chapter three : dragons aren't friendly

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Everyone agreed for us to continue. So we started going down the hallway. Every now and then a skeleton would fall from the roof or something and try to attack Sameul. But I split them into pieces with this ' darkness ' I have.. Which is concerning..whenever I pasted an object, this darkness would just take its shadow. So everything was shadowless, even the gang.

The catacombs were like a maze. We went one way, and we ended up in the same place we were before. We did end up finishing the catacombs by finding another vent. Now this time it was kinda better because we weren't hearing Aqua complaining so much! And I bet she's going to kill me after reading this paragraph!

After getting out of the vents, it was..a forest..but everything was black..I could see the shadows of the trees..but the leaves on the tree and the flowers were a bright neon glowing blue. It looked really pretty! But as soon as we got out of the vent we had to walk through knee deep water to get to this island looking forest.

" It's too dark! " Aki said.

" I can't see anything! " Sameul continued.

" ... I feel like I know this place ... '' Aqua explained, with a trembling sound in her voice.

" That's weird... " Rosey answered back.

Then we heard another odd one. Very odd. It sounded like heavy breathing..the melody from earlier started to play in my head again to calm me down..I don't really know why I did helped I guess? all of a sudden we could see a beautiful dragon, with dark blue scales shimmering in the false moonlight. It's eye's as gray as the moon. And it's emotion as sharp as a newly sharpened pencil. It roared with all its might. Blasting us with blue fire!

" OW! " Aqua screamed, the fire burned her elbow, a blue and gray burn.

" Woah! Aqua are you okay! " Aki screamed in a panic, standing beside Aqua.

" I-I'll be fine, " Aqua said, covering her new wound.

" Wait, where the hell are our weapons!?!! " Rosey whispered.

" You guys left them back at the entrance. " I explained.

" R.I.P. " Rosey looked at the dragon

The dragon charged right toward Aqua, picking her up and throwing her into a deep river. Aki screamed at the top of her lungs. I tried to use darkness to hold the dragon back, well the rest helped Aqua so she didn't drown, but before I could even LOOK at the dragon, I heard a scream in the was the dragon squealing in pain. Aqua was using water to hurt the dragon! Like she was telekinesis with the water! I swear she looked like one of those anime warriors.

After a while of us kicking dragon butt with darkness and water...and the other three hiding, the dragon was finally dead! Or..asleep? It was still breathing! Maybe this is another team member for us? Aqua went to go check on him to see if he was okay.

" I WAS RIGHT!! " Aqua screamed at the top of her lungs.

" Huh? " The rest of us went.

" ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER. Oh hell no it's another dude. " Aqua complained. The rest of us started laughing.

The dragon that was sleeping on the ground, slowly turned into a 6 ft dude lying on the ground. He had black hair and bright blue eyes, matching the flowers. He had a navy blue hoodie with the hood on. Black jeans, and a white tank top under his hoodie, with the same navy blue blue sneakers, and very pale.

" ACK- " He screamed while waking up.

" Ack is right bro. " I said back.

" How in the living Mario brothers did my sweater get wet? " He asked, Aqua stayed silent though, same did everyone else, I kinda pointed at Aqua though.

" Magic? " Aqua asked.

" Probably not.. " Adam commented.

" Well, I mean..most likely... " She wasn't lying, it was HER magic

He told us how he got there, and how he remembered nothing and blah blah blah, I'm skipping this because you all heard the same thing with Sameul.

" I'm Adam Gray. " He said, he stood up, being taller than all of us.

I'm 5'9, Aqua's 5'8. Aki is 5'5, Rosey is 5'9, and Sameul is 5'11.

So Adam was the tallest one.

" Sorry for almost killing you! " Adam nervously laughed.

" It's okay, we all do that from time to time " Aqua answered back, we all laughed along.

" Now, where do we get out?? " Rosey asked.

We looked around, there was nowhere to get out. It was like a floating square, in the middle of nothingness.

" Oh well, that's fantastic. " Aki said sarcastically.

" There has to be at least one way out...There has to be... " I explained while thinking a lot.

" Oh yeah Aqua, how's your sca---Woah... " Aki said amazed.

Aqua's burn from the dragon, aka Adam, had fully healed from the water. I knew water already helped heal wounds but I swear it didn't heal it fully

" Must've been the water? " Aqua explained very confusedly.

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