chapter seven : welp, guess im an evil villian

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" ₵Ø₥Ɇ...₥Ɏ Đ₳Ʉ₲Ⱨ₮ɆⱤ..ɎØɄ ĐØ₦'₮ ₦ɆɆĐ ₮Ø ฿Ɇ ł₦ ₮Ⱨł₴ ₩ØⱤⱠĐ ₦Ø ⱠØ₦₲ɆⱤ. ₵Ø₥Ɇ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₥Ɇ ₳₦Đ ł ₩łⱠⱠ ⱧɆⱠ₱ ɎØɄ ɆӾł₮ ₮ⱧɆ ₥₳Đ₦Ɇ₴₴. ₵Ø₥Ɇ ⱧØ₥Ɇ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₥Ɇ ₳ⱠⱠɎ. " The voice of the figure explained, I felt like I knew it from was deep, unevil sounding..and..then I started to notice his face coming out of the dark.. It was a dude that kinda looked like me! Maybe he was my dad?? But his face wasn't normal!! It looked..transparent?? Like I could see his skull yet still see his skin! That was kinda messed up.. He had electric blue eyes like I did, but I had bright brown hair, he had black hair.. He wore a black cloak, black jeans, and a black shirt, holding a syth. the cloak covered most of that though.

" W-Who are you?? " I asked with a trembling voice.

" ₲Ɽł₥ ⱤɆ₳₱ɆⱤ, ɎØɄⱤ ₣₳₮ⱧɆⱤ. " He explained.

I was shocked..The taker of the dead souls, The working of God and Satan? Is..My father?? HOW?? Maybe he's why I have this shadow thingy majiggy! I did get a little scared and screamed though..and wait..Granny smith said my name was Allyna Reaper as well...

Before I knew it, I saw Aqua run in and ask if I was okay! My 'Father' then turned into mist and the mist flew away..

Hold up..Does anybody remember the start of this story?
" but I had no idea what my name was. I checked the pocket of my hoodie..and there was a piece of paper? It said ' Ally '. Then something scratched out..than the last name ' Rereko ' maybe that was my name? "


Besides that, Aqua started to shake my shoulders, asking if I was okay in tears.

" Huh!? " I asked in a panic, releasing what was happening.

" You were screaming! Like..Blood curdling scream! " She explained.

" O-Oh..yeah.. "

" Are you okay? Something's wrong with you this morning! "

" N-No. I'm not.. Just..leave me alone for now. I-I need some time to think.. "

" Alright.. "

Aqua did end up leaving..but I felt bad telling her to go. She deserved to know. She's my best friend. I didn't even know her for that long..but I could feel that she was my friend even before this..if it makes sense..I feel like I'm going I?

I don't know anymore to be honest..

It's rather I just saw my dad or a hallucination of him. And I'm going crazy because of it! A few hours later.. " ALLY! " I could hear Rosey scream. I looked all around and still couldn't see her. " Up here! "

Rosey was flying!

" Get over here! Some girl with a sword is trying to attack us! She's calling us 'the children of the mortal fears'? No one knows why. " Rosey explained.

I ran out of the allye, and into the store, to see the group surrounding a girl about our age (Teenagers). She had black hair, in a high ponytail that was an inch from the floor and neon red eyes. Her skin was a very pale white. She had black jean shorts, black t-shirt and a dark red jacket with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She also had black nike runners. She had scars all over his arms and legs, and one huge scar on her cheek., two 3ft black swords in her hands..

" No! Not her! " The girl said as I walked into the store, pointing one of those swords at me " Not the child of the dark!"

" What do you mean! It's just our friend! " Adam explained.

" The leader of the darkness would do no such thing. Friends? That's just a pity to her! Draw your darkness and I'll slice the water creature's throat open at this very moment! She's your friend, isn't she?.. " She said, with a sword at Aqua's throat, against the wall, Aqua yallped.

" Alright, Alright..I won't draw my darkness. But tell us who you are. We can all explain why we are here to you. " I explained.

" Okay then. " She took the sword away from Aqua's throat. " I'm Redly, Warrior of Underworld. "

We ended up talking for a while. She showed us her sword, told up stories of the underworld, and how she came here to kill me but got confused when it was my 'bright side', She almost killed Adam for throwing a flirtatious joke at her, and yeah. Normal things pretty much.

We still had no idea who this person was. She talked so, old fashioned yet normal for some reason.

About a few hours passed of us annoying/talking to Redly.

" We should start walking again. We almost stayed here for a day. We REALLY need to get out. " Aki explained

" Eh. True " Rosey answered back.

" You wanna come with us? " Aqua asked Redly.

" I think I'm well. I should be getting back to my significant other. Or as you would say, err 'Boyfriend'. Good-bye. " She did some cool looking trick with her sword and turned into dark red mist. Which faded away slowly. I swear I entered a magic show today.

