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I tried to cover Jen's mouth, trying to hold her surprise. Feeling slightly guilty, I push her gently out of my room.

"Go. You and I have tons of stuff to do." I smiled at her closing the wooden door of my room. She just bombarded me a while ago with questions about me and the director sleeping together on the same room.
Exhausted, I sat on my bed. I glared at my phone on the side table. It hadn't been ringing since my first day here in the academy.

Enraged, I walked outside my still hideously empty room. I hadn't get any decorating stuffs on it yet. It's too far to go shopping in the city. I pressed my palm on my forehead and closed my eyes as I remember that my wallet was left in my room.

My God Ivana, you're spacing out these days!

I scolded myself as I turned and walked inside my room to find my wallet. After I found it, I walked down to the cafeteria to buy my dinner.

I stood in front of the cafeteria's counter as I find something for my dinner. Yes it's already 5:16 in the afternoon.
Trying to suppress my appetite, I ordered one box of fried chicken and one big scoop of rice with a glass of cold water. Honestly, I wanted to order one more meal but my wallet can't afford it. I have to save some money for my younger siblings school expenses and for my parents daily allowance.

I get a table near the window and started enjoying the crispy texture of the chicken.

"Alone?" A husky voice vibrated my ear and as I glance at him. I've noticed that his gaze were dark. He took one step at a time towards me until he reach my table then took a seat in front of me.

"Y-Yes.." I answered. My stomach flipped as he hold my hand in the table. His hand was very cold. I wonder how many times does he survived with such kind of body temperature. Is this still normal to him?

"Can you stay at my place, tonight?" He asked. My cheeks turned red as I remember what he did to me yesterday. He's watching me waiting for my response. Gaping, I nodded at him.

He gazed at me for a moment before we walked through the stairs going to the last floor of the academy where his room was built, I guess. I just finished my dinner but actually I did not eat it all because I feel awkward to his presence and stares.

It was already dark and the view of the hallway illuminates our path towards his room as the moon's light that slipped through the windows curtains. I can say that the moon is at its rising top tonight. I could also tell that it was already past six in the evening.

I feel content as we approached near the big iron door with golden knob.

"This is my room." He said looking at my face.

"Ah.." The only word that comes out in my mouth. His room was actually too big for him. I believe his living on it alone. We entered the room in silence while his still holding my hand.

He abruptly cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine the moment the iron door was close. He gently pulled and pinned me on the wall.
I should be panicked, but I felt thrilled!

"Are you okay?" He asked me between our kisses. Yes, I kissed him back. I don't know if I'm doing it properly but my lips suddenly opened. I nodded at his concern.

The warmth of his chest collided mine as he deepened the kisses. My eyes literally closed as he bite my lower lip sexily.

Seconds later, my eyes fluttered open when I finally feel that his hands is now touching my waist with my shirt still on it. God! This is breathtaking!
I held my breath. Time seemed to stop. His lips gestured towards my neck and in a flash, he kissed it again.

I tried to covered my mouth when he suddenly lick the bottom of my ear. Sensation is now ruling on my spine. But he pulled out my hand instantly and whispered in my ear.

"I'm Corvin. Please say my name...Ivana." Surprised by what he said, I gulp the lump on my throat as he suddenly cupped my breast. God! His hands was so fast.

"Stop! P-Please...C-Corvin." Out of fear and nervous, I shout the hell out of it that made him stop kissing my neck. Now was not a good time for this. I still have my monthly period. My core is still bleeding out there, for god sake!

Confused, he pouted obviously disappointed. He pulled himself away from me and guide me to his bed. My eyes started examining the things settled on his room. I can see that it is also a gallery-like room. All of its wall is designed with different paintings. I guess this is his second room. The first room that we both settled last time on the welcome party was also full hanged with different paintings.

I turned to look at Corvin who was now changing his upper cloth. And my eyes widened as I've noticed the black tattoo on his back. It was a dagger. The same dagger that Miss Amylie tried to let me keep it. It's my first time to see his back, off  from clothes.

My eyes was sealed on his back, specifically on the black tattoo. I stared on it in a moment until his cloth covered it. I blink twice, mesmerized by what I've seen.

"Come.." He said offering his hand to me. We ended up on his soft bed. I was lying beside him and his arms was now caressing my back. Looking at his pale face, I can see his perfect feature.

"You're still beautiful, my princess." I was froze to death by what he mumble. Princess?
I literally raised my eyebrow and turned my back at him.

"I'm not a princess." I said. He has no idea what he have said to me makes him a player to me. It sounds like he was just playing with me. I was suddenly deep in thought when I feel his arms circling around my waist.

"I'm just teasing you." He whispered before leaning in to kiss my neck again. Teasing me?
God! He's doing it very great that it might bring some odd thoughts to my head. But honestly, I'd love what his doing right now.

I turned to him and my hands moved of their own accord as they ran down the length of his back. Slowly, my lips curled with pleasure as he plant tiny kisses on my chest.

With so much passion burning around our body, he still managed to control himself and a messy tangle of limbs and arms all over his bed was captured in the night.
We both sleep on his bed with the sheets covering our dissatisfied body.

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Where stories live. Discover now