hospital time!

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y/n had stayed in the hospital for a week. she had hit her head and fell out of the bed because a nurse hadn't strapped her in the bed when transferring her to a new room. she landed on her head and the nurse didn't realize until the girl he was flirting with yelled about her falling out of the bed. her stitches in her thigh had ripped open and she had lost more blood. she was pale and weak. when the boys found out about the nurse's mishaps Jon murdered the man. he was found dead in his own home. his thigh had been cut open and multiple cuts laid on his body.

she had gotten better and had regular tests. Her blood pressure and everything else was good. Occasionally her heart would beat faster almost as if she was having a panic attack. Jon and Evan had taken a break from gang work to sit at her bedside. The two would switch out at different times so they could still sleep properly and still see the guys. the first night she was in the hospital Evan and Jon stayed the night. Sometimes the guys will come to the hospital with Evan or Jon to comfort them. Evan and Jon had become quiet and slightly reserved. 

from how she hit her head and laid on the floor she had a concussion. but she would be waking up in a few days. she had tubes in her nose allowing her to breathe slowly. she had gotten to the point where she could breathe by herself. she just needed extra help. currently it was 1:04 am. Jon had sat slumped in a chair. he refused to sleep as he watched his friend in her current state.

y/n had stirred slightly and let out a grunt. her breaths became panicked and rushed. Jon sat forward and grabbed her hand. her breathing calmed and her eyes fluttered open and closed. Jon quickly pressed the 'HELP' button quickly. a doctor and 3 nurses rushed into the room quickly. they forced Jon out of the room. Jon called Evan quickly and Evan wasted no time getting there. he left the house without an explanation. the boys were confused but didn't question it.

after an hour Evan and Jon were let in the room. y/n laid in bed looking around confused. she noticed the two who had tears in their eyes. Evan and Jon ran towards her and hugged her tightly. she weakly hugged back and let out a small muffled sigh. the boys stayed like this hugging her as if she would disappear in thin air. she had sat in the hospital room when Amy may and Dylan ran in. Evan and Jon had left the hospital and finally went home.  y/n had been allowed to leave at 5 pm. she was given crutches and her friends stayed with her the whole way home. y/n had entered her apartment and passed out in her room. she was safe but really tired.

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