chapter fifteen : the bad ending, for kayla

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" I can't believe you thought we could buy your act. Well, yes the others did. But as Ally's best friend you thought you could pass out as being my best friend!? Pathetic! " Aqua chuckled..with a look of insanity in her eyes.

" Wh-What!? I'm Ally! " screamed fake me.

" Yeah right Kayla! " Aqua screamed, everyone else gasped in shock.

" What!? " Fake me/ Kayla screamed back.

" Show yourself Kayla! We figured it out! Now let us go! "

" Fine! " The figure that appeared as me, as a blood red mist circled her, slowly revealing Kayla. Instead of all white clothing, she was now wearing the same clothing as before, but her shirt was dark red and her jeans were black, her sneakers being the same colour as her shirt.

" What do you want from us you psycho!? " Aqua screamed at her.

" FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE! '' Kayla screamed, she sighed. " The insane room. Runned by the Trez's for years. All of my family members have access to control what goes down here. Ally and Aqua. you're so popular and cool just because of your parents! Ally is the daughter of The master of darkness and a siren! Sirens eat mortals!! Why do people think you're cool!? Just because you can sing!? A-And Aqua. sure, you're a freaking queen of the waters. So what!? You can do a magic trick with water. All mermaids can! "

My anger died down..I went back onto the ground, my skin was back to normal, and I looked like I did before I got angry. Except I was still wearing my cloak And I could speak english now. " You sent us down here just because you hate us? " I asked in confusion.

" Yes! A-And Rosey, Aki. Rosey gets everything! Just because her parents King Sparo and Queen Rizo! You don't deserve your popularity! And everyone LOVES Aki just because she's a unicorn and can give you everything! " Kayla went on.

" Wait, what about everyone else? And how would we leave you alone? " Adam asked.

" Everyone else except for those four came in on their own. I thought once your idiots memories came back, and you guys remembered what I put you'd respect me because you wouldn't want it to happen again. And everyone else came through on their own. " Kayla laughed "Okay Adam's was kinda funny..He was looking into the door because he wanted to know where his girlfriend went, and then a squirrel threw a pinecone at his head and he fell in "

" Wait so I came in on accident?! " Adam yelled

" Mhm,! " Kayla happily answered back.

" I have so many questions.. " Rosey replied.

" I'm done here. I don't want anything to do with any of you anymore!! " Kayla was screaming. " FIND YOUR WAY OUT! I DON'T CARE! I'M LEAVING! " The mist circled her when she changed to herself from looking like me went around her, and she disappeared.

" Well. That was nice of her " Adam replied

" mhm, yeah " Night answered.

" I can't believe you guys thought that was me. " I said to all of them.

" When you went to the door, you fainted, then when 'you' woke up, 'you' were acting odd..I couldn't place my finger on it though..then we found out it was Kayla. And boom " Aqua answered.

" Sorry Ally :') " Heather spoke.

" It's Alright. " I told the group.

Aki sighed. " I guess it's finally time to leave this insane room..and go back to normal life? "

" Yeah. finally. " Rosey added.

We all started walking to where the door was..I know this is weird of me to say..but you know..I'm going to miss the insane room. I spent days here. I mean, we only slept for one night. We were awake for the rest trying to find our way out..memories were made, and the memories will stay here.

" Welp..Here we are. " Rosey explained, we were standing in the entrance of a forest. With an abandoned looking white door..nothing behind it..but we knew if we went through it..we'd be done here.

" Who's first? " Rosey asked. Looking nervous and turning to our group.

" OKAY I HAVE BEEN SILENT THIS WHOLE TIME I NEED MY PHONE! " Talola was screaming. If I were being honest I would say I forgot she was there. And I just did. Talola ran in the door, it looked like she perished the sight of dust.

" Woah.. " I answered back.

" Can I go next? Yeah thanks. " Night asked. Then walked through without an answer.

" Bye cruel insane room. " Heather, said. And she jumped into the door.

Everyone went in..until it was just Aqua, Aki, Rosey and I left.

" wait.. Ally how did you do that teleporting thing before?? " Rosey asked, with a nervous face.

