dumb ideas

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I had woken up and opened my eyes. I was leaning against something and a liquid flowed down my face. someone came into my view and they had multiple cuts on their face. they wore a purple shirt and had blue eyes and blond hair. I turned my head to look around the room and the person gasped. " how are you still alive? there's so much blood!" I smiled and looked them dead in the eye. " its not mine." they looked shocked.

" so a girl is in a gang? that's surprising." I raised an eyebrow and scoffed. I sneakily reached my watch and pressed buttons. the watch shouldve alerted the girls and so i waited. I noticed the collar on my neck. I felt small pieces of metal against my neck and realized it was a shock collar. my bandana was still on so I wasn't concerned about anything. the man looked at me confused but shook it off.

the wait couldve been hours long, so i was fully prepared to take a nap. the man i was sitting with looked curious, he had questions he wanted to ask. before he even opened his mouth i engaged a conversation. "so who are you? i dont think ive ever seen you before." he shifted as he messed with his shirt collar before responding with a small smile." Im Bryce, i own H.H." he held a hand out, and i left him hanging. after he realised i wouldnt shake his hand he dropped it and shuffled uncomfortably. "not to be rude, bryce was it?" he nodded and swallowed the spit building in his mouth." whats H.H? im sure you could tell me about it since we'll be here for a while." he looked shocked. "you dont know what H.H is?" "not a clue." he shuffled again and checked his watch. "um, uh, yeah sure. H.H is short for Hitman Headquarters. um, so, how do you not know what it is?" i layed back on the concrete wall behind me, crossing one leg over the other. "im new to town." he looked shocked and nodded before bringing his knees up to his chest and avoiding my stare. "how can you be a owner of a literal hitman building and not be able to stare me in the eye?" he went to speak but a loud boom was heard through the building.

the floor shook as the situation set in. "that's probably my girls. surprised how quickly they got here, new record." i stood and stretched, hearing my back pop and feeling the stress leave. i turned and offered the man, no BRYCE my hand. im sure ill see him again, might as well remember the damn dude. "do you wanna leave?" he took my hand and I helped him up. I kicked the door and it swung open. "they forgot to lock it, its funny how you just sat here when you couldve walked out." he avoided my stare and walked behind me, looking around the hallway as i stopped. I pulled my map off my belt and looked around. " an exit is to your left, turn right, then you'll see double doors. that's the exit." I turned away from him and put the map back on my belt. he put his hand into his pocket and started rummaging through it as i walked off. "hey! hey wait!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see the man looking at me with a small smile. he handed me a business card and I held it as he walked off. "call me if you need anything! see it as a thank you!" I sighed and ran towards the gunshots. as soon as i opened the door i watched as bodies hit the floor, blood starting to pool on the floor and slide down the walls. the gunshots died down as I entered the room. i felt no need to shut the door behind me so i left it open as i walked up to the three familiar faces.even with my movement being restricted by the shock collar, i tilted my head and I smiled at the girls the best i could. clubs gave me a hug, and we continued to as we walked through the chaos around us.

~time skip~

 it had been a few days since I had killed people for the first time. the girls all stayed with me that night and the remainder of the day. by the time I returned to my apartment I had checked my phone and saw multiple missed calls from Evan and Jon. I grimaced and called Evan. he picked up the phone almost immediately and started screaming about how worried he was. I just listened and when he calmed down we said goodbye and hung up. 

I had spent time with my friends in my apartment on their day off from work and we played truth or dare and that's what got me in this situation. I was stuck sitting in the sink with my knees to my chest. my friends were laughing their asses off and I couldn't get out of the sink. Dylan and the girls tried everything to pull me out of the sink. I was just sitting in the sink and trying to escape this situation. Dylan and the girls left laughing and I was left sitting here. they left me and decided that I would get out somehow.

I called Evan and waited for him to pick up. " how may I help you?" it was Cameron. " hey! could you put Evan on the phone? I need to speak to him." Cameron seemed happy.  " y/n! do you need to speak with Evan?" I sighed and thought about how to explain this. " umm.. yeah? I need to speak to him or Jon now. it's like really important." he sighed and I heard faint yelling. " Evan! y/n needs to speak with you! she says it's important!" all the yelling in the room quoted down and I heard a small laugh. I heard shuffles and waited patiently. " hey y/n what's up?" I smiled knowing Evan was on the phone and realized i was on speaker. " hey Evan... um so this is gonna sound really weird but you need to turn off the speaker for me to tell you." he seemed shocked. " how did you know you were on speaker?" " echos." 

he sighed and turned off the speaker. " so what's up?" "I need your help. " Evan was quiet for a minute. " are you in trouble?" ." no! well, kinda. you remember when we were 10 and played truth or dare and you dared me to sit in the baby swing and I got stuck? well, I was playing truth or dare and it ended the same way except I'm not stuck in a baby swing." I heard laughter and started chuckling. " Evan! it was either call you or the fire station! please just help me!" he was laughing loudly and told Jon what I had said. Jon's maniacal laughter could be heard over the phone. Evan had calmed down and continued talking to me. " where are you stuck y/n?" I started laughing. " Evan you won't believe me!" I had started laughing again and Jon was still calming down from his laughing fit."y/n where are you stuck you need to tell me so I can help!" I told him my address and hung up. not long after I heard a knock on my door.

" come in!" I heard the door open and waited for their reactions. " hey y/n where are you....." Evan looked at me before bursting out laughing and held the wall for support. Jon had a phone to his ear when he turned the corner. he stopped in his tracks before collapsing on the floor laughing. he had dropped the phone and quickly put it on speaker. we heard all the confused questions and Evan calmed down enough to walk towards me. he leaned on the counter and looked at me before laughing again. I realized the call Jon had been on was now a video call and I was hoping he wouldn't turn the camera towards me. but to my dismay, he turned the camera towards me and all I could hear was laughter. " god damn it, dude! this is why I called you and made you turn off the speaker!"

my face was bright red and I could feel it burning. Evan walked up to me and put his hands under my arms and tried to pull me out of the sink but I was really stuck. he tried again and let out a grunt as he tried." y/n how did you get stuck here! its a sink!" Evan wrapped his arms around my waist and tried again but I was stuck. I was so stuck that they both would need to pull me out. " Jon I need your help! shes really stuck!" Jon placed the phone on the counter and they both managed to pull me out after a few tries. they had turned on the sink just to be mean but it did end up helping. they set me on my feet and I let out a small sigh. " im never doing that again! I swear ! my friends are so mean! I got stuck and they all abandoned me!" Evan Jon and I were all laughing and I went to my room to change from my soaked clothing.

queen of hearts }bbs x reader x gbgNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