~Chapter 7~

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There is a tiny bit of abuse in the story so this is just a heads up!

Angels P.O.V

"What the fuck?" "Husk how come your here?" "Well I was walking by and Hurd all of this fucking noise" I walk up to husk "well husk would you like to join us~" he snapped back"no-" "..anyways I was here also to ask a question alastor" I slowly walk away from the door and start to explore Alastor's room most importantly his decorations. A white dear skull is above a vintage mirror that's nice.. the walls all black with red stripes going parallel not my cup of joe of but whatevea! I then walk up to his closet, just black- pretty boring to me. I see something on the floor and decide to pick it up- it's a piece of paper.. I read it and it's about MOLLY? but- how can she hide something from her own BROTHER?- I put it in the pocket of this shirt and walk back up to Alastor "I have to go and do something so bye-" I walk out of Alastor's room and to mine- I take the paper out of my pocket and place it on my dresser "Hi fat nuggets!" I walk over to there food bowl and notice it's full "Alastor probably filled it up" I then walk over to my closet and change into a cropped bright pink collared neck sweater, black shorts and some high heeled high-topped black leather boots. I grab my phone, a gun and my light pink fuzzy jacket with fuzzy brown fluff around the collar. I walk out of my room, down the stairs and outside of the hotel. Now for my greatest fear, my dad- i tuck the gun into my inside pocket. I need to talk to molly and the only way too is to go to pa's house. I then start my 'journey' to my pa's house.

After about what seems like hours Im finally at his doorstep. I sigh and knock on the door- to my surprise arackniss answered the door fairly quicky, well I'm not THAT surprised because arackniss is like a pet to my dad- "why the fuck are you here" "well babe I'm here because I need to talk to someone important that ISNT you so back off and let me inside" I try to get inside of the house by walking by arackniss but he puts his arm out "look, I'm trying to make this easy for ya- and your not making it simple" "just back off alright you bubble gum bitch" i hear some yelling in the background and arackniss turns his head around. I push him and walk in- the yelling is coming from Molly's room? I walk up the stairs but then arackniss grabs my wrist "YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" he then yanks my wrist and i trip but keep my balance. I then pulled out my gun "I SAID BACK OFF YOU SON OF A BITCH" I pointed the gun at arackniss but then I realized he's my brother- I ain't going to kill my brother- i point the gun down, hold on to his shoulder and push him away. It all went quite and I Hurd a door opening, I run upstairs with not interruptions from arackniss and see pa walking out of Molly's room with a belt to his room- I then creep over to Molly's bedroom and hear weeping and sobbing "molly?" I said while whispering "huh-" I walk in and see that she's almost completely pink from the belt whooping.. blood is on her fluff and her clothes all ripped up like if a gang of dogs walked up and started to attack you. "Moll I'm here" I then run up to her and hug her tightly. I start to shead some tears but I wipe them away. I rub her head to make her feel comfortable- "I-it's okay it's okay-" I try to calm her down. After a few minutes we both came to a pause after we heard some footsteps loud as a bull "does pa know y-your here?" "Not yet.." pa walks in "what the fuck are you doing here?" "N-nothing" before the knew it he slapped the daylight out of me. I collapsed to the floor with a bang- I hear a faint "ANTHONY!!" From molly. I then blacked out-

Sorry if it's a little short- I'm kinda lost for ideas

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