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"Don't you want to make something of yourself?"

"What are you doing with your life?"

"Don't you want to be someone in this world?"

But I didn't have to be someone in this world, I would always told myself as I zoned out of my parents sermons. They would often yammer on about me throwing my life away, but I would only think of the many worlds I had conquered, worlds where I was real, where I was someone.

I am Clark Levine. When the rest of my family migrated to another country since my older sister had gone, I'd broken ties with them. There was no one I can get along since my sister was no longer with us. She's a great person. If someone would ask me who I will be choosing between my parents and her, it would always be her. But she's missing, she's gone. Someone took her away from us, away from me- his cute buddy.

I dropped out of the school in the city and choose to stay in a remote academy at the middle of a green, wild forest. I moved into one of its room near from the large, old veranda and started studying like an ordinary student.

I used to dream of disappering. I would stare at a mirror, looking first at my reflection, then thought it, until finally it seemed to me that the reflection was no longer there. That I was no longer there. My parents always caught me doing it before and asked me why I was doing it. When I explained that I wanted to disappear into the mirrors they grabbed me by the ear, told me to forget that foolishness, and sent me out of the house to play with the neighboorhood.

But now that I'm alone, I often do it but I no longer succeed. Instead, I always had a weird yet beautiful dream. In my dream, I am with my sister. She's wearing a long white dress while her long black hair was cascading through her shoulders. And then when we we're now walking into the dark tunnel-like place, a shiny thing will suddenly appear and my sister's hand will felt cold.
Then, she would suddenly cry as if she was struck by some sharp-pointed blade that even I whose listening to her agony would also felt the pain and that is when I can get out from that dream. I would suddenly opened my eyes, sit while my body was still trembling and then tears and sweat would start to drop down from my face as if I was chased by some hideous beast.

I wondered why I always had that kind of dream since I started to stay and study here. I couldn't remember exactly what her face look like in my dream but I am pretty sure that it was her. It was just as if her presence was a flicker. Occupying space, but just momentarily there, then gone from my memory with just the residue of presence but no form.

I get up from my bed and walk through the table where my computer was set. I opened it, choose that icon where I always find my world, the place where I truly belong.
I brought up the pistol up to my shoulder level, let my right hand fingers wrap smoothly around it, and put the palm of my left hand on the butt for support. The gun was light in my hand as I swung it from left to right, clearing the perimeter while I zoomed into the grocery store. Bang! Headshot. Reload. A thugs had popped up from behind a counter with the hostages.

While the womans struggled against them, I raised my arm to take an aim. Bang! Reload. All hostages saved. I smiled, put the pistol back in my holster and wiped my palms on my pants. I watched onscreen as my statistics were tallied:
Hits taken: 3; Hostages saved: 5; Shots taken: 130; Hits: 100; Accuracy: 96%. Not bad, I said to myself. I've been playing computer games since I was seven.
As I am trying to decide what games and what enemies I'd face next, a loud knock stop me from putting my fingers on my mouse and keyboard. Who the hell was knocking my damn door?

I walked towards and open it immediately but I feel tensed as I saw students running through the corridors of our dorm. What the fuck is happening?

I suddenly realized that there's something bad thats going on here since a lot of them are shouting to their hearts content. All scared. All are running like they were chasing. I mean, we're all are chasing...

Jesus! What the hell is that?

My eyes literally twirl in circle as I saw some strange creatures chasing and devouring human flesh. I hurriedly go back inside my room, locked my door and push my cabinet and sidetable towards it. What the hell is that?
I suddenly remembered those big wolves I've seen in many movies but the one I saw now looks grossy, hideous and anyone would really feel scared upon seeing it. I've been studying here for two years but this is only the time I saw it.

What are they? Wolves?
I get the chills thinking about it.

What should I do? Should I pack now my things? Or I should runaway right now? Where will I go? How can I escape from this room, from those beast? Who would help me?
God! I comb my hair with my fingers, feeling frustrated and...

"Oh shit!" Someone was pushing the door. My body started to tremble in fear. I immediately grab my baseball bat and was ready to aim some shot when it stops. Things get silence. No cries, no fast steps walking, no growls, and no hard pushing on my door.

Did those beast went away? Are they gone?

As I walk slowly towards the door, my hands was holding tightly the baseball bat. My heart was racing fast. I can hear its own beats. I gulped hard as I started to get out the table and cabinet from the door while I was still holding the bat. Then after that, I slowly grab the doorknob and opened it. I saw no one outside. No people running. No beast eating flesh. It was just an empty corridor with some splash of bloods on the wall and floor.

I released a deep breath and hurriedly go back inside my room to pack my things. Things I only want to keep. When I finish, I hurriedly get out from my room. I must go down from the first floor of the academy and find the entrance.

I was walking slowly, carefully watching my pace and feel focus if someone was coming near me. As I walk through the stairs towards the first floor, I didn't expect what welcomed me.

"Holy shit!" I cursed hard as I saw it few meters away from me. Big eyes with slightly dark red iris. Open mouth with grossy saliva drooling out of its big, sharp teeth. My feet was stuck on the floor where I stop, trembling and head can't think straight.

The last thing I remembered is that someone came, and his eyes...

it was mysteriously attractive.

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora