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It took me several days to get used to my strange new freedom and existence with these peculiar people around me. Never before had I been to this place and be with them but they treat me as if I've been here and as if they know me well. Its been several days since I did not open my mouth except when they offer me foods. I did not offer any conversation with them too because there is only two people standing before me that I've seen in the academy and I barely know them; my one student who I ask to meet at the library but unfortunately it didn't happen and the man who is at the entrance that take care of the academy log book.

Of course, there is another one but he was a different subject to talk to. I sighed heavily as I take a seat at the couch near the well-covered window with long and thick curtains freely loose down the carpeted floor. This is my new chamber where I spent my several days stay here. Curious to know what place I am in and whats really behind this well-covered window, I pulled up the curtain. A loud ripping noise rent the air as I finally saw whats in the outside of the window.

They were there, both of them, sitting outside- Jen and the old-granny librarian. As I was about to call Jen's name, a hard slammed on the door makes my tounge retreat from its will to talk. When I look back to see who did it, I saw a pale woman dressed with long black gown which I think just done from a mourning session, If I'm not mistaken or...maybe not.

She walk towards me grinning. Who is she? Is she mad at me to slammed the door like that or is that really how she open doors? Quite weird though.

When she was few inches away from me, I look at her face especially to her eyes. She's beautiful except to her skin complexion. She's too pale. I mean, the people here are all pale as if they had no red cells running into their veins. Are they sick? But I'm sure that's not the answer for they look fine and can move more stronger than me, though it looks unusual. How can they jump and run like that? I mean they can disappear in thin air without a seconds if they choose to. Is that even a talent?

"So, you're the Kings woman?" I literally raised my eyebrows about her question. Me as the kings woman?...King? Did she mean, the one seating on a throne with a fascinating crown on the head? This is the third time I heard about it. Sure they might talk about it for I am in the continent that has a royal system, but me as the kings woman? That's very confusing and very unbelievable as well.

"I'm not. I'm a teacher." I innocently answered.

"Sure you are." She shortly responded. She occupied the gap between us by raising her arms towards my face.

"You've changed, but still incredibly beautiful Ivana."

"You know me?" I asked. How can she know me when this is the first time we've seen each other? Is she kidding me?

"Who wouldn't? You're the famous spouse of our King who finally decided to return after so many years." I literally cross my hands and raise my eyebrows higher about what she said.

"Excuse me? I think you all mistook me to someone. I'm not the Kings woman nor the person that those scary wolves worth chasing for."

"Sure, you would say that because you can't remember anything, dear. You lost all the memories you have with us, with our king and with your own family." Confused by what she said, I decided to left her in my chamber but I was stunned when she pulled me back and pinned me hard to the wall. She can move too fast and strong. How can she do that?

"W-What are you?.." I tried to hide my fear and tried looking up to her beautiful eyes. I'm sure she's wearing a contact lense.

"Good question, dear. What are we?..well, we're not just what your naked eyes can see. We descended from the same ancestors like yours."

"W-What?! You're crazy! You are all crazy to mistook for someone!" Instead of being annoyed by what I said, she laugh like crazy in front of me.

"I need to go. Stay away from me!" I tried to release myself from her grips but she's too strong.

"You can't go anywhere unless the King permits you to go. You belong here, Ivana. You belong to our world." If I had the same strength like her, I would definitely force myself to escape from her grips and push her hard if possible. I need to go. I need to stay away from this place with this mysterious and scary people I've no idea where parts of the galaxy they came from.

"Lets go!" She sound excited when she let off my two hands from her grips and drag me out. I rolled my eyes but I just saw her grin. I didn't move when shes at the doorway.

"Come on, lets go. He told me to fetch you."

"W-Who told you?"

"Your husband, our King." She's crazy, I'm very sure of it. She's talking shits and it drives me nut right now. At the end, I irritably walk with her when she drag me again down to somewhere. Sickened by her annoying grin, I take a seat at the long table made from quartz. I guess this is the longest table I've ever seen in my whole life. She offered me a seat, so I decided to accept it for I am sure she will always drag me to hell.

Whoever King they were talking about, I hope he died at an early age for bringing my life to this realm of suffering. Speaking of King, is she talking about Corvin? Gosh, am I right?

I suddenly heard sounds of people talking and walking towards the place I and this gorgeous slash crazy woman beside me was sitting. Then seconds later, here they are. My mouth was left open when I saw Jen, the strange man who first save me, Miss Amylie with some unfamiliar faces and him, Corvin. What are we all doing here? Are we the only survivor? I mean, what are we going to do here?

They arrange themselves into the remaining seats. Jen sit beside me at the right side while Miss Amylie and the strange man sit at the center part of all the chairs in the long table and Corvin at the other with some pale fellows who are eyeing me selflessly right now.

Then silence...
No one attempts to talk. I suddenly feel very nervous. Whats happening? Then realization suddenly hit me hard. I know I wasn't brought here coicidentally when they started discussing the reason why I'm with them right now.

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Where stories live. Discover now