chapter nine : new land, who dis?

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We did continue walking, soon enough, we entered an abandoned looking city. But, in a good way! It had vines growing over their bridges, it looked like an ancient greek city but much prettier! A lot of..what looked like humans were walking around there!

" Um, excuse me! W-where are we? " Heather asked a girl there, the girl looked about our age. She had black hair to her shoulders. It kinda curled at the end like snow white! She had a white headband over her hair, she was wearing a white knitted sweater and white jeans. No shoes. Like everyone there. Everyone was wearing all white but no shoes..we were the odd ones out.

" Isn't it obvious? This is Agartha!! " The girl explained in a nice tone. She had a huge smile on her face. " You guys are going to burn if you guys are wearing that! Come with me!!"

She took Talola's hand, and then mine, I think she knew Heather, Rosey, Aki, and Adam were also with us. Well we were going who-knows-where, we did get some information out of the girl.

" I know you guys have questions. I will answer them! I'm Kayla Trez. A citizen of Agartha! And if you're wondering where we are on earth, well. We are not on earth, we are literally a city placed on the sun! " Kayla explained.

" Wasn't Agartha like a war city?? " Adam asked.

" Well...Yes. We used to just think war was the answer. I'm not really sure how, but we ended up stopping having war with the dark. It's like the phrase you can't have happiness without sadness! You can't have light without darkness! "

" Ohhh "

" We're here! Please, ignore my roommates, they might get a little angry that I brought so many guests! "

She had a very tiny house. Or that's what it looked like from the outside. When we entered, it looked like a castle!! Kayla led us into a room, where there sat two girls.

One had long bright brown hair braided over her shoulder. She had a white tank top and white jeans, she had freckles, but not a lot. Her eyes were a beautiful green and hazel mix.

The second girl had short light purple hair up to her shoulders. She was wearing a white cutely oversized sweater with white socks. She had piercings in her ears and a band-aid on her nose, cheek, forehead, knees, back of legs, almost like she was in a fight. But not like that at the same time! She had bright blue eyes too.

" Kay... That's..a lot of people. " the second girl explained.

" I know guys. But they might be lost and they aren't even wearing white! We gotta help them! " Kayla explained.

" There's three girls who live here. So yeah there's a lot of clothing. But what about him? " The first girl explained, pointing at Adam.

" He can use Kai's clothing. " Kayla answered. " Ivisha, Danni. Please take all the girls here and let them pick from our clothing, and with you sir. I will walk you to a place where we can get you good clothing so you don't burn. We are in the center of the earth after all. Our sun is pretty much a flaming ball of lava but much closer. "

The two girls whose names are rather Danni or Ivisha, took us into an enormous dressing room. I have no idea what happened to Adam after though. Anyway, Ivisha and Danni let us pick from the huge selection of random clothing. All being white. After we all picked out our clothing of liking, they took us to separate dressing rooms to change. I removed my tuke first, and put on a white baseball cap, a white t-shirt, and white jean shorts overalls. They told us not to put back on our shoes. Since they did that for some reason. I went back to the living room from before and everyone looked pretty nice. ( All their clothing is white. For your information).

Rosey was wearing a backless blouse for her wings, and jean shorts. She put her hair into loose pigtails.

Heather had her silky black hair in a braid over her shoulder, she was wearing a mid-thigh skirt, and a t-crop top.

Aqua had her very long neon blue hair in a loose ponytail, She had a sweater crop top, and also a mid-thigh skirt.

Aki had her black hair down, she had an oversized sweater, that was like a dress for her.

Talola was wearing her long pink hair in space buns. She was wearing jeans and a blouse tank top.

We were all wearing very bright white clothing which kinda hurts my eyes. All of us waiting in the living room area for Adam and Liby. I did learn who was who. The first/brown haired girls name was Danni and the second/purple haired girls name was Ivisha! In like, 10 minutes, Kayla and Adam came back, Adam was wearing jeans, and a button up shirt, sleeves pulled up to his elbows on his arms. I never really saw his face fully before. He always had his hood up so I couldn't get much detail. But now I could perfectly see his silk black hair and his glowing neon blue eyes.

All of us, including Kayla, Ivisha, and Danni walked along the sidewalks of Agartha. Most people would think they wouldn't walk outside barefoot because they would step on pine needles or something, but surprisingly, there was nothing that hurt any of our feet outside! Like there was no such thing as litter!

It looked like everyone knew each other, they were all so nice, and everyone was smiling! I guess they did change from being such a war city into a peace only area.

" So...Uh ...Where are we going?? " Heather asked.

" Well, wherever you guys want. We just saved you from burning to death. We legit live right next to the sun! " Ivisha explained,

" To be honest, I don't really know where we need to go. " I answered back.

" Wait, Talola, " I whispered to Talola.

" What? " Talola whispered back,

" Did Kayla, Ivisha, or Danni go to our 'school'? "

" Yeah. Kayla and you are childhood friends. Everyone watches you guys like a reality TV show. You guys have been friends since 1st grade. But then when you guys got to 5th grade, you met Aqua and started hanging out with her because you and Kayla started fighting, and now whenever you have to talk to her, no one knows how but you guys start to argue. You guys really never got along ever after 4th grade. You know the grade where everyone gets a personality pretty much. You guys ended up being so different you started hating each other. And it makes it worse since Lightness and Darkness are such opposites, and that happened to be your guys powers " Talola whisper-explained.

" Well that was a lot. " I answered back

" You are really good friends with Danni and Ivisha though. " Talola explained

" Did like, everyone enter that fudging door?? " I asked in surprise

" Well, not at the same time. I think you, Rosey, Aqua, and Aki were the first through the door, so its full power worked and made you forget everything. Then Sameul and Adam went second, then Heather, then me, then these three."

" Maybe... But it looks like Kayla, Ivisha, and Danni forgot "

" To be honest, I think they might have forgotten. I don't really know "

" Yeah.. weird.. "

We were walking/looking for an exit for a bit, Glad Kayla, Ivisha, and Danni were willing to help up find the exit out of Agartha.

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