of the lyrics. the girls hadn't called since I had gotten out of the hospital. they probably were really guilty. I had my leg heavily wrapped and sat with my crutches leaned on the couch. I was playing games on my phone and was losing the game. Evan texted me and asked if he could come over. I responded with a 'sure'.I stayed in the living room and doorbell rang and I got off the couch. I picked up my crutches and limped towards the door. I opened the door and leaned on my crutches. Evan and Jon stood on the other side. I gave them a small tired smiled and opened the door wide enough for them to enter. they walked in and Evan picked me up, holding me like a baby. he wouldn't let me stand any longer than I had already been standing. 

I had just sighed and curled up, careful of my leg. when Evan walked into the living room Jon looked up and let out a small laugh. " Evan what are you doing? she's not a baby! y/n do you wanna be set down?" I looked at him and curled up. he started laughing even more. he took off his mask and set it down on the coffee table. " Jon! alcohol is in the fridge!" Jon looked at me with narrowed eyes. " why do you have alcohol? you're 18?" I smiled as Evan sat me down on the couch and sat next to me. " I've got a fake i.d! and I don't give two shits!" Evan laughed and played on his phone. I leaned on him and hummed quietly. I heard crashes in Amy and Dylan's apartment and was very confused. I looked at Evan and he had a raised eyebrow and confused expression. I just shrugged and waved it off as I went back to leaning on him. Jon walked back into the living room and had a glass of whiskey. 

I laughed and shut my eyes and let out another hum. I heard a loud bang and cracks. something was breaking. I ignored the loud crashes and bangs until I heard loud laughter. I opened my eyes and saw a giant hole in the wall and saw Dylan through the hole. I started laughing loudly as Evan looked so done with everything as Jon started laughing. Jon and I were laughing as Evan got up from his seat and left the room. Dylan made funny faces as may and Amy died laughing behind him. I let out loud laughs as tears streamed down my face. Evan came back into the room and asked if the guys could come over and hang out.  I agreed as I got up from my spot on the couch to stumble to the living room cabinet. Jon looked at me warily as I stumbled. 

I smiled and pulled blankets out of the cabinet and threw them at Jon. he let out a huff and I laughed. I grabbed more blankets until I had a stack on top of Jon. Evan was in the kitchen holding a beer and smiling. I gave him a smile as I pulled magnetic cushions out of the closet. I held them and smiled. " do you wanna build a pillow fort?" Evan looked at me with a smile as Jon let out a muffled grunt. I laughed and Evan helped Jon out of the blanket pile. 

~time skip brought to you by a drunk delirous~

we had set up the pillow fort aka my entire living room and I was curled up in the blanket pile we had. uno and cards against humanity sat in a corner. the tv was in view and I was watching a movie. Jon would laugh at all the fight scenes when I would curl up. there was a knock on the door and Evan excused himself as he left the pillow fort.

I gave c.d to Jon and he looked confused but he still put the c.d into the c.d player. I smiled as a video started it was a video of us in middle school. Jon looked shocked at the fact I still had the videos. I smiled at him as I curled up even more.

this was at football practice. eric was standing in his football uniform with Evan standing next to him. Jon and I had been sitting in the bleachers. Evan was yelling at eric for not running and I had pulled my phone out. Eric smiled at me then looked back at Evan. " you wanna see some real speed bitch? ill show you real speed." he got ready to run and you could see Jon and I talking. " N*GGAAAAAAAAAAAA!" eric had taken off. I was laughing while leaning on Jon for support. Jon was hitting his knee as Evan laughed loudly. 

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