chapter eleven : i killed something by talking

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I had no idea if the group left me, or waited. I was feeling better that I got to talk to my brother. His vision blurred away about an hour ago, I still needed time to cool though..I stood up, dusting my shirt off, I fixed my beanie over my fluffy hair, and I slowly walked back to where my friends were. It was hours since I was out there. Thank god, I saw them all there.

Talola was sleeping at the corner of a building, Rosey was sitting next to her, staring up at the sky threw another stairwell Adam and Aki were sitting beside each other on the curb and talking , Aqua was running around with Heather who recently turned into a centaur.

Turns out Rosey noticed me fairly quickly.

" Ally! Thank god you came back! You missed so much!! " Rosey got up to face me.

" Yeah, kinda guessed that " I chuckled.

" Well, when you stormed off, Aqua almost ran after you, but I grabbed her and told her to give you some time. A bit later, Adam got to the top of the stairwell here, and tried to jump, but I had to fly up and catch him so he didn't die.. And then Aki started trying to race Aqua, and it was madness. " Rosey explained.

" Damn. that's a lot. " I answered. Rosey giggled, then she turned to the rest of the group.

" Okay, guys, she's out. Let's go! " Rosey pointed toward me when she said that, everyone said their ' hello's ' to me and we started to walk. Everytime we went walking to find something, we never really knew where we were going. We just go there. After about an hour of walking. Something..smells really things bad.

" Is it just me or can you guys smell that too?? " Aki asked in confusion. She walked toward a rock, where she smelt it. She moved the rock..then screamed at the top of her lungs.

" What is it? " Adam asked, he went to look then he screamed like a little girl.

" Oh come on, it isn't that- " I was saying before I saw him. " Okay never mind. "

I bet you're wondering what that was..well...remember a certain person named, Sameul? Who disappeared. Well..looks like he did go the wrong way...the dead thing was him.

" I-Is he dead? " I asked in disgust.

" I think so... " Adam replied with tears building in his eyes.

His eyes were white like when Heather almost died. But this time he was, really, really dead. He wasn't moving, just lying there. He had two bleeding circles on his neck, like he'd been bitten by a vampire. Then out of nowhere...I could hear something hissing...

" I think what killed Sameul is coming!! " I yelled at the rest of the group..

A woman but with giant black feathery wings instead of arms. She has like, Rapunzel long black hair. Her skin was pitch black like her hair. Her eyes were a bright blood red, and the rest of her eye was black, she had long piercing fangs. She had what looked like a black mid-thigh skirt but it was ripped, it looked like a grass skirt almost. She has a sports bra on, it looked like she hadn't eaten in over 1000 years because I could very easily see her ribs. She soared up from behind more rocks, staring at us with her terrible and scary eyes. Everyone used their powers or grabbed nearby metal bars as weapons. She went down the pounce on us.

I brought out my darkness, but it was useless, vampires are darkness demons. She had the same power. My eyes went all black to continue my darkness and get stronger. I somehow had the urge to sing to calm I did. But I didn't realize I was doing it out loud.

I was singing, until the enemy.. Flew up, she looked like she was paralyzed yet looked like she was trying to escape from her own thing I knew she exploded into a million pieces of dust. Everyone looked at me stunned.

" Um, number one : how? Number two : What the hell? " Adam cried in shock.

" Uhh...I don't know? But isn't this kinda normal for this weird stuff to happen now? " I explained in confusion.

" Why were you singing in the first place? " Heather asked.

" I mean, I usually sing in my head to calm myself down, I just accidentally did it outloud. " I continued, shrugging.

" Weird. " Rosey answered back.

" Wait! Do any of you guys know what sirens are?! " Aki got an idea.

" Kinda, why? " Rosey answered back.

" Sirens can hypnotize others with their singing, what if... " Aki stood next to me, " One of Ally's parents must be a siren and the other one must have SOMETHING to do with darkness! " we all turned to Talola.

" I'm being 100% honest here. I have never met Ally's parents. " Talola answered.

" Ally. " Aki turned back toward me " Have you had any, visions, thoughts, or anything...of your parents? "

" Umm...well..remember that one time when I ran into an allie a little bit before that warrior girl Redly came along? " I asked everyone.

" Yes?? What happened. " Aki continued.

" Uh, I had a vision of what I think might have been my father. " I pulled out the old crumpled paper of my name from the start. " See how it says Ally, then something scratched out than it says Rereko? What if Rereko was my mother's last name? But if they put my father's last name it would be too obvious. "

" Where are you going with this? "

" I think ...I think my father is the Grim Reaper. "

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