close friends

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 after I had gotten dressed in a pair of tactical camo pants and a black shirt ( woman cut) I had grabbed my camo jacket and tied it around my waist. when I had walked out of my room the boys were looking around my apartment. I smiled and grabbed my keys. this caught their attention and I turned to look at them. " where are you going (y/n)?" I smiled at Jon and motioned towards the door. " I'm going on an adventure! Nah, I'm really just going to annoy my friends on the race track. wanna meet up there?"

they looked at me and smiled. " y/n you are a crazy driver. you nearly gave Jon a heart attack when you raced last time." Evan pointed at Jon when he stated that and I laughed. " the real question is did brian make his car faster than mine? if so then we need to race." I laughed and walked towards the door. the boys followed me and I realized if I take them to the base then a fight will break out and that won't end well. I stopped and thought about what else I could do that wouldn't make them follow me.

I saw a hand wave in front of my face and I nearly fell over. I looked at Evan confused as he looked at me curiously. " what were you thinking about y/n?" I had smiled at him and closed my apartment door once Jon exited my apartment. " well, I think my car might not be able to race now that I think of it. I need to get more gas and fix the axel. " I sighed as I locked the door and started to walk down the hall.

Evan looked at me confused. " what happened to the car? it was fine a few days ago." I smiled as I walked. " yeah my friends and I were goofing around and we drove into a field and we sent it flying off a hill." that was a lie. I had broken the axel when we had driven to the base. but I did send the car flying when driving in the field. I heard Jon let out a small laugh as we left the building. I smiled sheepishly as I put my hands in my pockets and we just walked around. 

I had gotten a coffee in a sweet little shop and the dude at the counter kept flirting with me. I had grabbed my coffee once it was ready and walked out the door quickly. Evan and Jon had stayed outside the shop and I was glad. they probably would've fought him and that wouldn't end well. I looked at the label on my cup and sighed. the dude wrote his name and number on the cup. I angrily took a sip of the drink and walked with the guys away from the shop. they were confused about why I was upset but didn't talk. they knew that talking would anger me more.

we had walked for a few moments and I had calmed down. we had all gotten drinks of some sort while walking around. Evan had a soda, Jon had a milkshake, and I had my coffee. the boys had offered that I go to their base and meet the rest of their friends seeing as it was game night. I had agreed and sat in the back of their vehicle with Evan driving and Jon in the passenger seat. we were driving when a familiar song turned on and I smiled. Jon had put his mask back on and was goofily singing causing Evan and me to laugh.jon kept going with the off-key singing and Evan had joined in. I was crying from laughing and my stomach was hurting. the song ended and everyone was laughing. songs played and I had played on my phone most of the way there. 

Evan had pulled into a garage full of cars and my eyes lit up. I practically pressed my face against the window. Jon laughed and opened his door. I got out of the car and put my phone in my back pocket. I had run-up to all the parked cars. Ferraris and Lamborghinis sat parked in a line. most of these cars were upgraded and I loved them. I had my coffee in my hand and looked at all the cars. Evan had turned off the car and walked through a door to my right. Jon soon followed and I was left gawking at the cars.

I had walked around the cars a few times stopping to look at the cars and the cool features. I had stopped near an Aston Martin Vulcan. it was a beast. it's a 700hp supercar. I don't think you can really upgrade this car seeing as it costs $2,300,000. its a fucking expensive vehicle and its meant for racing. I sat my cup down on the floor and walked up to the car. I didn't touch it because I don't touch other people's stuff without permission.

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