chapter one : i think someone stole my brain

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I woke up to dead silence. So quiet you could hear a pin drop...I was lying on the floor, I sat up to find myself very lightheaded...but I continued to look around the room. I was in a room with a cement roof, and a tile floor, all-white walls, square room... I had a million questions! I remembered what I looked like..I was wearing baby blue jeans with holes in the knees, a black t-shirt, a black beanie, And a face full of freckles... I also had bright brown, almost brownish-white, short wavy hair. (When I say short I mean like, boy short. Just getting that clear) And hazel eyes... I knew all of that...but I had no idea what my name was. I checked the front pocket of my jeans..and there was a piece of paper? It said ' Ally '. Then something scratched out.. then the last name ' Rereko ' maybe that was my name?

I looked around to see three other people, still asleep... The first one I saw had long black hair with bangs. She had a dark purple yarn like top, and black jeans. She had dark purple sneakers on as well.

The second person had long, Neon blue hair and her hair was down to her waist, she had an aqua blue crown barrett as well. She was wearing gray Converse, a baby blue t-shirt and black jeans.

And the third, had long purple and pink ombre hair, down to her hips. She had a black skirt that was at mid-thigh, and a plain white t-shirt tucker into the skirt. She also had black sneakers.

I stood up, looking around all confused on what's even happening. Next thing I knew, The first girl woke up, he purple eyes flashed in the light. She yawned quietly and then sat up, rubbing her eyes. So I walked toward her.

" E-Excuse me, do you know where we are?..I-I don't remember anything.." I asked

" Oh! " she said in shock as she was just noticing me. " I-I have no idea...I don't remember anything either..I think I even forgot my name... "

" Same.. Wait, check your jean pocket. I see a paper sticking out. " I said in shock.

She looked in her jean pocket to grab the paper and she read " A-Aki .. Tenaka? Wait no. Tanaka! Aki Tanaka! "

" Mine say's ' Ally Rereko ' " I answered.

" Hey wait, " She stood up " these are names! Maybe these are our'm Aki? "

" I'm Ally! " I cheerfully answered back. There was a good two minutes of silence, then we heard a ' where am I!? And who the hell are you guys!? W-Who am I!? ' . We turned to see the third girl panicking and shoving herself into a corner.

" Oh! Uh, Hi..we are in the same situation as you! I woke up like not even a minute ago and the same with her! " I said, pointing at Aki. Aki looked at the third girl, nodding.

" We never even knew our names till we reached into our pockets and found names on paper. " Aki explained. The girl reached into the pockets of her skirt and pulled out a tag like Aki's and mine.

" When we found our tags like that, Mine said 'Ally Rereko' and her's said 'Aki Tanaka' " I explained to the girl, pointing at Aki. then putting my hands back in my jean pockets.

" M-Mine say's ' Rosey Ito.. ' " The girl said calmly.

" Well. I wonder how we got here. I don't really remember anything at all. " Aki said.

After another few seconds of silence, The second girl woke up. She bolted to sit right up, she looked like she was really dizzy. 'Where my baguettes at?..' the girl said with a smile and her eyes crossed. All three of us that were awake fully got confused.

" Is she okay? " I asked the other two. They both shugged in confusion. The second girl went back to the ground. About a minute or two later she was up for real now.

" AHHHHH! " The second girl screamed. " STRANGER FREAKING DANGER "

" Woah, Woah, Woah! You're okay! " Aki said trying to calm her down, slowly walking toward her.

" We woke up here like you! We all had papers in our pockets with names on them. Maybe you might have one! " The girl just stared at Aki in confusion, she checked her jean pockets and pulled out a paper like ours.

" ' Aquamarine Blue '... I guess that's my name." She read. " I don't remember anything!! " Aqua cried out.

" W-We'll be okay...I hope. " I continued in an unemotional voice.

" We need to find a way to get out... " Aki said, looking around the room I looked all around the small white room. No doors, no windows, no nothing...but a vent!

" Aha! " I said in excitement, pointing at the vent.

" How will we ever get up there? It's 10 feet high! " Aki asked.

" I'm tired, and really dizzy. So I am not jumping up there. " Aqua complained.

" Uh... " I tried to think. Next thing I knew, Rosey tried to get up, which she slipped doing so, and when she fell, she smacked a tile on the floor. Because of that, a thing of stairs came out of the wall forcing Aki and I to backup.

" Woah... " Aki said, amazed.

" Woah is right! " I was excited! I ran up those stairs like it was nothing. " Freak. We need something to get it off. "

"Uh... " Went the whole group.

" Y-You can use my beret! " Aqua said, holding up her blue crown beret.

" Thanks! I'll try not to break it! " I answered back. It was really hard trying to open a vent with a beret, but I managed. I tossed it back over to Aqua. Aqua tossed it on the floor. I made a hand movement meaning to come. I threw the vent's lid on the floor and crawled through the vent, with the other three behind me.

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