training and injuries

349 20 26

I had woken up to loud banging and sat up. I had gotten dressed quickly and put on my shoes. I ran down the hall and slid into the wall. I had forgotten the slide proof soles on my shoes. I sighed and got up. I saw all the girls with amused faces. they all were dressed in uniforms. clubs had on her green leotard with her dress on her arm. diamond had her dress on and had a briefcase in her hand. spades had on her purple dress and coat. I realized that I didn't have a dress and only had my suit and belt. I went to address the situation about me not having a dress like them when clubs handed me a briefcase with a heart on the front. I was so confused until I opened it. inside the briefcase was a pair of high heel boots that ended just under the knees. the boots were maroon, blood red, black, and had a white heart on the calf. the heels were red bottoms and I let out a laugh. I picked up the dress which was beautiful and soft. the fabric flowed and wasn't shiny, perfect. I looked closer in the briefcase and a small top hat made of cards sat on a headset. the headset was only visible on one side where it was bulky and looked like a gamer headset with a mic. the plastic on the rest of the headset was see-through. 

heard laughter and looked up. clubs held a bottle of red hair dye and towels. I laughed and put the dress down, folding it neatly. I followed clubs to the bathroom where spades waited. I smiled and let them do their thing. I had changed out of my suit and put on a black teeshirt and shorts. we had waited and after 40 minutes I washed it out in the sink. my hair was blood red and was soft and thick. it flowed perfectly and we curled it and sprayed it. my hair wasn't super curly. just enough to make it bounce. I had put my suit back on and the dress over it. I put my belt on and tied a thick piece of fabric around my waist, hiding the belt and weapons. I tied the fabric like a bow behind my back, letting the extra fabric hang. 

I had black iron blades hidden in my boots and other gadgets in my belt. I put on the headset and loved my look. diamond had put the briefcase down and came up to me with two small boxes. I took them both from her and looked at her skeptically. she noticed and laughed. "just open the box. I wanna see how you react. " I opened the box with a 'Q' written on it and saw a box of cards. I opened the card box and gasped at what I saw. metal cards with sharpened edges sat in the box. each card had a heart and Q engraved in the middle of them. some of them are black iron and others were stainless steel.

I held them carefully as not to hurt myself. I flipped one in the air and caught it quickly. I could see my reflection in them. I put them down and opened the second box. it had weird cuff bracelets that looked like they were from a circus except they had weird bottles and sensors. I looked up at diamond skeptically. she laughed and put them on my wrist. " so what do I do?" diamond laughed. " extend your arm and bend your wrist. don't point it at someone though." I smiled and did as she said. a flame came out of the small nozzle on the bracelet. it was a compact flame thrower. " omg! why do you trust me with this? I love them !" she smiled and laughed as did the others. I put the cards in my belt and put on my bandana. 

"c'mon today were training in the field. we have to go to a gang meet up and talk to our boss. you don't have to be friendly with everyone just don't kill them. we have cards for you in the card to hand out as a warning or to leave at a crime scene. we know you aren't as violent but seeing as you joined a gang you just have to get used to it. also, our boss says he saw you while stuck in a kingsmen base and so he hired us. we need to be bodyguards for today. " I sighed at this. " we will be going around the base in teams of two. try not to get separated. around 4 we can split up and watch certain parts separately. if you need to get help use the comms and send us your location. we need to watch for the kingsmen and if needed kill them. only kill when I give the 'ok'. " we had gotten to the garage and loaded int our cars. a pair of black iron swords sat in my passenger seat in cross holsters. 

I realized that we were going to a gang meetup place and the cops probably didn't know where it was. so question is, why are we driving such loud and fast cars there? " hey diamond? why are we driving racing cars to a place where cops shouldn't be? won't they just follow us there?" diamond laughed and got in her car. " the base is underground so we don't really have to worry. just try not to crash into anything, ok?" I laughed and got into my car. " you should be saying that to clubs, not me!" we all shared a laugh and drove off. our base had multiple floors and most of the floors were underground. the garage was above ground but had a car elevator that could fit 4 cars at once. we had 4 floors underground. the lowest floor was the main garage to not annoy any other floors. the floor above that was the training room. it had high ceilings and was soundproof. the floor above that was an empty floor . the floor above was the med bay. all the medical supplies sat on this floor. we had all sorts of new medical supplies and everything was kept up to date. the two floors were just normal floors in a house. the top two floors were above ground and looked like a shiny white modern house. we had a beach in the back yard and 6 floors total. the house was the coolest thing ever because the cops have come before and never found anything or the other floors. 

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