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I was born in a time warp.

My life was surrounded with a married couple whom I think marry each other out of dispute. They always fight for many reasons. Which I believe because of money and their principle, or their ego and their opposite attitudes.

Out of the six children of this married couple, I was born as the eldest. Which apparently left me with no choice but become the breadwinner of our family.

I'm fairly proficient in everything I do. From my studies until I work as an Overseas Filipino Worker or OFW in Japan for two years, and now another two years in a more foreign country from the continent of Europe.

"Miss Ivana Manalo, please receive your ticket." A woman in thirties called me. I hurriedly get my ticket from her. I should not be late.

"Taxi!" I fought the urge to shout loud because my voice is literally loud even when I'm just whispering something.

Trying to be polite, I asked the driver to drive fast but safely. Glancing at my wrist watch it's already 4:52 in the afternoon. I smiled bitterly when I remember the reason why I'm heading to a not-so-popular place on the Norfolk estate of the Viscount Althrop.

It is owned by the former eight Earl Spencer of England. A castle-like academy was built in this humble land which has a limited number of students and professors.

The wind picked up, and a few strands of my hair got in my face blocking my view as I drop out from the taxi cab. Annoyed, I swept them away. I looked up and narrowed my eyes at the tall, large gate of the academy.

This place was literally creepy just like what I've heard from my co-teachers in the former academy where I teach almost half of my two year teaching contract.

I hurriedly push the long chimes hanged outside the gate to make a ringing sound which literally make it open enough for me to get inside.

I walk few meters before the castle-like academy that has a few opened lights welcomed me. There's no guard or any security personnel installed in this place. My jaw dropped down when the entrance of the academy open.

This place was warm despite the cloudy weather outside. Seated at the small wooden chair, I watched the old man out of the corner of my eye as I put my signature on the log book.

I wanted to ask him why this place was so quite despite the time which is too early for an ordinary students to settle in bed. But I tried to zip my mouth. I knew this place wasn't going to be easy to deal with but I have no other choice but to stay.

The salary behind my experience of teaching here will not just only suffice my family but will also give me a fortune. The salary was a tripled pay from what I've received in Japan two years ago.

My stomach flipped as I entered the room where I would be staying. It was the same set up I've heard from my former co-teachers in the city who happened to be here for a one week workshop.

But unlike them, I am not here as a delegate to earn units but a teacher who will soon experience the creepiness of this academy. I started to unpacked my things.
The minute I finished unpacking it, I went straight to my new room's bathroom.

As the warm water cascaded on my bare skin, I wondered what kind of students I am teaching starting tomorrow. Can I really teach them well?

I usually had this weird attitude towards my student. I don't want to get along with my them. I always want them to realized that there is no beyond relationship that will exist between me as their teacher and them as my students. In other words, I want them to always see me as their teacher. Not a boon companion but their second parent.

My mind cut off the worry when the doorbell of my room suddenly rang. Crap!
I'm not yet done cleaning myself. In a panic, I quickly grabbed everything that I already laid on my bed and put them all on.

As I was rushing to open the door, I forgot to wear my slipper which I put below my bed. A woman surprised me with her heavy make up as I opened the door.

"I'm Jen. It's nice to meet you...what's your name again?" I fought the urge to laugh at her expression. She's cute actually and her make up add some funny sides of her. Did she often went to a Halloween party?

"I'm Ivana. It's nice also to meet you, Jen." We did not offer each others hand because we think it's not necessary anymore. I already feel comfortable just by looking at her.

There was some tension in the air; I presumed it was because this old librarian who seems to have some extraordinary vision. She keeps on vying on my overall body as if she was gifted with an xray-like eyes.

I am now at the library with Jen who offered herself to help me tour and get to know the academy. Jen jokingly cough to wipe out the tense air between me and the old librarian.

"Excuse us, Miss Amylie." Jen finally said to get us out with the old spinster librarian gaze. I had tingles the entire tour in the library. It was occupied with many sorts of books and I get jealous because the university where I graduated missed the chance to offer us a library like this academy had.

Next to our stop is the wide veranda of the second floor. We stopped and sit at the large wooden chair where we can see the beautiful sight of the night. Yes, it's already 6:38 pm.

Millions of stars illuminated the dark sky. I think this veranda would really help to lessen the creepiness of this academy. My sightseeing was cut by Jen's hand which tightly hold my arms now. I look at her face because it seems like her body suddenly turn trembling.

It is difficult to make a single, definitive description to what I was seeing right now. I think I know now why Jen's eyes was literally pasted to them.

Their bloated appearance with a ruddy countenance made their entrance more charismatic. It feels like I was at a modeling event. But my eyes literally get attached to one of the guys in their group.

He was literally breathtaking.

His wet hair fell in loose bangs over his face. He had no beard which made him look neat and hunk. Did I mention he had a kissable lips and cleft chin?

But what really caught me is his eyes.

His alluring yet cryptic eyes.

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