The rest of us continued walking. We were pretty much being really silly when walking. We'd bump into each other we'd be like 'Oops sorry didn't see you there!' and purposely knock into each other. Adam almost pushed me into a giant rock with spikes. Before I fell onto it he grabbed the back of the collar on my shirt and saved me. Can't really get mad at him since he saved me. But I mean, he almost kinda killed me.

Soon enough, Heather found a trapdoor in the ground, aka she almost fell through a trapdoor in the ground. We all slid through and found a room with three doors. Then a young woman who looked about 20 entered the room on the other side of the room. She had long black hair with bangs covering her eyes. She was wearing a victorian violet dress, she had bright pale skin, bright pink lips. She looked like some kind of barbie. But she was holding two silver knives in her hands, resting them on top of her gown.

" Welcome. " The woman said, she had a very robotic sounding voice. She was completely frozen except for her mouth and jaw because she was talking. She also was speaking some old sounding language yet we could understand her..I translated to the english for you here. Don't worry!

" uh. Hi? '' Sameul answered in confusion.

" Are you ready to take the quiz? " She asked all of us.

" The what-now? " Rosey asked with a concerned look on her face.

" Are you ready to take the quiz? " The girl asked again, it sounded exactly like how she said it before.

" Yes? " Heather said, seeing if she would say anything else.

" Good. " The girl said to us all. " Let's begin "

" Uhhh " I answered back in confusement.

" Who is our black magic leader? " The girl asked.

" Uhhhhh... " Adam went.

" Wrong answer. " The woman said, after she said that, her mouth opened and she started beeping, she began to throw knives at Adam and trying to kill him!!

Aqua took out her water bottle and used her water to fight, Aki grabbed one of the knives the woman threw to fight with, Rosey tried to distract the woman by flying around her, I tried to use my darkness, and pretty much everyone was using powers. Heather was hiding behind Aki the whole time though! But uh, bad news, the woman was really a robot and shot lasers out of her mouth to fight soooo......

I did end up getting the darkness to swallow her laser bullets whole. After a while of fighting, she grew bat wings and flew away. I guess she's done with. I mean, we couldn't really hurt her. She was most likely made of metal..

" Well um. That was nice. " I added after she flew away.

" Who knew the black magic's leader is 'Uhhhhh' " Aki laughed.

" Yeah that's our new leader! " Adam laughed too.

" So..which door should we go through? " Rosey asked, landing on the ground.

" Why do you think we'd know? " Heather answered back.

" U H H H H H H H " I said, trying to think.

We stood there talking for a good hour just talking and thinking about which door we should go through. They looked like three black holes so how would we know what's inside. Sameul screamed in each one, two had an echo. The other one screamed back at him. Which sounded like another girl screaming. I swear I heard her say the word 'broskii'. Which I'm not even sure if that's a word. Everyone decided to go in the one where a girl's voice screamed back. We all started to walk through the doorway where the girl screamed. We went in one at a time, that's how small the doorway was. We ended up having a conversation with the girl in there until we found her.

" Hello? " I yelled to see if the girl would answer again.

" Haiii " The girl answered back with.

" Where are you? "

" Uhh, it's kinda complicated. I keep teleporting everywhere and I can't really control it. "

" Well. My friends and I will try and find you. There are seven of us so I think we can do it. "

" Okaii do your best! "

We started trying to find this girl, Rosey went up along the vents, Aki and Heather went looking on ground, Adam and I went in dark corners, lastly, Sameul and Aqua went inside the walls aka vents. We told the girl to keep talking so it'll be easier to find her, she explained how she got here and everything.

" So...well. I went through this door thingy at my school because my sister Hibaq dared me too. I can't really remember much but I knew I could control this power thingy I have but I can't here. Anyway, I went through the door and kinda blacked out. All I could hear was Hibaq screaming 'OMG DON'T DIE ON ME GURL'. And yeah. I woke up after blacking out in this vent thingy/doorway. And the Victorian girl lady wouldn't let me through and she kinda almost killed me with a laser but then this teleporting thingy kept yeeting me all over the place. That's pretty much it. " The girl explained.

" Yeeting? " Heather asked.

" Yeah! "

" Okay then... "

" By the way, I'm Talola! "

" Nice. You'll get to know our names when we get to you, there's too many of us, you'd lose track! " Rosey said back to Talola.

" Yeet! " Talola yelled again.

" Somebody's gotta get this girl a dictionary... " Adam yelled

After a while, we found her. She had long pink hair, and bright blue eyes, she was wearing a pastel pink sweater crop top, and baby blue jeans. She had black sneakers, and she was telling the truth about not knowing how to control her teleporting. It was hard to keep finding her over and over again. But at one point, Aqua grabbed on to her, and that made Aqua teleport with her! During that time, I found out I can grow in height, by making my darkness grow, no one can cut me down or anything because I'm just pretty much standing on my shadows. But I can make em grow! And at some point, Talola stopped teleporting! She said she kinda got how she was doing it now and that she can control it better. That's good.

" Yea- Wait! I just noticed it was you guys! Why did you ask my name?? We already know each other!!! " Talola explained.

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