chapter six : i grew octopus legs

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We continued walking through the streets, it got darker by the minute. Soon enough it looked like it was midnight..everyone was very cold. I mean the night is cold. So we're gonna be cold. :)

Sadly, we didn't find any clothes stores well walking for Rosey. Bloody white shirt and black skirt is her look now. Aki was looking a little sad at the back of our clump we made. She was the only one who didn't find her power yet...

" You okay? " Adam asked Aki.

" Y-Yeah... " Aki replied.

" Liar. " Adam smirked

" What now?? "

" You're not okay, I know it. "

" Then why did you ask if I was okay if you already knew I wasn't? "

" Why not? "

" Eh. "

" So what's up? "

Aki sighed, " Don't tell the rest but... I'm just a little jealous about how they already got 'powers' and I got nothing.."

" And so what? You'll find your powers out soon enough. Maybe you have the strongest one and that's why it's taking so long to kick in. Maybe something like time? Or the universe? "

" Oh? Yeah right. Like I'd be the strongest ever. But thanks, Adam. This talk really helped. " Aki told Adam before she ran to catch up with Aqua, Rosey, Heather, and I.

Now it was Sameul at the end of the group looking sad.

" Oh, and what's wrong with you? " Adam asked, looking annoyed.

" Huh? " Sameul answered.

" First Aki and now you? I'm not a therapist you bronie " Adam complained.

" 1. I'm not a bronie, 2. I didn't come to you for help dude, I came here so I'm not thinking about.. her... " Sameul explained.

" It's rather this boy has a crush OR he hates someone. " Adam said to annoy Sameul.
Samuel's face turned very, very red.

" HMHMHMHM SAMEUL HAS A CRUSH- " Adam whisper-yelled.

" SHUT UP! " Sameul whisper-yelled.

" WHO?? Is it Rosey?? " Adam asked.

" No. " Sameul replied.

" Aki? "

" Nah man. "

" Aqua?? "

"... "

" SAMEUL LIKES- " Adam yelled, as Sameul covered Adams' mouth so he didn't finish the rest.

" Fine. I won't tell anyone. " Adam said.

" THANK YOU. " Sameul said stressed.

" Maybe. " Adam added.

" Oh come on! " Sameul said.

I was kinda listening to their conversation, until Aqua came to talk to me.

" We're friends, right? I-I can trust you...right? " Aqua said in a panic.

" Well...I think, yeah. " I answered back.

" Can you keep my secret?? " She asked.

" Yeah! Of course! "

" I over heard someone like-likes me "

" Who?? "

" Sameul... "

" You like him back? "

" no he's ugly. " we both laughed.

We continued walking until we all got pretty tired. So we found some camping stores and slept in a tent overnight. It wasn't really comfy. At least there were no monsters trying to murder us. That was nice. There were two people per tent. We forced Aqua and Sameul to go in one together, I went in one with Heather, Rosey, and Aki went together, and Adam was alone because there were no more tents so he slept on top of Aki and Rosey's tent.

I really couldn't sleep. Just the thought that SOMEONE..fooled all of us to go through that door and legit kidnapped us to play their little game...

The night was very long. I was surprised I could stay up that long and I was still wide awake.

My mind was racing with thoughts on how I ended up in this madness...I need to exit this NOW...I want to finish it all...

I slowly shut my eyes, finally, falling asleep...

" Ally! Ally!! ...... ALLY!! " A voice yelled, waking me up from a nightmare...It was like from terrible madness to birds whistling and my friends around me trying to wake me up...

" NO! " I sat up straight yelling well waking up, on the sidewalk curb..covered in blood, with a black stain in the cement under me.

" Well, that was probably needed before 'that' happened! " Rosey giggled. Now she was wearing a bright gray backless tank top. The back her bra showing through the back. It was ripped due to her wings so she taped around it so it would stay.

" Wh-What happened? " I asked out of breath, sitting straight up..feeling like I just murdered some..thing..

" You went insane Ally! Some monster came in. just a normal one, not another member, but it tried to attack Aqua and you woke up from Heather and your tent with these, messed up tentacles leaking black strings and you strangled that thing to death! For some reason it coughed up all it's blood..and you just...Ew.. " Sameul explained.

" How did I end up on the curb though? " I asked.

" I tried running after you, but you walked..ran? Away with the tentacle things.. As you exited the store they disappeared, and you fell to the ground unconscious. leaving the black stuff behind you. Like your allergic to sunlight or something... " Adam explained.

" I-I'm so sorry if I scared any of you! Or.. even hurt any of you! " I said well standing up.

" No! No! You didn't hurt anyone! " Heather explained well, trying to walk closer to me, I started to walk away..

All of a sudden, everything started swirling..All noises started getting deeper..
I started backing away..soon enough I ran to the back on an allie, a few minutes of me crying went by, then.. I saw the figure of a tall dude. The figure was all black, yet it looked familiar...

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