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"You look amazing!" Jen beamed at me as she put the finishing touches on my makeup. I smiled at her.

"You too." I told her. It was true. I looked great. My long black hair was cascading down my shoulders and a black dress fits me perfectly. What's our event?

Well, our meeting five hours ago is about the welcome party of the new director and all the professors are highly invited.

I missed the chance to assist the girl student who ask a favor to me in my second class. Because this party block my way to the library.

Actually, this event today were not the least of my concerns. The other teaching staffs and such was going to be at the party. I wasn't even sure how to address them properly and what titles they had. I might embarrass myself in front of them.

God! I think I need to stay in touch with Jen for some assistance. Soon, we approached the large iron door of the academy's grand hall. The door opened and as soon as we enter, lots of co-teachers made an introduction to me. I think they were close colleagues of Jen.

Ten minutes later, I was tired of the introductions to people who are all new to me and I'm probably unsure if I can still get in touch with them after this party is over.

Honestly, my cheeks hurt from faking a smile, and everywhere we turned, Jen had to talk to someone. Some people eyed me curiously before turning to the other guest. I nervously looked around as I noticed that a group of female teachers were glaring at me.

Jen's hand touched my bare shoulder. She was frowning at me. She pulled me nearer to her and whispered.

"Ignore those leeches. They're dangerous." She said in exasperated whisper. She's pertaining to the group of female teachers. We were surrounded by a lot of people and I was sure most of them were trying to guess whatever Jen's whispering to me right now.

"Okay." I answered. But seriously, they're dangerous? How dangerous is it really?

"Ugh. The former director is coming this way. Stay at my back." Jen's gray eyes were wide as she looked right beside us.

"Shit." Jen whispered beside me. "The old queen of leeches."

"Is she? Why---"

"Well, well well. My beloved staffs! How lovely to see you!" A squeaky voice said next to us as Jen let go of me. She's a little bit nervous I guess.

"Is she the new teacher of the four literature class? A weighty blonde woman asked as she fanned her face.

"Good evening, ma'am." I greeted shyly.
How on earth was I supposed to address her when I'd never seen her on the higher rank of staffs in the academy's board list. But if she was the former director, she was surely a name to be respect for.

"Would you like to dine with us, Mrs. Grevynson?" Jen nervously asked her saving me from saying anything more. She looked then signaled me to sit on the near table on our side.

I was left alone in a sea of overly dressed people who were eyeing me warily when Jen invited Mrs. Grevyson to grab some wine on the other spot of the grand hall.

I decided to walked around the the crown the moment I finish my last bite on food served on our table. Anyone would have been great to accompany me at this moment if I got here a months ago and meet new co-teachers that will help me to adjust.

I noticed a large wooden door that was open, so I walked towards it. I was surprised when it opened to the large veranda where my eyes was get fascinated to the midnight sky yesterday.

When I looked below the veranda,  I realized that it overlooked the large garden of the academy. I should have brought my cellphone to capture this scenic place.
How was I supposed to find Jen again?

Lost in the beautiful night scenery, my mind started to wander. A few months ago, my life was so different. I've never imagined that I got the courage to accept a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to teach in this academy.

Well, I know to myself that I'm really after to the big sum of money that I would be receiving through the remaining year of my teaching contract. But I'm actually after more on the experience of teaching that I would be having to this kind of academy after my contract was over.

I always believe that experience is the best teacher of all.
A cold chill ran down my spine, so I turned to go back to the grand hall. But my feet was stacked on the veranda's floor again when I see someone was standing near the wooden door.

He was looking at me. My heart started to plummet inside my ribcage as the man took another step towards me. He seemed serious. He took another step towards me and I took another step backwards.

A sliver of light shone across his face. God! Those eyes of him.

"Aren't you cold?" He asked gently as started to remove his coat. I was still in awe looking at him when he slowly placed his coat around my shoulders.

I shook my head and made a gesture to take it off. "I'm okay, thank---"

"It's very cold." He gazed reassuringly at me. "I won't take it back."

"Thank you."  I shyly thank him.
He shook his head.

"Nice evening, isn't it?"
I had mixed emotions over this. I actually agree to him that this evening was nice. But to have a conversation with him knowing the short space between our body makes me trembled out of loss in confidence. His presence is literally intimidating.

After staring at the gardens for a moment, he asked me that left my shoulders to slumped.

"Do you want me?" I was froze to death.
With too much loudness of my heart beat, I answered him that literally pushed me out of my own sanity.


You're a dead meat, Ivana!

Where the hell did you put your shame right now?

I guess my mother would abruptly slap me hard if she's with me right now.

What the hell did I just say?

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Where stories live. Discover now