old friends

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after I had texted Dylan I started a calm conversation with may. " so I was thinking since I have this scar and other scars we could go to a tattoo shop and get them covered. I mean it would be a good time to get them. you've always wanted one but couldn't get one since we were in high school but, now would be a good time." may had a thinking face before breaking into a grin. " yeah that would be so much fun! but what tattoo would you get? I mean the scar on your neck is pretty big and the other scars are on your arms ." I started thinking before a good idea popped up in my head " for my arm scars since I have multiple I might let you guys each choose a small tattoo and for the neck scar ill choose something personal. it'll be a surprise" may looked upset with the surprise tattoo idea but agreed none the less. we got up and may called Dylan to ask him what flavor ice cream they wanted as we needed to leave the shop soon. I bought Dylan a vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone and Amy a vanilla ice cream, in a cup. we left quickly as we spotted the men coming this way. we had left just in time to see them enter the building and look around confused. 

we met up at the pier and left with the couple trailing behind us. soon, we made it to the tattoo parlor and walked in. multiple men turned towards us. one man got up from his seat and walked towards us. " hey darlin' whats a sweet girl like you doing here." he looked me up and down.  I rolled my eyes. " I'm here to get a tattoo, why else would I be here?" he looked shocked before speaking again ." fiesty, huh. I like that. come choose a tattoo, hun." he used another nickname for me and I wasn't letting it slide." don't call me 'hun', I'm not a child nor am I weak. I have a name and it's (y/n) use it or don't talk to me." he turned to me shocked and laughed. by now we had everyone's attention. " so the little girl thinks shes tough huh? your gonna walk in here and play tough to me? do you know who I am?" I looked him over and I immediately knew who he was." you're Damian Campbell, son of Chester wheel Campbell. your father was a nice man, hitman but still polite. I have a question Damien, do you remember me?" he looked at me shocked as I pulled a small coin out of my pocket. his expression went from shocked to hopeful. " little Linn? that really you?" I looked at him as a big smile spread across my face." yeah, long time no see huh, vista." his eyes opened as he pulled me into a hug. " little Linn! how did you get here? I thought you and your old man had left Los Santos!" I smiled as I pulled away from the hug. "we did. my ' old man' apparently wasn't my real father. he worked for the kingsmen and took me from my real family. hell, I don't even know my real family name! it's fucked up I know. but we'll have to get over it and just accept the fact. " his smile fell as he noticed the scar on my neck. " Little Linn, who did that?" I stiffened and rubbed my scar bashfully." the kingsmen were mad I knew about the kidnapping so they tried to kill me." he looked livid.

I quickly calmed him down by bringing up the tattoo again." so do you think I can get a tattoo to cover this scar? " he calmed down slightly before looking at the scar." yeah probably. do you want a colored tattoo or an outline?" I thought before turning to my friends who looked confused. I laughed."oh yeah! vista these are my high school buddies, Amy and Dylan are the couple and may is single but will fight anyone who flirts with her. anyhow guys color or an outline?" may and Amy decided on color and Dylan decided on an outline. " ok, so color it is! can I draw my tattoo here or no?" vista laughed before turning to me" you're still into art huh? you can draw one but it might cost more." I laughed." money isn't the problem, the only thing in need to know is whos doing the tattoo and what inks you use." he looked shocked that I knew about different ink types.

we agreed on Xtreme ink and I was given paper. I walked off to a table and started drawing I wanted an owl but I also wanted a dream catcher,  roses, and a compass. so I drew one where everything was in the same image. I wanted to put this on my shoulder so that's where its gonna go. my friends were looking over small tattoos and Dylan and Amy were already on tattoo tables getting matching tattoos. May was looking at nature-themed tattoos with one of the women that had walked in earlier.  the door opened with a squeak and I looked up. a group of men walked in and none of them looked like the men following us earlier so I went back to doodling. I heard someone whistle and I ignored and focused on drawing. the man came into my view, sitting near me. he looked me over before whistling again. " so what's a sweet little girl like you doing here? ya, new in town cause I'm sure I would've remembered a face like yours" I looked up and saw him wink and smile. I looked him over and realized he was pretty handsome ' probably just looking for a fuck buddy tho' i thought to myself. " I'm Cameron, dollface." I smiled at him and decided to address the nickname. " well, Cameron you seem like a nice person. but if you keep calling me dollface we'll have some problems." I stated with a smile. he seemed taken aback by my tone and comeback and a smile grew on his face. " fiesty huh? I like that. whatcha' drawing sugar cube?" he looked at my drawing and took it from me to inspect it.

