chapter fourteen : i almost died, yay

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I woke up in a start, I woke up in a very familiar room...A white square room..with tile floor and cement and roof...I was back where we started..but this time..I still remembered everything that happened..but..I was back in the room. Alone. None of the crew were there. The vent was on the floor, and Aqua's hair clip. I guess the room stayed the same after we left. I went towards the stairs, but then..they went back into the wall? I stepped on the tile again, you know, the one that let the stairs out in the first place?? But the tile was missing...

" What the.. " I said to myself in complete shock.

" Looking for this? " A female voice said behind me.

I turned around and tried to let out my darkness to protect myself..but my neck felt a hundred bolts the next second!! I fell to the ground in pain, I looked up to where the voice was coming from.

" Using your darkness won't help you. " said the voice again, I turned to one..

" Who's there?.. " I said with a look of pain on my face.

All I could see was the tile dangling from just the sight of air..I got up and I tried to grab it but it flew all the way to the roof..I couldn't grab it.
" If you want to leave this never will. Unless you help me. " the voice continued.

" What? "

" I attacked an electric choker around your neck. If you fail my words. I'll set it off. Like I did before. But if you do my words. You'll be fine "

" . . . "

" I need you to kill your friends, Allyna. "

" What!? No I- " I was saying, then she set the choker off again..blood started to leak out of my mouth.

" What did I say about disobeying me? Don't worry Ally. they will just feel pain in this world. All that will happen is that they will feel the pain here, they will enter our real world again, but they still will disintegrate. "

I wiped the blood away. Yet the blood still kept leaking out of my mouth.

" So, are you going to do your job? Or should I kill you right here right now and kill your friends myself. Fyi, if you try and escape by saying you will. I can still kill you from where I'm watching through your eyes..Your decision. " The voice continued

What was I going to do..I wasn't going to kill my friends..and I wasn't going to let whoever this is kill them either!!

" There's no escaping here Reaper. What's your decision? "

I sighed " Why,..why? "

" I don't want to deal with you and your idiot friends! " The tile hit the ground as if someone had thrown it in anger.

" Well, I don't know are at all..but all I can say is you are the cruelest person I know..I-I even know Kayla Trez! And you still are meaner than her. Killing people. Kayla didn't even do that!! "

I think I put the person into a fit when I said that..because the remote she had to control the zapper on my neck appeared in thin air, she pushed the button than broke the remote..zapping me..until I passed out..I was in so much pain, my body passed me out to try and not die..

Hours later..I woke up..The zapping was gone..and so was the voice..I didn't have that zapper anymore either..a body length mirror was placed against the wall, I could see myself from where I was sitting..from all the electricity..all the veins in my body were popping out and showing throughout my was the worst where my neck was...My neck was covered in veins popping out, and my neck was also a greyish-purple at the front of my neck where the zapper was. It looked like it was straight out of a horror movie. I just sat there, so weak I could barely move, my hands trembling

" Hey.. I don't even know who in the living hell you are, but you're a monster.. You, hurt me, and you're probably about to murder innocent people. No matter what you are a murderer.. " I cried out in pain. Next thing I knew, I was sobbing..I loved those guys..I wasn't about to let that maniac kill what felt like my family! I curled up into a ball..and at some point...I got so mad I...

I wasn't me anymore...I took out so much darkness, in a blink...I was holding a scythe and I had a Reaper cloak on...I was hovering instead of sitting normally, I stood up and went to the wall and sliced it open as violent as I could...I was the catacombs again...That was a while back, I hovered through where.. I remembered where we went..I thought I was going the right way..soon enough, I touched the wall to see the bricks print

" Holy cheese balls, " I said to myself in shock. My hand was..transparent! I could legit see through my hand! I could still see my skin! I was still solid..but I could see through my hand and I could also see my hands skeleton! Just dad and also..I wasn't even talking english! I was speaking some ancient language..that felt like I knew it all along. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't speak english.

I was about to continue walking..until when I actually touched the wall..a portal appeared! I fell through...It was harder to catch myself up because I was hovering..Then I saw..the group!! But..I'm there..I squinted, trying to see if it was someone else and my eyes were playing tricks on me..but it was me. They were calling that Ally my name, and hanging out with that Ally..

I went near the group..I was so filled with anger..that other Ally had to be that voice in disguise..I attack whoever was taking my place.

" Wait guys.. " Rosey said, staring right at me. "What is that "

" Another monster? " Adam replied.

" Guys it's Ally!! That ones a fake! " But then they all looked at me funny.

" What language is she speaking? " Adam asked.

" Wait guys. " Aqua said in a serious manner..she started walking toward me. " This is Ally. " she turned around to the group, pointing at the other Ally. " She's a
fake. "

" What?? No! We've been with her the whole time..she remembers everything! " Heather explained.

" That doesn't add anything to this! I know my bestfriend when I see her. " Aqua argued " And, look at her! Yes you can see her bones, BUT everything else looks like her! "

" That's not me you guys. I'm not related to anything like that. Which means I can't look like that. Come on Aqua. You're looking at a fake " Fake Ally said...I knew that wasn't me..but it was someone else...

" Shut up! I know you're not my best friend and I'll prove it! " Aqua complained.

" Oh yeah! How? " fake me screamed back at her. Aqua glared at fake Ally.

" Okay first of all. My best friend wouldn't scream at me you son of a monkey. And second, she's not trying to hurt us. And ever since we found you, you've been putting us all through living hell.. " Aqua said in a serious manner. When she gets serious, she's scary...Aqua patted my shoulder " You understand english still, right? "

I nodded.

Then Aqua gave me a sheet of paper.. " Sing that "

I took the paper, and sang the words on the paper..For some reason, when I did try to speak came out as this ancient sounding wording..but I could sing english wording. I sang the melody..somehow sounding..farmillier? It...It was the melody I sang earlier to calm myself down..through this whole story.

" See guys? If this were anyone else she wouldn't know how this melody went. This is Ally. she's singing the song from when we first found out she was half siren! " Aqua sighed, " Wait... " Aqua pointed at the fake Ally.. " I know who you are! "

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