~Chapter 6~

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Angels P.O.V

I wake up on my bed with fat nuggets with a big fucking headache- "wait what's happened?" I hear light static and shuffling from my bathroom "w-who's there?" "No worries it just me Alastor darling-" I sit up too see that I'm not in my clothes that i was wearing earlier but a long white collared shirt that was halfly unbuttoned with black booty shorts. "Alastor? Did you change me..?" "Yep" 'wait..so does that mean that he saw my-..oh shit HE DID-' Alastor walks out of the bathroom with a pill and a glass of water in his hand "So um... what are you doing?" "Well I was cleaning up the smashed glass bottle and now I'm giving you a Advil" he hands me the glass of water and Advil "uh..thanks" I then take the pill. I then see niffty and Charlie walk in "Are you okay angel?!" Said Charlie as she ran up to me "yeah we Hurd.. well..what happened..but are you alright?" "Yeah I'm good" I start to slightly tear up "angel?" "What is it Charlie?" "Don't cry.. just tell us what happened-" I freeze "well from what I assumed.. angel got drunk and supposedly high" "Angel you know no drugs are aloud at the hotel" "and here you go Charlie" Alastor hands Charlie a big black bag "w-what's in that bag..?" "Well your drugs of course!" "MY WHAT!?!" I try to grab the bag but Alastor hold me back "calm down" I sigh "niffty take this and throw it out" "okie Doki!" Niffty takes the black bag and left my room. Charlie then looks at the time "oh! I'm sorry but I have to go- I have to go to a little meeting with 666 news to promote the hotel" "bye Charlie" said Alastor.

Now I'm alone with the dear demon "angel..tell me what happened.." "oh it's nothing I'm okay!" Alastor stares at me and holds my hand "I need you to tell me what happened?" I start to slightly blush "uhhh.." I let out a sigh and Alastor sits next to me, letting go of my hand but puts his arm around me. "it's Valentino.." "what about him?" "He..h-...he raped me.." "he what??" I start to cry "angel..it's ok-" I hugged him tight. I felt him twitch and the static getting greater but it slowly stops and he hugs me back- he slowly rubs my head "it will be alright" I just.. letted it all out

It felt like I was actually cared for in my life, besides my twin sister. I just wanted someone to care for me and I think I found that person.

After what seemed hours I stopped crying and calmed down "t-thank you..." I just stood up and slowly walked out of my room 'he's just so nice and kind.. it's like he's a drug and I'm addicted to that drug' I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen 'maybe if I do something I love I'll forget about what happened' I grab a pot and put warm water in it then I turn on the burner and place the pot of water on the burner 'I'm making the Italian classic spaghetti' I get tomatoes and start to chop them up. I go in the cabinet and grab a small box of noodles, I open the box and put the noodles in the boiling water. I grab some tomato sauce and put it in another pot. I place it on the other burner. After about 15 minutes of sitting and stirring I drain the pasta and place it in a bowl I then get the sauce and mix it in the bowl only a little. I get some seasoning and put it on the spaghetti and top it off with some tomato slices- I go to the table and sit down with my bowl of spaghetti. I then hear footsteps and a light buzzing noise it's the deer demon. Alastor walks in and sits in front of me "are you alright from earlier angel?" "Yeah I'm fine, I just need to get some stuff off my mine so I cooked" "hm, do you mind if I could have some of the spaghetti?" "Uhh yeah just go help yourself" Alastor walks over, gets his spaghetti and sits back down. I start to eat and he does too- "wow angel! This is delicious I never knew you could cook!" "Yeah.. I learned it from my mom so-.." "well I'd love to meet your mom" "yeah..I don't know where she went- she just disappeared.." "what did she look like?" "Well she had brown hair, brown eyes and was about 5'8" I see Alastor stiffen up "what was her name?" "Mary" "Mary!?" "Yes..?" Alastor froze "what's wrong?" "Nothing-" I can tell that he's lying "tell me the truth" "I swear nothing" we continue to eat "angel" "hm?" Alastor wipes off some tomato sauce off my face with his finger. I blush alittle "there" we both giggle "Angel you are actually a really nice fellow" "you are too" "well thank you for the spaghetti" "no problem babe~" I blow a kiss to him he off course
Ingnores me. He then walks out of the kitchen and I do too.

I walk out and see vaggie and Charlie cleaning up the bar "hey there toots" "oh hey angel! As you can see vaggie is back and well" "I am.." "that's good" we all talk for a while and I argue with vaggie (as if I never do) "anyways girls I have to go so bye~" "okay bye angel!" I walk away 'sometimes Charlie can be a handful off joy that is just so annoying-' I walk upstairs about to enter my room but then I hear some classical 1930's music, "that music is so lovely-" I start to follow the music and end up to Alastors room. I creak open the door a little to see the deer demon singing a lovely 1930's tune. I look over at the phonograph and can see an album cover- it reads "Organ Grinder's Swing" to be honest it was more of a hum then a sing- I open the door fully and Alastor turns around "Hm? Angel have you Hurd of the word 'Knock'?" "Oh I'm sorry" he pauses the phonograph "what do you need?" "Oh umm.." 'I don't want to tell him that I'm here for his magnificent singing..-' "oh nothing- I just opened the door by uhh- accident! Yeah by accident!" "I knew you where by my door the whole time-" "oh you did..." I start to get embarrassed. "Is it my singing that brought you hear?" "Yeah..." "hm" he walks over to the phonograph, he changes the record and puts on "No strings" he then unpauses the music and it starts to fill the room. Alastor then holds his hand out in my direction "will you?" I hold on to it, we spin around and start to dance. Alastor snaps his fingers and our clothes change to something more classical, I change into a white and pink suit, just like the one I wore when I was alive and Alastor changed into a black and red suit. neon lights turn on with another snap "Woah! How are you so good at this" "well when I was younger my mom assigned me to go to dance classes- and well now...I can dance!" He grabs my waist then tosses me up in the air and grabs me "DAMN". After a few more minutes of dancing husk then walks in. Alastor turns his head in husks direction "husker?!" Alastor walks up to husk and everything goes back to normal, even the music stops. I look down and I'm back in my normal clothes.

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