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Corvin sent all the other pale faces back to where they were at, while I who is extremely confused didn't make any move in my seat. Their meeting is done and I'm still trying to digest everything they said and told me. Keeping my mouth silent and trying to figure out my guts to believe them, I listen to what they're going to plan.

"The guardians need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Miss Amylie told Corvin as the two tall man closed all the doors outside this place where we are all seated. Corvin just nod his head as a response.

"Ivana, are you okay?" Jen asked me in a low voice. I just look at her and nod too.

"I'm afraid that for the queens safety, you need to spend the night with her Corvin. I want the guardians to stand guard over the castle entrances. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately." Miss Amylie added. Corvin who was looking immensely proud and important towards me nod at her suggestion again.

"Send word with the death dealers in the basement, Feliza. We need help from the old guards." Corvin told Feliza. She's the gorgeous slash crazy woman who drag me here. I never imagine her name would be that beautiful like her face. Feliza just nod to what Corvin ask for her and walk out towards the hallway. I feel Jen's hand touch mine and tap my palms carefully, trying to ease my fear and perplexed mind.

We are only four people who was left in the long table. Jen and I are at the middle of the table while Corvin and Miss Amylie are sitting on our side with several unoccupied seats as our gap. I release a deep breath before I ask them.

"Why did I become the Queen?"

"Because the King choose you, Ivana." Miss Amylie answered. Corvin choose me?

"W-Why?" I stop the urge to cry. I don't want to look weak in front of them especially to Corvin. I want to tell them I want to go home and see my family but there is something in me that stop me from saying it. Honestly, I can't accept what they told me. I never dream to carry a big responsibility in my life and me being Queen?..my parents would definitely cry with shock and inhibitions.

"Corvin?" Miss Amylie called him but he didn't answer. As I was about to ask again, the candles in the room all went out at once. The only light now came from the old chandelier at the ceiling but it was suddenly shaking as if someone was jogging it.

"Ivana, stay with the King!" Jen told me and drag me to Corvin who was now standing from his seat. I feel Corvin's hand in my waist as I get closer at him. I assumed something was not right again.

"Let's go." He muttered. I think there is something strange again to happen even in this castle. We walk towards the stairs while Jen and Miss Amylie is walking short way away from us. No matter how I tried to erase the fact that I am in a serious situation with them; immortals, whom I only seen in movies and read in books and articles, I need to follow what they told me. I know I was in the verge of a life and death situation especially that those scary wolves are still chasing me.

They told me I'm a death dealer just like what Miss Amylie told me at the library and I somehow believe to them because even Jen, she told me a while ago that she just turn her eyes blind about the creepy things that I suddenly dicovered in the academy. She's actually one of them, vampires- immortals that I still don't know if its okay to believe on their existence. She also told me that she befriended me because Corvin told her so and the strange man who first save me is a guardian. His name is Nyle. Guardians are vampires keeper aside from death dealers who are their fighting elites and the old guards are the vampires seers, this is what exactly what they told me about their race earlier.

We went inside the large hall where the other vampires are staying. They give way when they saw us approaching the hall's entrance and they slightly bow their heads. I never imagine myself receiving such kind of greetings and be with this pale fellows who I wouldn't know if they will bite me without me knowing it. I guess I need to strengthen my faith that God will never abandon me with this peculiar species. The hall was quite intimadating not because it was built with tall and large pillars but because those immortals are staring at me as if they saw a criminal.

"Are you okay?" Jen asked me again when she sense my discomfort.

"Y-Yes..." I lied. This situation is worth of my lies. I don't want them to know what I truly feel being with them. I still don't want to believe that I belong here, that I'm one of them and that I'm their queen. Who wants to become a queen of these immortals? I guess no one. I better live with lies than to make an assurance for them to believe that I already accepted their proposal. A proposal where I will be crowned as their queen again and live with them in this unknown castle.

There is a silent doubt within me and I guess it would help myself from being carried away by their words. I suddenly feel Corvin's cold hands on my shoulder as he put a thick coat on it.

"Stay with me, Ivana." For the first time, he called my name. Butterflies started to flip in my stomach. I look at him and nod as a response. We seated on a large couch in the hall with the other immortals.

"I think its time to introduce ourselves, your Highness." Miss Amylie suggested.

"I am Amoraj, the Kings envoy." My lips literally open an 'O' shape by what Miss Amylie said. She's who?

"She's the twin sister of Miss Amylie, Ivana. She's not what you're thinking." Jen explained. Slightly confused but amuse at the same time, I offer a light smile on her. She really look exactly like the old-librarian. If they are twin, why did I not see her sister here?

"Where is Miss Amylie?"

"My sister is not here. She don't want to live with us, you're Highness." Miss Amy---I mean Amoraj answered. All along, I thought she's Miss Amylie but I was mistaken. If she's an immortal too then...

Oh God! What kind of world did I really put myself into?

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Where stories live. Discover now