You son of a bitch!!

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Hi guys I have to tell you something real quick I'm dedicating this chapter to @live2laugh4life because  

A. She knew something was going to go down 

2. Cause she has commented on almost all my chapters 

C. Cause she has this amazing book she is writing and I like it a lot. I strongly suggest you go read it! 

Ok so now let's let the magic begin 


Keegan's POV

I felt as if someone's been watching me the whole time sense we got back. I may just be crazy like Ashton tells me but I'm almost positive that I'm not. We had to leave my pack early cause Ashton had to deal with some alpha stuff. I guess that's what happens when your mated to the alpha.

We had been back for about 3 days and everywhere I went it felt as if someone was watching me. Ashton told me it was nothing and I was probable going insane and he didn't want me going to an asylum. I knew I shouldn't be worried but I felt like I kind of should be.

Today was Tuesday so it meant I won't see Ashton all day cause he has some alpha business. I think they should also have the alphas mate come with but Ashton just laughed at my idea. I woke up to an empty apartment and jumped out of bed. Walked to the shower and turned in on. I turned on my radio and Home by Philipp Philipps came on. That song had quickly become one of mine and Ashton's favorites. I hopped in the shower and quickly cleaned my self. I stepped out of the shower and realized I didn't grab a towel, and I didn't care cause I was alone so I could walk around naked and not worry about being jumped by my sex crazed mate. I walked into the kitchen and fixed a cup of coffee. In doing so I realized another good reason to keep Ashton around cause he's always the first up so he makes coffee.

I laughed at my self and walked back to our room. I grabbed a pair Ashton's red boxers and slid them on. Then grabbed a pair of grey skinnys and a My Chemical romance shirt from the black parade days. I pulled on my favorite green converses. Looked around till i found the trucks keys. Grabbed the keys to the truck and my school bag and headed out the door. I shut then locked the door behind me. Walked down three flights of stairs and went to the parking lot. Quickly located the truck hopped inside and turned it on. I pulled out of my spot and out onto the road. As soon is I was out on the road the uneasy felling that someone was watching me fell over me. I turned on the radio and tried to ignore the feeling.

I pulled up to the school parking lot and turned the truck off. I got out and grabbed my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and started to walked to the building. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder then a pain in the back on my head.

Jackson's POV

Well that was pretty easy I smirked to myself as I pulled Keegan's body to my car. I slide him in the backseat and jumped in front turning the car on. I speed out of the lot and to my little wear house I had purchased for such an occasion. It wasn't anything to fancy just a small little place on the east side of town. I pulled up to it and turned my car off. I opened to back door and pulled Keegan's lip body out and into the building. I laid it the ground as I opened his new home. I pulled him in an stripped off his shirt shoes and jeans leaving him in his or should I say Ashton's boxers. I cringed at him he shouldn't be wearing his boxers. I bent down and attached some chains to his body. One on each leg and arm with one around his waist and another around his neck like a dog collar. I pulled the pocket knife out of my back pocket and slashed Keegan up a bit. I kicked and punched him a few more times.

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