" hey give it back!" I stood from my chair and tried to grab it but he just stood up and held the paper above my head. it was out of my reach. he looked down at me with a confident smirk. " not so tough now, sugar? this is a really good drawing can I keep it?" I was trying to grab the page but he kept it out of my reach. I heard small snickers and turned to see the men that  Cameron came with snickering. I smiled evilly "you think your so smart huh? well, two can play that game." I stated with a smile. I grabbed Cameron's shirt collar and pulled him down to my height. he seemed shocked and so did his friends. I pretended to lean in for a kiss and he followed. when he leaned down and our lips were almost touching i grabbed my drawing and shoved him. he landed on his bottom and I smiled. " not so tough are you, Cameron? also never try that again, got it?" he looked up at me shocked. I turned around to see his friends losing it. they were laughing their asses off. " Cameron just got outsmarted by a girl!" that made me pissed.

it seemed may also hated that. she got up from her seat and went to confront them when I ran over to her and stopped her." May they arent worth it. don't fight them ok?"  i turned to see the men wearing confused and cocky expressions. the men were  about to speak when vista turned the counter and came up to me. " hey little linn most of my tattoo artists are busy so I'm gonna be your tattoo artist. did you finish the drawing?" "yep!" i gave him a smile as i handed the drawing to him and his face lit up." Jesus l.l. where is this going? it's such a pretty drawing! do you think you could be a tattoo illustrator for us? we'll pay you!" I smiled at him and walked towards one of the tattoo benches. " maybe. I'm not sure. that would be fun! but maybe we should focus on covering my scar and finishing my tattoos!" he smiled at my enthusiasm and waved over a woman dressed in leather. " hey Mari can you cover l.l.'s scar with something? maybe a flower?" the woman looked at me as I tilted my head so she could see the scar. she looked frightened. " doll what happened to you? this is a nasty scar..." she trailed off as she traced my scar. I looked to where the group of men were and saw their faces become concerned, surprised, and some angered. I sighed."a gang snapped my jaw and one of the jaw bones cut my throat open.  the doctors had to wire my jaw and stitch everything shut. but I was lucky! only 23 stitches" the girl next to me looked frightened. " just 23!? Jesus how are you so calm about that? you poor soul!" I smiled and let out a laugh. " you wanna know why I'm so calm?" I leaned close to her and whispered with a funny accent." its because I'm so retarded that I'm not sure what was happening." I stated it so plainly that the girl let out a laugh and smiled. "I like this girl! Damien, we need to see her more often! anyhow, do you want to hide the scar or make the scar part of the tattoo?" I looked at her with a smile. by now Damien was already working on my arm and I hadn't flinched once." can we make it a rose and outline the scar making it like the stem or something?" her face lit up until she looked at my arm. " how are you not flinching? Damien is known for using the hardest tattoo tips and pressing really hard." I just looked at my arm confused." seriously? it barely hurts. I thought he was just drawing on my arm with a sharpie or something"

~time skip~

Damien had finished my arm and i was laying on my side so Mari could do my tattoo on my neck. the owl was finished and had been wrapped. all my friends had gotten their tattoos finished and had paid they were now waiting for me in the waiting room. Cameron and his friends had gone into a meeting room with a man that was probably in a gang. they had been in there for hours. Mari was just now finishing my neck tattoo. " aaand done! how do you feel l.l.?" I sat up with her help. "pretty good actually. my arm stings slightly and my neck hurts a little but other than that fine."  she looked shocked ." how are you not like sore? do you have a high pain tolerance or something?" " Nah, I just don't focus on it. the pain I mean."

she nodded and wrapped my neck. the wrap was like plastic wrap so it was clear. " alright time to pay. your total will be $2000." I smiled at her and gave her my credit card."okay! thank you, Mari!" she took my credit card and walked off. she came back with a slip of paper for me to sign.

Cameron and his friends walked out of the backroom looking tired. Cameron stopped talking with his friends as he looked at my tattoos. I gave him a small smile before hopping off the tattoo bench and walking towards my friends. " hey guys lets go home, I'm really tired." they all looked up at me before getting up and walking towards the door. we all made it home walking the whole way. our apartments were near side by side. my room was in between mays apartment and amys apartment that she shared with Dylan. we called it a night and went to sleep.

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