" I was just placing my hand along a brick wall and a portal appeared. " I answered.

" Can you make one of the catacombs? I-I need to get something. "

" I can try. " I placed my hand along the air, concentrating as much as I could..a portal opened! But again, I almost fell through. I stood up again. " The catacombs right? "

" mhm! " Rosey went through, looking for something. All I could see was her running around..looking.. After a while.. " AHA! " Rosey screamed.

" What did you find?? " I asked confused. Rosey ran back through the portal, I closed it..She was holding a knife. With a silver blade and pastel pink handle...from when we first entered the insane room..and had to fight those skeletons to find Sameul.

" Well, souvenirs, am I right? " Rosey asked in happiness.

" I guess " I smiled

" See ya guys on earth " Rosey ran through the door..leaving to earth. I sighed.

" You okay? " Aqua asked.

" I don't know Aqua I- " I started to have a bit of anxiety about this.

" How about we go together? All together? " She held out her hand for me to hold, and did the same with Aki, so we could go together. " No homo "

Aki smiled, so did I.

" Yeah no homo. " I grabbed her hand. We all jumped into the door.

All that was racing through my mind was the memories we made..about all the times we killed monsters, or remembered our powers..I looked over at Aqua and Aki...I could tell they were thinking the same this, I looked looked like we were racing down in a spiral looking portal..My beanie almost fell off, I had to grab it quickly before I lost it..Than all of a a blink, Aqua, Aki and I were on a gravel ground. The entrance of a forest..we could see..a high school right next to us. The rest of the gang not there, but a note on the ground..

A flood of memories entered my head..Like how I remembered my siblings, parents, and EVERYTHING else..I remembered Rosey's messy yet neat was on the note. It said " Hey guys..we got a flood of memories..I bet you guys did too. Everyone thought they needed to go home that instant. Sorry for leaving -Rosey"

" I have to go home! " I was shocked about how much entered my head.

" Same here bro. " Aqua said. " Let's go? "

" Me too! Bye guys! " Aki ran off.

I nodded with happiness.

Aquamarine's parents died at a young age for her..And even though mermaids and sirens hate each siren mother Luna Reaper made an exception when we were 11 because Aqua was my best friend and she had no siblings and nowhere to she lived and is still living with us. We stood up and started running to our house..I knocked on the door loudly..I looked at a clock in the was 3:34am.

My mother answered the door. She looked at us in shock. My mother Luna Reaper has blue scales on her face, because she's a siren. She has circle glasses and glowing blue eyes. She has black hair with blue ends. At the time she was just wearing a house robe.. She never even said a word. She just pulled us into a hug sobbing.

" Hun, it's 3 in the morning what's the ma- " My father, the Grim Reaper was saying as he came into the living room. My mother stopped hugging us and went to the side. To let us see my father..and also Aqua's adoptive-father. My parents were like Aqua's other parents. They helped us both grow up. Aqua and I rushed to him and hugged him. We were still sobbing..he started sobbing too. " O-Our kids are back, " my father said to my mother.

My mother nodded.

I backed up, so did Aqua

" Where are Vanessa and Alexander?! " I yelled in shock.

" They are sleeping. You can go wake them up. Alexander had no one to hang out with due to you going and Vanessa usually hangs out Aqua so she's been lonely too " My father answered.

I ran into Alexanders room, Aqua ran into Vanessa's room.

Alexander is my older brother. You already know him.

He was sleeping so peacefully..So I looked into his closet looking for something I knew for a fact was there..I grabbed it and faced Alexander.

" AHHHHHH " I screamed as I blew an air horn.

" The fu- " Alexander was saying until he saw me, he got up and hugged me, I hugged him back.

" I'm back from the dead- " I replied, trying to make him laugh, I mean come on the boy is always sad.

He chuckled, " Yeah sure. " He backed up, " You should go see Vanessa. She really missed you and Aqua. and I put in quotes from her words your 'girl squad' "

" Alright, thanks for the welcome back " I ran to Vanessa's room. To see and and Aqua jumping up and down.

