chapter five : rosey's back explodes

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" Everyone is a giant smudge. " I said.

" You're sight should clear up in a few minutes " Heather answered, running back to help us walk since all I could see was coloured smudges.

" Thanks. "

" Your welcome. "

We walked out of the house, I could see Aki limping and Rosey helping her. I asked what happened, and Aki said the lady ended up being some sort of Medusa. And the snake bit her knee, she also said that there are now two holes in her jeans..because I couldn't see. We walked down the road to see the only building with the doors unlocked, a hospital.

We walked in, the whole street, including the store, looked like it was still in great depression. We stayed there a bit. My vision was clearing up and Rosey was bandging Aki's knee.

My sight finally cleared up, " Oh, I love the power of sight! " I said, " Thanks, guys... "

" No problem. " Adam said. " Now let's continue on our quest out of here".

" Agreed " Aki answered back.

We exited the hospital and continued walking, finding nothing coming out to attack us.

" Interesting... " Heather said

" Yeah..nothing coming to attack us, Allyna Reaper!! " Aqua said, to annoy me.

" She called me Allyna. That might be my full name and so what? " I answered back.

" Geez, I'm just trying to annoy you. " Aqua said all depressed.

" Sure " I answered back.

We sat at the edge of the sidewalk since it was a dead-end both sides, Sameul was running around screaming that one meme song "rock n' roll McDonalds", Aqua was trying to find an exit, they both knocked into each other, it was funny because everyone started shipping them after because they both blushed.

" AHA!! " Aqua screamed.

" Huh? " Heather asked.

" I found an exit! " She continued.

Aqua found an exit through the eye shop window. It was a tiny hidden door into a cave tunnel, we all were crawling through it..but it was so damn dark! Thankfully, something else happened...

" Ugh, it's so dark in here... " Rosey complained. " My back hurts... "

" We might be close to the end we don't know. " Aki answered back.

" It feels like my back is sprouting wings.." Rosey complained.

"Um...Rosey? Your back is kinda glowing... " Heather explained to Rosey.

" Ugh, it really hurts now. And I bet it ISN'T glowing HEATHER. " Rosey complained.

Then a giant light appeared, so we all stopped crawling to turn around to see Rosey.. and Rosey was screaming! The light let us see that there was dark red blood stained in her white t-shirt, same with the ground under us...The light was coming from giant glowing bright yellow fairy wings on Rosey's back...Rosey started breathing heavily like she ran 27 miles.

" god " Rosey said with shock and tears in her eyes. " What just came out of my back.. what felt like it BURNED through my back.. "

" Wings " Adam said, his face normal with us all shocked.

After we got out, to see another abandoned city street. Rosey had giant bloodstains where her new bright yellow, glowing wings were, and blood all over the back of her legs and neck. We wiped off the blood but we couldn't get off the blood on her shirt.

" Thanks, guys..god that hurt... " Rosey explained

" I'm guessing it did! But at least the pain is over..! " I explained, with a smile.

" I'll just find another shirt and cut holes in it. " She said, as she looked at all the bloodstains on her shirt.

" Well at least it wasn't some monster possessing you.. and we can see in the dark AND you might be able to fly, Rosey! " Heather Explained.

" Eh, True enough. " Rosey answered back.

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