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I am stupid.

I never thought people like him could walk among common people like me. Think about it. He's the new master of this academy while me, I'm just a typical teacher here from the far land of Asia.

"Surprised?" He asked warily in front of me.
Blushing, I stared down the floor. I felt my stomach clench as I thought about him having a surprise visit on my bedroom.

"What a-are you doing here..?" My eyes brimmed with instant shy as I turned to look at him. He was close. So close that I could smell his breath and as I look straight into his eyes. God! His eyes...is my weakness.

He was watching me warily, but my question shocked him. It was written all over his face. After a few seconds of silence, he took a step forward, running his cold hands on my cheeks.

"You're beautiful.." I sighed. My breath becomes tight out of my loud heartbeat.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" He asked me directly. He turned to glance at my bed. He lifted his hand to caress my hair. I looked down to his shoulders shyly. And my breathing stopped when I saw his shirt was wet.

"Don't worry, I won't touch you. I just need to smell your scent." He smiled reassuringly which made my heart flutter. Butterfly played in my stomach, and I found myself blushing again.

"Ok.." I answered and carefully placed my hand on his shirt. I started unbuttoning it and I don't why I'm doing it. Maybe because I'm worried that he might get sick because of cold.

"Thanks.." He replied. I shrugged and my hands started to tremble as I unbuttoned the last one on his shirt.

"I'll find you another shirt. Stay at my bed." My voice cracked as I say it to him. I wondered how red my face right now if the light bulb on my room illuminates us tonight. Only the two small lampshades beside my bed are open.

I walk through my closet and find some dry lose shirt that can fit his body. Thankfully, I often collect some of it because I sometimes wear it as my night dress. And now, I can offer one of it to him.

Weird stuffs collection, right?
A warm feeling ran through me when I finally grab one shirt and give it to him. God! Those abs of him again!

Embarrassed, I turned around as he put on the shirt. How should I be able to sleep well if he's lying beside me?
I cleared my throat as turned to look at him. He didn't buttoned his shirt. God!

I slowly walk towards my bed and laid beside him. There's a great distance between us so I was surprised when he leaned to me and kiss my neck again.

His soft lips binds the space between us. I can feel the warmth of his tongue. There's still a hint of shy in my face as I closed my eyes. He's kissing my neck very great. He suddenly cupped my chin with his free hand, stroking my lips with his thumb.

"You are now my girlfriend." A warm feeling spread through me.
"And you can do whatever the bloody hell you want."

I couldn't think of a valid argument to that especially that I like what he's doing to my body. Though everything was fast and somehow unsure and blur, I can't resist him anymore.

His girlfriend?
My heart started to hammer inside my chest. My boyfriend is the new director of the academy?
What if he's just doing this out of loneliness?

He must have sensed my discomfort and panic and I was clearly failing to hide my rambling thoughts from him. When his eyes landed on me, my face softened and my concerned thoughts fly away.

"I don't feel sorry about this." Slowly, he grabbed my hand and hold tight on it. His blue-green eyes watched my face intensely for a moment before pressing his lips to mine. Fireworks fluttered in my stomach instantly as he pressed himself even closer to me.

His hands gripped me tightly as his kiss deepened. I was stocked for a moment. I don't know how to respond to his kisses, now that it brings butterfly and fireworks in my body. It's my first time to be kiss by someone and I don't know how to kiss, seriously.
Suddenly, he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. My erratic breathing doesn't matched him. His good at this, I think.

"I had to stop before I lost all my self-control." He gently whispered to me. A moment later, my breathing was back to normal and he pecked me on the cheek before lying beside me.

"Sleep tight." I heard him whispered before my eyes closed.

The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, something seemed off. I didn't see him lying on my bed anymore. Morning thoughts invaded my head. I can't still get over to all the things he said yesterday. Knowing that his our director made me feel nervous.

When my alarm went on, I hurriedly jumped out of my bed and cleaned myself.

"Morning!" Jen chirped in as she walked through the sliding door of the cafeteria. I smiled in response as I laid my hand on the glass of milk that I ordered.

"Someone's bright and cheery." She added. I just chuckled at her. Minutes later, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled my nostrils as Jen ordered it. She's leaning on our table smirking. I rolled my eyes and flipped her hair.

What's with that stares of her?

She shrugged after finishing her coffee.

"Who's with you yesterday?" She mumbled and this time I did roll my eyes. Is it good to tell her about me and the director of the academy sleeping together?

She giggled to my response.

"No worry I wont tell anyone. Care to share it to me tonight, missy!" She said and smiled pointing her index finger at me. Smiling shyly, I nod at her. She marched through the door again as she finished her coffee.

Scowling, I grabbed my glass and sipped the remaining milk on it. I stepped out of the cafeteria to walk through my first class today.

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Where stories live. Discover now