Vanessa had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, like my mother, she was wearing at the time a long t-shirt from her boyfriend that fit her like a dress. She is kinda popular because she used to have long hair and be a mean girl..but one day she just changed. I can't really explain how. But I know there are these two girls that follow Vanessa around at school. Candy and Jessica. They used to be the mean girls with Vanessa. But when Vanessa changed, so did them. They are a little obsessed with Vanessa. Vanessa is my younger sister by two years.

" ALLYNA! " Vanessa ran to me and hugged me lightning fast. Vanessa had a big smile on her face. " I missed you and Aquamarine so much! "

" I'd guess " I chuckled.

Aqua had a serious look on her face. " I need to go see Raven. " She bolted out the front door, my parents were confused. I ran after her, since Aqua's girlfriend is one of my best friends anyways.

Raven Bright, Aquamarine's girlfriend. She was the same height as me, being taller than Aqua. She had long white hair, black eyes, she had the power to control ice. Her twin brother Robin Bright always gave Aquamarine weird looks, but yet he was a really good friend of mine! I followed Aqua to Ravens house, she could run fast for being awake for four days straight. Aqua knocked on the Ravens door loudly. Raven opened the door, seeing Aqua, she quickly hugged her. Being extra happy

" I can't believe you're back!! " Raven said so happily.

" Same here Rave.. " Aqua said with tears in her eyes.

" You know if the rest of the group came back safely? "

I was holding my knees, trying to catch my breath. " Not yet..they left to see their families before we made it back to earth. "

" Call them! You guys have your phones now don't you? " Raven asked.

" Oh yeah! " Aqua screamed, She looked in all of her pockets, and found her phone! She quickly looked in our group chat in our texting app. And texted everyone to meet at the front of our school. I even got the message too. I found my phone in my back jean pocket. Aqua grabbed Ravens wrist and started to run to the school, grabbing my wrist as well.

We made it to the school..and someone was waiting there for us..

" OMG SAMEUL YOU'RE ALIVE!? '' Aqua screamed in excitement.

" I am, surprisingly " Sameul said with a smile.

" Yo dude, what happened, how did you get back on earth?? " I asked.

" Well, I was walking with you guys in the doorway finding Talola..I found another I went there..than what I thought was Aqua..was telling me they found the Talola and to come with I did, than she changed to what i think you guys saw..and she bit my neck..It felt like Hell..but then I woke up in my bed..I sat up in a bolt. My family ran into my room. They took down my missing flyers..asked me what happened..I told them. And that was that. I just got the message in the group chat so I ran here..knowing you guys were ba- " Sameul was explaining..before..

" I'M HERE! And I have my sweet sweet baby " Talola was saying as she was petting her phone.

" We got the text! " Rosey said, as she ran to us. Heather was trotting behind her.

Adam and Aki ran here as well.

" Where's Nightmare!? " I asked in a panic..

" Here! Sorry! My house is far- " Nightmare said well running, she was catching her breath.

" It's okay bro. Alright, is everyone here!? "

Everyone went in a circle.

" Everyone in the main group, yeah. " Adam answered.

" I don't think everyone else was an actual part of the maze. Due to imagination and things like that. For example, Ivisha and Danni. They acted like they lived there and that was their home. " Rosey addeed.

" True, true, " Aqua commented.

" So do you guys think they're okay? " Aki asked.

" I mean, probably " Talola answered

" They were probably holograms? " Heather added.

" Maybe, Maybe " Aki answered.

" But they are real here right? " I asked.

" They should be. Talola said so. " Rosey added.

" I have no idea what we are talking about, " Raven commented.

" Me neither bro! " Sameul said as he fist bumped Raven.

" I think I have five dessises now because of that, " Raven added.

" GUYS! " A familiar voice came from behind us..

We all evacuated our circle and turned toward the voice. It was Danni and Ivisha! They were okay..but their faces didn't say that..They had the exact same outfits they did before. But they were still white? Didn't Kaylas change?

" You guys are okay! " Talola said in happiness.

" Yeah we are..but we need your help! " Ivisha said

" What's up? " I asked.

" It's Kayla... "


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