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There were paintings everywhere. My eyes started to get dizzy looking at more than twenty paintings in his room. I only guess this is his room.
I can't actually help but to scold myself for accepting his invitation to be with him alone in this gallery-like room of him.

He was sitting beside me in the soft couch unbuttoning his shirt. God!
Do I really need to do this now?

Okay. I know I'm single and would you believe me or not, I've never dated anyone ever since. Not even once. I gulped hard for the sixth time. As my breathing became tight, I looked to him.

His shirt was totally unbuttoned now. I can see the massive pile of it on his stomach.

God! He had an eight pack abs. It's not my first time to see such thing but to know that his the owner of it makes my heartbeat unusual.

My eyes brimmed with surprise as he gazed towards my face. I'm trembling. So, this is how it feels when you're supposed to do it with a hunk guy like him?

I'm even more surprised when he engulfed me in a protective embrace. His arms held me tight. His body was bloody cold. It feels like I'm having a tight hug with our refrigerator at home.

Is he sick? Is this really his body temperature?

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked me, in a gentle tone or should I say in sexy tone. Taking a deep breath, I nod at him.

"It's okay. I won't force you. I just want to smell your scent." Gently,  he swept away his coat from my shoulder and some strands of my hair in my neck. He pressed his lips into it. I gasped when I finally fell the touch of his tongue on my bare skin. His kissing my neck and it holds my breath.

Is this his way of smelling?
Cold and speechless, I closed my eyes. It was actually heaven touching the sleeping particles of my body. Before I get loss with his seduction, darkness engulfed me.

The last thing I remember was his husky voice in my ear.

"You're mine."

Hours later, my eyes fluttered open and I hurriedly sit down to the soft sheets of the bed. I examine the room and I'm sure that it's my room. I stayed silent and smuggled closer to my bed's headboard.

At what time did I get here?

I looked at the alarm clock I had in my side table and its already 4:56 in the morning. I checked myself before started cleaning myself. I'm sure he didn't touch me aside from kissing my neck.

Well, I hope so. How would I really know it when I actually fainted in front of him. Slightly tired, I walked towards the bathroom. After I take a shower, I rummaged through my closet to find something for me to wear.

I put on the dark chocolate pants I bought in Japan and a knitted beige tank top. I try to hurry up since I am planning to visit early the library to find something.

Walking towards the entrance, I wondered if the old librarian was still here to eye me with a strange gaze. I tried to open gently the door. Then I heard footsteps headed my way. Oh God, there she goes again.

"Good morning, Miss Amylie."  I greeted her, still awkward by her gaze. Seriously this old lady is more creepy than this academy. There's no pair of eyes watching us, so I guess we're the only guest of the library.

Clearing my throat, I give her the short cut paper from my notebook where I write all the books I needed for my class today. I made some light conversation with her even if she's just listening and didn't responded to some of my questions.

I guess she's quite distant and is socially retarded. When there is only two more books that we need to find, she finally answered my last question.

"You'll regret it heading here, young lady." Confused by what she replied. I recalled my last question for her and I got creeps in my eyes when I realized that I was asking about the former director of the academy.

Is that really the best answer for my question? It's an out of the blue feedback from her. My stomach suddenly had some freaking dragons fluttering inside when I finally grabbed the last two books I need. She actually give me a more creepy feelings because of what she's doing right now.

She's opening a small, old, ironed box with a tight lock on its surface. There's no key on her hands but just her long, uncut nails that keeps on pushing the keyhole. I little cracked sound on the keyhole directed us that it is finally open.

"Keep this." I literally gulped hard when I realized what's inside the box and now she's giving it to me. It was a dagger covered with a thick black cloth.

"I don't need this...I mean w-what---" She cut my words off. She hold tight my hands clenching it down to the daggers cloth.

"Keep this as a secret. Or you'll be in danger if they found out that you're keeping it." She mumbled with a little kick of fear on her wrinkled eyes. She finally take off the cloth from the dagger and I was fascinated to finally see it.

It was made longs years ago based on its feature and durability. I noticed also the carved letters and numbers on its  pointed, sharp blade.

330 C.E.
Pont Neuf

I got chills on my body when I finally get a hold of it. It's actually a little bit heavy. I blinked my eyes away from the dagger and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Why me?" I asked and made her face in sour reaction. She walked nearer to me and her calloused hand caress my cheeks. I didn't notice that there are two drops of tears in my eyes.

God! What's gotten to me?
She gazed at me intensely before she answered me.

"Because it choose you." Terrified and confused, she held my hand tight. A small sense of panic started to rise in me. My heart soared with a sudden unreasoning terror.

"You're the new owner of this,  young lady. You're a death dealer."

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Where stories live. Discover now