chapter ten : i made an oopsies

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Well walking, we could hear a terrible rumbling sound coming from a forest beside us, Liby decided this is where we should go. We entered to see a huge werewolf looking gorilla ripping down trees.

" HEY! THAT'S NOT RIGHT! " Heather screamed, she really, really likes nature all of a sudden when she screamed that. " Guys! Help! "

" On it! " I said, I was about to take out my darkness when...

" No! " Kayla screamed at me

" Why can't we help? " Aki asked,

" No, you guys can. Not Ally! Not darkness! " Kayla answered

" Wait how did you- " I tried to ask,.

" Lightness Is better than darkness! " Kayla said in annoyment, she created a flame in her hand. " Wait. nevermind about you all helping. You guys are friends with the darkness girl! Rosey. You can help. You're a light fairy, otherwise everyone stays back!"

" Th-That's not fair! " Heather complained.

" Since when did you like nature so much? " I asked in confusion.

" I-I don't know! I just do now! " Heather answered back.

" I don't care that it's not fair I won't allow it! " Kayla yelled.

" Kayla! It's fine, let the kids help " Ivisha said, stepping up and grabbing Kayla's shoulder. Before I knew it, I could hear the monster growling in pain, Heather sneaked off, stole Danni's weapon and started to attack this so called monster.

" Heather! " I screamed in fright, running to save, one of my best friends..

The monster...

Split her in half with its huge claws, the hips, blood everywhere.. Her warm dark brown eyes lost it's colour and went to a white in one second.

I ran as quickly as I could to her, I noticed a small pain in my back. Then I noticed something else..remember when tried to attack Aqua and I turned beast-mode? I uh, kinda had them again. But..I could control them? They were kinda like extra arms but without fingers! I put my tentacle things around Heather's neck and legs, and her hips where she was split.

" Holy chicken nuggets... " Kayla said, with tears in her eyes.

" It ...was all your fault!! " I screamed at Kayla in anger. I felt like my veins were bulging out of my skin. If I could I would have hurt her on my own...but at the same time..I didn't want to. Talola was right about Kayla and I!

" Wh-What! No! " Kayla went back to being an angry little jerk.

" If it wasn't for you, and your 'I hate darkness, and lightness is always the answer' we could have helped her and she wouldn't be DEAD!! " I screamed in more anger than I ever was before.

Even know I had my tentacles out, more darkness came out..I couldn't control it..I hated her more than ever...My eyes were fully black now, the glass of my glasses were fully black, I was the darkness now.

" Holy sh*t! " Adam screeched in fear.

I raised my hand, and took Kayla by the feet, pulling her in, to swallow her in darkness, I needed to do this. Or else. She killed one of my best friends basically! I couldn't let her do this any longer! but then...Something hit an emotional way..

" ALLY! STOP IT! " ... I could hear Heather's voice...

I looked up in fear, my glasses faded back to normal, same with my eyes, I didn't even swallow Kayla in the darkness yet, I turned around to see..well...Heather! But..not her, at the same time? The darkness went back inside me, same with the tentacles, I fell onto the ground face first, I got up and ran to hug her...sobbing. Heather smiled. She still had the same white eyes she did when she .. got hurt? Now half her hair was a neon red, and the other half was it's normal black. She still had her dark caramel skin, and her faded freckles. But instead of her leather jacket she was wearing a cotton pink tank top, pink and white flower crown, and ... a horse body?

" Since when were you a centar? " Aki asked in confusion

" Well..I was still alive when..that clawed me in half " Heather pointed at the dead monster lying on the ground. " Some magic surrounded me and then poof! I looked like this! Some of Ally's darkness killed the monster without her knowing it. "

" Well that was nice of me " I said as a joke.

" mm..yeah. " Adam added.

" Y-You monsters! " Kayla getting up, she tries to run but Ivisha grabbed her shirt.

" You, ma'am are not going anywhere. She's the daughter She can't control it " Danni whispered.

" You guys are really bad at whispering, I can literally hear you. " I said, impatiently.

" ... Sorry ... " Danni said.

" It's alright, I guess, " I glared at Kayla.

" The exit is right down this forest, Danni and I will deal with Kayla. " Ivisha explained to us.

" Thanks guys. " Aki said, " We needed that. To remind us this place isn't really the safest. We'll be on our way now, bye guys.. "

We said our goodbyes, and left..

" I'm still mad that the son of a turkey. Calling ME a monster!? Did she even hear herself!? ' Lightness is better than darkness ' . Idiot.. " I complained.

" I told you, you and Kayla hate each other. " Talola said,

" I can tell " I continued in annoyment.

" Yo um, Ally are you okay? You don't sound calm at the moment " Talola was explaining, as we just entered an exit from the forest..into the abandoned city again. As soon as we went into the door..all of our clothing went back to the way it was before we entered that ugly city...

" No I'm not! " I screamed, looking back at them. Everything in my path at that moment started turning darker and darker. " I'm sorry you guys, I just need to be alone right now. " I ran into where ever was in front of me. I could hear them screaming behind me telling me to come back, but I didn't listen...

I ran behind a stairwell of an apartment building, or it looked like one at least. I was done here. I couldn't deal with seeing all my friends almost dying and people like Kayla be HAPPY with themselves! Why did I have to enter the freaking door! I swear, I was about to end it all right then and there. But then I heard a voice...

" Ally. Stop it. " The voice continued, it sounded familiar. But not any of my group members. It sounded deep and shy, but safe.

" W-Who's there!? " I said in shock.

" I'm not here. I'm a vision. " the voice continued..

" If you're a vision, don't I like, have to see you? " I looked around for who was speaking.

" Behind you, ya twat. " The guy spoke, I turned around to see a dude that kinda looked like me. He had black hair, purple eyes though. He was wearing a white button up t-shirt, black jeans ripped in the knees, and black sneakers. He had a lot of freckles like I did.

I didn't remember anything outside of this..but I knew his name! " A-Alexander?! " I cried, I was so happy to see him, I went and tried to hug the vision.

" I'm a vision, not real. Remember? " Alexander continued.

" PFFT, I know that!... " I took a step back.

We talked for a long time. He made me laugh and feel safe, and I knew that he was someone I 100% knew. Alexander. My older brother.

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