Date part 1

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The next morning I was the first to wake up.

Her tails were right in front of me and I my arms were around her stomach.

She moved a little and opened her eyes.

She turned around.

A: 'Good morning darling, slept well?'

Y / N: 'I always sleep well when I'm with you.'

She giggled.A: 'Today we're going on our first date together, I'm so happy.'

Y / N: 'I'm happy too, do we want to get up?'

A: 'Of course, the sooner we start, the more time we have!'

We got up and left the cell to have a drink together in the canteen.

Y / N: 'You could try to eat something other than liver today.'

A: 'You know I'll get sick then.'

Y / N: 'Have you ever really gotten sick?'

A: 'No, but my mother told me a long time ago.'

Y / N: 'Then you should try it. I noticed that you have the necessary organs to eat normal food. I don't think you will get sick. '

A: 'Well if you say so. I trust you so I want to listen to your advice and try it.'

Y / N: 'I'm sure you won't regret it.'

A: 'All right, what should I take here?'

Y / N: 'I suggest that you start with something that is easy to digest. You have never eaten anything other than liver before, so I would suggest a salad or potatoes.'

A: 'Then I'll take a salad.'

I nodded and went to the counter.

Y / N: 'A salad and two water.'

The older man behind the counter nodded and gave me a sealed salad and two bottles of water.

I took the food and brought it to a round table with two chairs where Ayuki had already taken a seat.

I gave her the water bottle and the salad.

Y / N: 'The food here is hideous but unfortunately there is no other food here.'

A: 'It's all right, everything is better than eating raw, unseasoned liver every day.'

Y / N: 'You're right.'

She removed the plastic packaging and tried the salad.

A: 'It doesn't really taste, but it's much better than liver!'

Y / N: 'On our date today we can have dinner in a good restaurant.'

She nodded.

She looked at me and I saw her ears stand up.

I just couldn't help it and petted her head with a very satisfied expression on my face.

A: * blushes

Her tails rising up.

A: 'What are you doing? Not in such a place! '

Y / N: 'Sorry! I just couldn't help it. '

A: 'It's Ok tonight if we are alone you can continue.'

Y / N: 'I'm looking forward to it.'A: 'I hope you are now looking forward to the date.'

Y / N: 'Of course Do we want to go now? '

A: 'Yes, but I still have a special kimono that I want to wear for the occasion.'

Y / N: 'We have enough time, take your time.'

She nodded.

A: 'I'll be right back just as long here.'

Y / N: 'Yes, see you soon!'She made her way back to her cell to change her clothing.

After a few minutes she came back in a long white kimono.

I got up and looked at her.

A: 'And how do I look like?'

Y / N: 'Incredible, you are so cute!'

A: 'I'm glad you like it, do we want to leave then?'

Y / N: 'Of course let's go!'We left the Foundation and went to Japan.

In flight the clouds broke below us as we flew through them.

We flew over the ocean and left a wave of water flying up behind us.

A: 'We are so fast I don't know what to say!'

Y / N: 'This is efficient traveling!'

A: 'This is really true!'

We continued flying across the ocean and after a few minutes land was in sight.

When we got closer to the coast we slowed down and landed on a jetty near a small beach.

The beach alone surprised Ayuki.

We made our way into the city.

A:'In which city are we actually going on our date now?'

Y / N: 'If my navigation is correct then this is Osaka.'

A: 'I've heard of the city but I've never been here.'

Y / N: 'I weren't here too, but we can explore the city together!'

A: 'Yes!'

We made our way into the city.

Unknown Skies (SCP 953 X insanely OP male reader)Where stories live. Discover now